trober_sdk 0.0.44 copy "trober_sdk: ^0.0.44" to clipboard
trober_sdk: ^0.0.44 copied to clipboard


The trober SDK

trober_sdk (EXPERIMENTAL) #

The trober API

This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 0.1.8
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartDioNextClientCodegen

Requirements #

  • Dart 2.12.0 or later OR Flutter 1.26.0 or later
  • Dio 4.0.0+
  • timemachine option currently DOES NOT support sound null-safety and may not work

Installation & Usage #

Github #

If this Dart package is published to Github, please include the following in pubspec.yaml

name: trober_sdk
version: 0.0.44
description: The trober SDK
      version: 'any'

Local #

To use the package in your local drive, please include the following in pubspec.yaml

    path: /path/to/trober_sdk

Getting Started #

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import 'package:trober_sdk/trober_sdk.dart';

final api = DefaultApi();

try {
    final response = await api.appinfoGet();
} catch on DioError (e) {
    print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->appinfoGet: $e\n");

Documentation for API Endpoints #

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
DefaultApi appinfoGet get /appinfo Get supported App info
DefaultApi carriersGet get /carriers List all Carriers
DefaultApi carriersIdGet get /carriers/{id} Get carrier details
DefaultApi carriersIdPut put /carriers/{id} Update an existing carrier
DefaultApi carriersPost post /carriers Create a new Carrier
DefaultApi customersGet get /customers List all Customers
DefaultApi customersIdGet get /customers/{id} Get customer details
DefaultApi customersIdPut put /customers/{id} Update an existing customer
DefaultApi customersPost post /customers Create a new Customer
DefaultApi healthGet get /health Get server health
DefaultApi ordersGet get /orders List all Orders
DefaultApi ordersIdGet get /orders/{id} Get order details
DefaultApi ordersIdPut put /orders/{id} Update an existing order
DefaultApi ordersPost post /orders Create a new Order
DefaultApi selfDeviceRegisterPost post /self/device-register Register the device for the user
DefaultApi selfDeviceRemovePost post /self/device-remove Remove the device for the user
DefaultApi selfGet get /self Get details of the logged in user
DefaultApi selfTenantGet get /self/tenant Get tenant details of the logged in user
DefaultApi shipmentsGet get /shipments List all Shipments
DefaultApi shipmentsIdGet get /shipments/{id} Get shipment details
DefaultApi shipmentsIdPut put /shipments/{id} Update an existing shipment
DefaultApi shipmentsPost post /shipments Create a new Shipment
DefaultApi tenantsGet get /tenants List all tenants
DefaultApi tenantsIdGet get /tenants/{id} Get tenant details
DefaultApi tenantsIdPut put /tenants/{id} Update an existing tenant
DefaultApi tenantsPost post /tenants Create a new tenant
DefaultApi terminalsGet get /terminals List all Terminals
DefaultApi terminalsIdGet get /terminals/{id} Get terminal details
DefaultApi terminalsIdPut put /terminals/{id} Update an existing terminal
DefaultApi terminalsPost post /terminals Create a new Terminal
DefaultApi usersGet get /users List all users
DefaultApi usersIdDelete delete /users/{id} Delete the user
DefaultApi usersIdGet get /users/{id} Get user details
DefaultApi usersIdPut put /users/{id} Update an existing user
DefaultApi usersPost post /users Create a new user

Documentation For Models #

Documentation For Authorization #

ApiKeyAuth #

  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: X-TOKEN
  • Location: HTTP header

Author #