title_carousel 1.1.2 copy "title_carousel: ^1.1.2" to clipboard
title_carousel: ^1.1.2 copied to clipboard

An image carousel which allows for title text to be overlaid on top with custom properties.

Flutter image carousel component which can be used to create multiple rotating images within a single component using either network or local images. This carousel can also add text overlay along with automatically determined text colour based on the image brightness.

Installation #

To get started, you will need to add the following in the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project

  title_carousel: any

Import the package like so

import 'package:title_carousel/title_carousel.dart';

Usage #

To add a TitleCarousel to your project, you can use the widget like normal in your widget tree with the images supplied using the CarouselImage class.

  images: [
    CarouselImage(image: "https://source.unsplash.com/b027q9eF3Yo.jpeg"),
    CarouselImage(image: "https://source.unsplash.com/6L-b2EmQ4gk.jpeg"),
    CarouselImage(image: "https://source.unsplash.com/6L-b2EmQ4gk.jpeg")

This will create a simple image carousel with all default values - switching between the 3 images cyclically.

To add text to your image - you need to pass the TextProperties class to the corresponding overlay within your CarouselImage.

  image: "https://source.unsplash.com/b027q9eF3Yo.jpeg",
  titleOverlay: TextProperties(title: "Swan\n", computeLuminance: true),
  childrenTextOverlay: [
    TextProperties("An elegant swan swimming in the lake", computeLuminance: true)

For each TextProperties object you can use luminance to influence the text colour used by setting computeLuminance to true. You can also customise the colours used by changing the brightColor and darkColor attributes. This class also contains the same attributes as a Text object - so you can customise the text however you like.

TitleCarousel takes the dotDecoration argument which allows for you to style the indicator however you like - you can even change the selectedColor to any color for when the current dot is active!

Getting the current image at any given time

To get the currently displayed image of a TitleCarousel you can assign a key to the widget and retrieve the current state from which you can get the current on display CarouselImage

  GlobalKey<TitleCarouselState> carouselKey = GlobalKey();
  TitleCarousel(key: carouselKey)
  String getCurrentImage() {
    CarouselImage image = carouselKey.currentState.getCurrentImage();
    return image.image;

Example #

You can view an example under the examples/ directory, which is a flutter app showing the functionality of both non-luminous calculation and luminous calculation for text colour. The non-luminous example shows a set of pre-determined networked images whilst the luminous example will fetch random images from unsplash. To try the luminous example, you will need to add your unsplash accessToken to the variable inside of examples/lib/luminance.dart.

Something to note, is that because the colours you can pass is binary as it is based off luminosity - it may not always be as effective as using something like K-means to determine the most dominant colour but this will give you the best colour based on the brightness at that location.

pub points


unverified uploader

An image carousel which allows for title text to be overlaid on top with custom properties.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


Apache-2.0 (license)


cached_network_image, flutter, http, image


Packages that depend on title_carousel