transformer_simplified 0.0.1
transformer_simplified: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
Simple framework to apply transformation and mapping between two maps, easy to use to transform and map between two different Json structures.
Example of how to use a mapping #
Mapping #
"id": "formUserToJSonUser",
"mappings": [
"type": "single",
"input": {
"path": "key1"
"output": {
"path": "name1"
"transformer": "builtin://toUppercase"
"type": "complex",
"list": true,
"input": {
"path": "key2"
"output": {
"path": "addresses",
"comment": "the type of the list is either the one introspected from the first root type or a Map<String, dynamic> if the output is a map/list with no predefined type"
"transformer": "mapping://map2Address"
"id": "map2Address",
"mappings": [
"type": "single",
"input": {
"path": "street"
"output": {
"path": "street"
"transformer": "builtin://toLowercase"
"type": "single",
"input": {
"path": "zipcode"
"output": {
"path": "ZipCode"
"transformer": "builtin://toInteger"
"type": "single",
"input": {
"path": "city"
"output": {
"path": "city"
"type": "complex",
"input": {
"path": "alias"
"output": {
"path": "alias"
"transformer": "mapping://mappingAlias"
"id": "mappingAlias",
"mappings": [
"type": "single",
"input": {
"path": "otherZipCode"
"output": {
"path": "newZipCode"
"transformer": "custom://revert"
Dart code showing how to use the mapping #
dynamic jsonData =
json.decode(await File('./example/mapping.json').readAsString());
TransformerRegistry.get().setCustom('revert', Revert());
TransformerSimplified.get().load('mapping', jsonData);
String key1LowerCase = 'david lower case';
String streetUpperCase = 'STREET IN UPPERCASE';
String zipCodeAsString = '10000';
String otherZipCode = 'other cedex in lowercase';
Map<String, dynamic> input = {
'key1': key1LowerCase,
'key2': [
'street': streetUpperCase,
'zipcode': zipCodeAsString,
'city': 'myCity',
'alias': {'otherZipCode': 'cedex in lowercase'}
'street': 'STREET2 IN UPPERCASE2',
'zipcode': '30000',
'city': 'yourCity',
'alias': {'otherZipCode': otherZipCode}
dynamic output = TransformerSimplified.get()
.execute(input, 'formUserToJSonUser', 'mapping');