ton 0.0.3 copy "ton: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
ton: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard

Ton Sdk for Flutter

ton #

Ton Sdk for Flutter. This project uses org.ton:ton-kotlin:0.2.15 for native android calls and for web support and does not support linux and windows yet.

Getting Started #

First of all initiate a Ton variable #

final _tonPlugin = Ton();

Generating a random mnemonic: #


This function will return a Future of List of Strings which are the seed to your wallet.

Generating a random mnemonic with password: #

For doing this you have to pass the password as a String parameter.

_tonPlugin.randomMnemonic(password: "YOU_WALLET_PASSWORD");

This function will also return a Future of List of Strings which are the seed to your ton wallet.

Check if a mnemonic is valid: #

mnemonic = <String>['a', 'b', ...];

You can also pass your mnemonic's password if it has one.

Web Configuration #

Add the files in example project under web directory to your project and then add the script below to your index.html file

  <script src="ton-mnemonic/web/index.js"></script>

The files can be found here: Web Mnemonic Library