to_sqlite 0.1.4 to_sqlite: ^0.1.4 copied to clipboard
to_sqlite is a CLI tool which helps to convert CSV files into SQLite databases and model classes.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:to_sqlite/src/cli_client.dart';
/// This example demonstrates how to the `to_sqlite` library works.
/// You can modify the task to generate a configuration file or database
/// as needed.
/// This code serves as a way to understand and try out the tool
/// directly from the source code.
Future<void> main() async {
final task = Task.generateDB;
final arg = [task.command, '-f', task.filePath];
await CLIClient.shared.execute(arg);
enum Task {
generateDB('generate_db', 'assets/config.json'),
generateConfig('generate_config', 'assets/test.csv');
final String command;
final String filePath;
const Task(