tizen_bundle 0.1.0 copy "tizen_bundle: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
tizen_bundle: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard


Tizen bundle APIs.

tizen_bundle #

pub package

Tizen bundle APIs.

Usage #

To use this package, add tizen_bundle as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  tizen_bundle: ^0.1.0

Adding Content to a Bundle #

The bundle content is in the from of key-value pairs. The key is always a string. The value can be of the following types:

Table: Bundle value types

Type enum Dart type
BundleType.string String
BundleType.strings List
BundleType.bytes Uint8List

To add content to a bundle, use following methods or operator [](String key, Object value) you want to add:

  • Bundle.addAll()
  • Bundle.addEntries()
import 'package:tizen_bundle/tizen_bundle.dart';

var bundle = Bundle();
bundle['string'] = 'stringValue';

List<String> values = ['stringValue1', 'stringValue2', 'stringValue3'];
bundle['strings'] = values;

Uint8List bytes = Uint8List(3);
bytes[0] = 0x01;
bytes[1] = 0x02;
bytes[2] = 0x03;
bundle['bytes'] =  bytes;

When you no longer needed the bundle object, release it using the Bundle.dispose() method as below:


Managing the Bundle Content #

To manage the bundle content:

  1. Gets values from the bundle object using operator [](String key) you want to get : You can also get the number of the bundle items with the Bundle.length property, and check whether the value is the type or not with is keyword as below:
import 'package:tizen_log/tizen_log.dart';

String logTag = 'BundleTest';
Log.info(logTag, 'length: ${bundle.length}');
var stringValue = bundle['string'];
if (stringValue is String) {
  Log.info(logTag, 'string: $stringValue');

var stringsValue = bundle['strings'];
if (stringsValue is List<String>) {
  Log.info(logTag, 'strings: $stringsValue');

var bytesValue = bundle['bytes'];
if (bytesValue is Uint8List) {
  Log.info(logTag, 'bytes: $bytesValue');
  1. Deletes a key-value pair from the bundle content using the Bundle.remove() method:
if (bundle.containsKey('string'))

if (bundle.containsKey('strings'))

if (bundle.containsKey('bytes'))

Iterating the Bundle Content #

To iterate through the bundle records, use the 'Bundle.keys' property:

final keys = bundle.keys;
keys.asMap().forEach((index, key) {
  Log.info(logTag, 'key: ${keyInfo.name}');

Encoding and Decoding the Bundle #

To store or send a bundle over a connection, encode it to String with the Bundle.toRaw() method.

To open the encoded bundle, use the Bundle.fromRaw() method.

var bundle = Bundle();
bundle.addString('key1', 'value1');

var raw = bundle.toRaw();

var newBundle = Bundle.fromRaw(raw);
Log.info(logTag, 'value: ${newBundle.getString('key')}');