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A Flutter package for simple, scalable, and reactive state management with built-in dependency injection and efficient stream-based state handling.

Simple, Reactive, Scalable, & Opinionated State Management Library

Full Trent API β€’ Simple Weather App Using Trent Source Code

codecov unit tests

Perks #

  • πŸ”₯ Built-in dependency injection and service locator.
  • πŸ”₯ Utilizes efficient stream-based state management.
  • πŸ”₯ Uses Equatable for customizable equality checks.
  • πŸ”₯ Includes custom Option.Some(...)/Option.None() types for safety.
  • πŸ”₯ Clean separation of concerns: UI layer & business logic layer.

UI Layer That "Responds" To Your Business Logic States #

  • Alerter widget:

    • Listens for alert states emitted by your business logic using the alert(...) method.
    • Can also listen for normal state changes reactively from the business logic layer.
    • Provides a declarative way to handle temporary or one-time notifications (e.g., error messages or toast notifications) without changing the current state.
  • Digester widget:

    • Dynamically builds your UI based on the current state of your business logic.
    • Provides an intuitive, type-safe way to map each state to a corresponding UI representation.
  • Utility functions:

    • watch: Reactively listens to state changes and rebuilds widgets dynamically.
    • get: Retrieves a Trent instance without listening for state changes. The method used for invoking business logic functions.
    • watchMap: Reactively maps state to specific widgets dynamically based on type.

Business Logic Layer #

Define custom state classes, then use them in your Trent state manager:

//  Classes A, B, and C defined here 

// A single Trent state manager class
class AuthTrent extends Trent<AuthTypes> {
  AuthTrent() : super(A(1)); // Set initial state

  // You can add N number of business logic functions to
  // do logic and alter state
  void businessLogicHere() {
    // Business logic here

    // Based on the business logic, you can alter state
    // using build-in methods like:

    // Emit a new state WITH the UI reacting

    // Set a new state WITHOUT the UI reacting

    // Alert a temporary state WITHOUT setting it, but
    // being able to listen to it (for things like notifications)

    // Switch from one state to the other and back WITHOUT losing
    // the value of the state you transitioned away from
    getExStateAs<A>().match(some: (val) {
      // Do something
    }, none: () {
      // Do something

    // Get the current state as a specific typeg
    getCurrStateAs<A>().match(some: (val) {
      // Do something
    }, none: () {
      // Do something

    // Map over the current state and do things based on the type
    // (not all routes need to be defined)
      ..orElse((state) {
        // Do something (doElse run if nothing else more specific hit)
      })<A>((state) {
        // Do something
      })<B>((state) {
        // Do something
      })<C>((state) {
        // Do something

    // Simply access the raw state for custom manipulation
  /// ... More business functions ...
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Full API πŸ“š #

UI Layer: Built-in Widgets #

  • Alerter widget that listens to one-time state alert(...)s from your business logic layer in listenAlerts. This is good if your business logic needs to "quickly send off a state without saving it". An example would be you having Loading, Data, and WarningNotification states. You may be in Data state, but want to send off a quick WarningNotification state without having to throw away your Data state. This is what an alert(WarningNotification(...)) is good for. Alerter can also can listen to regular state updates in listenStates. Both can have their listeners programmatically toggled on/off with listenAlertsIf and listenStatesIf respectively.

    // AuthTrent is where your business logic is defined, AuthTrentTypes is
    // the type all your business logic types extend from (in this example `A`, `B`, and `C` states)
    Alerter<AuthTrent, AuthTrentTypes>(
        // Not all handlers need to be defined
        // This only listens to alerts
        listenAlerts: (mapper) => mapper
          ..orElse((state) {
            // Triggered if nothing more specific is defined
<A>((state) {
            // Called if `A` is alerted
<B>((state) {
            // Called if `B` is alerted
<C>((_) {
            // Called if `C` is alerted
        // Not all handlers need to be defined
        // This only listens to states emitted
        listenStates: (mapper) => mapper
          ..orElse((state) {
            // Triggered if nothing more specific is defined
<A>((state) {
            // Called if `A` is alerted
<B>((state) {
            // Called if `B` is alerted
<C>((_) {
            // Called if `C` is alerted
          // Only trigger listens if...
          listenAlertsIf: (oldAlert, newAlert) => true,
          listenStatesIf: (oldState, newState) => true,
        child: Container(),
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  • Digester widget that builds your UI based on your current business logic state.

    // AuthTrent is where your business logic is defined, AuthTrentTypes is
    // the type all your business logic types extend from (in this example `A`, `B`, and `C` states)
    Digester<AuthTrent, AuthTrentTypes>(
      // Not all handlers need to be defined
      child: (mapper) {
          ..orElse((state) => const Text("Rendered if no more specific type is defined"))
<A>((state) => Text("State is A"))
<B>((state) => const Text("State is B"))
<C>((state) => const Text("State is C"));
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Business Logic Layer: Built-in Functions #

  • emit(state): Emit a new state with the UI reacting.

    class CalculatorTrent extends Trent<CalculatorStates> {
      CalculatorTrent() : super(BlankScreen());
      // Emit a new state to update the UI with a calculation result
      void showResult(double result) {
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  • set(state): Set a new state without the UI reacting.

    class CalculatorTrent extends Trent<CalculatorStates> {
      CalculatorTrent() : super(BlankScreen());
      // Set the state to prepare for a calculation without triggering a UI update
      void prepareCalculation() {
        set(Division(10, 2));
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  • alert(state): Alert a temporary state WITHOUT setting/saving it, but being able to listen to it from the Alerter widget (for things like notifications).

    class CalculatorTrent extends Trent<CalculatorStates> {
      CalculatorTrent() : super(BlankScreen());
      // Send an alert to notify of an error without changing the current state
      void alertError(String message) {
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  • getExStateAs<T>(): This will return the last state of type T. Useful for accessing a state you transitioned away from. For example, if you transitioned from Division to Multiplication, you can still access the last value of the Division state after transitioning away from it.

    class CalculatorTrent extends Trent<CalculatorStates> {
      CalculatorTrent() : super(BlankScreen());
      // Access the previous Division state if it exists
      void reusePreviousDivision() {
          some: (state) {
            print("Resuming division: ${state.numerator} / ${state.denominator}");
          none: () {
            print("No previous division found.");
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  • getCurrStateAs<T>(): Returns the current state as type T. Useful for specific state operations.

    class CalculatorTrent extends Trent<CalculatorStates> {
      CalculatorTrent() : super(BlankScreen());
      // Log the current result if the state is a CalculationResult
      void logCurrentResult() {
          some: (state) {
            print("Current result: ${state.result}");
          none: () {
            print("Not in result state.");
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  • stateMap: Maps over the current state and performs actions based on its type.

    class CalculatorTrent extends Trent<CalculatorStates> {
      CalculatorTrent() : super(BlankScreen());
      // Perform different actions depending on the current state type
      void handleState() {
          ..orElse((state) {
            print("Generic state handler. Called if nothing more specific defined.");
<BlankScreen>((_) {
            print("Calculator is blank.");
<InvalidCalculation>((state) {
            print("Error: ${state.message}");
<CalculationResult>((state) {
            print("Result: ${state.result}");
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  • state: Access the raw state for custom manipulation.

    class CalculatorTrent extends Trent<CalculatorStates> {
      CalculatorTrent() : super(BlankScreen());
      // Print the raw state for debugging or custom handling
      void printRawState() {
        print("Raw state: $state");
    copied to clipboard
  • clearEx(state): Clears the memory of the last state of a specific type.

    class CalculatorTrent extends Trent<CalculatorStates> {
      CalculatorTrent() : super(BlankScreen());
      // Forget the last Division state
      void forgetPreviousDivision() {
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  • clearAllExes(): Clears the memory of all previous states.

    class CalculatorTrent extends Trent<CalculatorStates> {
      CalculatorTrent() : super(BlankScreen());
      // Clear the memory of all previous states
      void resetMemory() {
    copied to clipboard
  • reset(): Resets the Trent to its initial state.

    class CalculatorTrent extends Trent<CalculatorStates> {
      CalculatorTrent() : super(BlankScreen());
      // Reset the Trent to its initial state
      void resetCalculator() {
    copied to clipboard
  • dispose(): Disposes the Trent, closing its state streams.

    class CalculatorTrent extends Trent<CalculatorStates> {
      CalculatorTrent() : super(BlankScreen());
      // Clean up resources by disposing of the Trent
      void cleanup() {
    copied to clipboard
  • Access stateStream and alertStream for custom handling of streams.

    class CalculatorTrent extends Trent<CalculatorStates> {
      CalculatorTrent() : super(BlankScreen());
      // Listen to state and alert streams for real-time updates
      void listenToStates() {
        stateStream.listen((state) {
          print("State updated: $state");
        alertStream.listen((state) {
          print("Alert received: $state");
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General Utilities #

  • get<YOUR_TYPE_OF_TRENT>(): Get a Trent instance from the service locator. This is how you access your business logic functions from the UI layer.

    // Get the CalculatorTrent instance
    get<CalculatorTrent>().divide(10, 2);
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  • watchMap<T, S>(): Map state to specific UI widgets dynamically and reactively.

    Copy code
    watchMap<WeatherTrent, WeatherTypes>(context, (mapper) {
      mapper<Sunny>((state) => Text("Sunny: ${state.temperature}Β°C"))<Rainy>((state) => Text("Rainy: ${state.rainfall}mm"))
        ..orElse((_) => const Text("No Data"));
    copied to clipboard
  • watch<T>(): Reactive Trent retrieval. Use this when the UI needs to rebuild reactively based on state changes.

    Copy code
    final weatherTrent = watch<WeatherTrent>(context);
    copied to clipboard
  • TrentManager([Trent1(), Trent2(), ...]): Initialize multiple Trents at once. This should be done as high-up in the widget tree as possible, preferably, in the main.dart's void main() function.

    // Initialize multiple Trents at once
    TrentManager([AuthTrent(), CalculatorTrent(), FeedTrent(), ...]).init();
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How to Use #

Step-by-Step Guide #

1. Define Your State Types #

Use EquatableCopyable for your state types to enable equality comparison and state copying. Implement the copyWith method to allow partial updates.

abstract class WeatherTypes extends EquatableCopyable<WeatherTypes> {
  List<Object?> get props => [];

class NoData extends WeatherTypes {
  WeatherTypes copyWith() {
    return this;

class Sunny extends WeatherTypes {
  final double temperature;


  List<Object?> get props => [temperature];

  WeatherTypes copyWith({double? temperature}) {
    return Sunny(temperature ?? this.temperature);

class Rainy extends WeatherTypes {
  final double rainfall;


  List<Object?> get props => [rainfall];

  WeatherTypes copyWith({double? rainfall}) {
    return Rainy(rainfall ?? this.rainfall);
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2. Create Your Trent #

Extend Trent to define your state manager and initialize it with an initial state.

class WeatherTrent extends Trent<WeatherTypes> {
  WeatherTrent() : super(NoData());

  void updateToSunny(double temperature) {

  void updateToRainy(double rainfall) {

  void resetState() {
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3. Organize Your Files #

For better organization, consider creating a trents directory to store Trent files for each feature.

β”œβ”€β”€ main.dart
β”œβ”€β”€ trents/
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ weather_trent.dart
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ auth_trent.dart
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ etc. 
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4. Initialize Your Trents #

Initialize your Trents at the top of your widget tree using TrentManager and register.

void main() {
    trents: [register(WeatherTrent())],
    child: const MyApp(),

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Weather App')),
        body: WeatherScreen(),
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5. Call Business Logic Functions From UI #

To call business logic functions from the UI, use the get<T>() utility to retrieve your Trent instance. This allows you to trigger state changes or logic directly from the UI layer.


Suppose we have the following Trent class:

class WeatherTrent extends Trent<WeatherTypes> {
  WeatherTrent() : super(NoData());

  void updateToSunny(double temperature) {

  void updateToRainy(double rainfall) {

  void resetState() {
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Here’s how you can invoke its methods from the UI:

class WeatherScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Column(
      children: [
          onPressed: () {
            final weatherTrent = get<WeatherTrent>(context);
          child: const Text("Set to Sunny"),
          onPressed: () {
            final weatherTrent = get<WeatherTrent>(context);
          child: const Text("Set to Rainy"),
          onPressed: () {
            final weatherTrent = get<WeatherTrent>(context);
          child: const Text("Reset Weather State"),
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How It Works

  1. Retrieve the Trent instance: Use get<T>() to fetch the Trent instance. We use get instead of watch because get retrieves the Trent instance directly, while watch is used for reactive UI updates.
  2. Call methods: Trigger the desired business logic function, such as updateToSunny, updateToRainy, or resetState.
  3. UI updates: The UI automatically reacts to the state changes if Digester, watch, watchMap, or Alerter is used in the same widget tree.

6. Use Alerter, Digester, watch, and watchMap in Your UI #

These widgets and functions provide a declarative and flexible way to respond to state changes and alerts. Alerter is for listening to alert states, Digester for building UI based on the current state, while watch and watchMap give you more granular control for reactive or dynamic updates.

Example UI Implementation with Alerter and Digester

class WeatherScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Alerter<WeatherTrent, WeatherTypes>(
      listenAlerts: (mapper) {
<WeatherAlert>((alert) {
              SnackBar(content: Text("Alert: ${alert.message}")),
      child: Digester<WeatherTrent, WeatherTypes>(
        child: (mapper) {
  <Sunny>((state) => Text("Sunny: ${state.temperature}Β°C"))
  <Rainy>((state) => Text("Rainy: ${state.rainfall}mm"))
            ..orElse((_) => const Text("No Data"));
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Example with watch

class WeatherScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final weatherTrent = watch<WeatherTrent>(context);
    final state = weatherTrent.state;

    if (state is Sunny) {
      return Text("Sunny: ${state.temperature}Β°C");
    } else if (state is Rainy) {
      return Text("Rainy: ${state.rainfall}mm");
    } else {
      return const Text("No Data");
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Example with watchMap

class WeatherScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return watchMap<WeatherTrent, WeatherTypes>(context, (mapper) {
      mapper<Sunny>((state) => Text("Sunny: ${state.temperature}Β°C"))<Rainy>((state) => Text("Rainy: ${state.rainfall}mm"))
        ..orElse((_) => const Text("No Data"));
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7. Testing Your Trent #

Add tests to ensure your Trent works as expected.

void main() {
  test('WeatherTrent state transitions', () {
    final trent = WeatherTrent();

    // Initial state
    expect(trent.state, isA<NoData>());

    // Update to Sunny
    expect(trent.state, isA<Sunny>());
    expect((trent.state as Sunny).temperature, 25.0);

    // Update to Rainy
    expect(trent.state, isA<Rainy>());
    expect((trent.state as Rainy).rainfall, 50.0);

    // Reset state
    expect(trent.state, isA<NoData>());
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Additional Info πŸ“£ #

  • The package is always open to improvements, suggestions, and additions! Feel free to open issues or pull requests on GitHub.

  • I'll look through PRs and issues as soon as I can!

  • Learn about me.




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A Flutter package for simple, scalable, and reactive state management with built-in dependency injection and efficient stream-based state handling.

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