tru_sdk_flutter 1.0.13 copy "tru_sdk_flutter: ^1.0.13" to clipboard
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tru.ID flutter plugin.

tru.ID SDK For Flutter #


The only purpose of the SDK is to force the data cellular connectivity prior to call a public URL, and will return the following JSON response

  • Success When the data connectivity has been achieved and a response has been received from the url endpoint
"http_status": string, // HTTP status related to the url
"response_body" : { // optional depending on the HTTP status
           ... // the response body of the opened url 
           ... // see API doc for /device_ip and /redirect
"debug" : {
    "device_info": string, 
    "url_trace" : string
  • Error When data connectivity is not available and/or an internal SDK error occurred
"error" : string,
"error_description": string
"debug": {
    "device_info": string,
    "url_trace" : string

Potential error codes: sdk_no_data_connectivity, sdk_connection_error, sdk_redirect_error, sdk_error.

Installation #

To add the package tru_sdk_flutter to your app project:

  1. Depend on it. Open the pubspec.yaml file located inside the app folder and add the following under the dependencies heading:
	`tru_sdk_flutter: ^x.y.z`
  1. Install it
    • From the terminal: Run:
    flutter pub get
    • From Android Studio/IntelliJ: Click Packages get in the action ribbon at the top of pubspec.yaml.
    • From VS Code: Click Get Packages located in right side of the action ribbon at the top of pubspec.yaml.

Compatibility #

Usage #

import 'package:tru_sdk_flutter/tru_sdk_flutter.dart';

// ...
// retrieve access token with coverage scope from back-end
   var token = ...
// open the device_ip public API endpoint
   TruSdkFlutter sdk = TruSdkFlutter();
   try {
     Map reach = await sdk.openWithDataCellularAndAccessToken(
      "", token, true);
     if (reach.containsKey("error")) {
      // Network connectivity error
     } else if (reach.containsKey("http_status")) {
       if (reach["http_status"] == 200 && reach["response_body"] != null) {
         // device is eligible for tru.ID
         Map<dynamic, dynamic>body = reach["response_body"];
         Coverage cv = Coverage.fromJson(body);
      } else if (reach["status"] == 400 && reach["response_body"] != null) {
         // MNO not supported see ${body.detail}
      } else if (reach["status"] == 412 && reach["response_body"] != null) {
         // Not a mobile IP see ${body.detail}
      } else if (reach["response_body"] != null) {
         // other error see ${body.detail}

import 'package:tru_sdk_flutter/tru_sdk_flutter.dart';

// ...
   TruSdkFlutter sdk = TruSdkFlutter();

    Map result = await sdk.openWithDataCellular(checkUrl, false);
      if (result.containsKey("error")) {
         // error
      } else if (result["http_status"] == 200 && result["response_body"] != null) {
            if (result["response_body"].containsKey("error")) {
               CheckErrorBody errorBody = CheckErrorBody.fromJson(body);
             // error see ${body.error_description}
            } else {
                CheckSuccessBody successBody = CheckSuccessBody.fromJson(body);
               // send code, check_id and reference_id to back-end
               // to trigger a PATCH /checks/{check_id}
         } else {
            // other error see ${body.detail}

Example Demo #

There's an embedded example demo is located in the example directory, see README

Meta #

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information. [license-image]: [license-url]: LICENSE




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