tools_tkmonkey 0.0.2 tools_tkmonkey: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard
A simple lib with tools, we use this tools in our libraries.
DragHelper #
Basic Use:
animationController: animationController,
maxSlide: 255,
maxDragStartEdge: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width - 255,
minDragStartEdge: 60,
dissableDrag: true,
orientation: DragOrientation.RigthtToLeft
After define the TKMDragHelper
onHorizontalDragStart: dragHelper.onDragStart,
onHorizontalDragUpdate: dragHelper.onDragUpdate,
onHorizontalDragEnd: dragHelper.onDragEnd,
child: ...,
TKMController #
Basic Use:
Wrap the mixin functions in the CustomController functions
class CustomController extends TKMController with ForwardFunction, ReverseFunction {
void close() => reverseFunction();
void open() {
print('Show me a custom open print');
After define the CustomController
Initialize animationController from Mixin
and attached the state
class _CustomState extends State<CustomWidget>
with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin, AnimationControllerMixin {
void initState() {
animationController = AnimationController(
vsync: this,
duration: settings.duration,
widget.controller?.addState = this;