tiny_react 1.1.0 copy "tiny_react: ^1.1.0" to clipboard
tiny_react: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard

Syntax sugar for `ValueNotifier` and `ValueListenableBuilder`. Reactive programming with less boilerplate.

tiny_react #

pub package

English, 日本語

tiny_react is a syntax sugar for ValueNotifier and ValueListenableBuilder.
You will be able to write Reactive programming using ValueNotifier with fewer boilerplates.
It can be combined with tiny_locator to make a tiny state management library.

It is a very small library with less than 100 lines (without comments), so it is easy for anyone to understand how it works.
As the name suggests, it is a small library, so I don't plan to add major features in the future, but I may add features that require only small modifications.

Getting started #

Define a ValueNotifier using notif and create a Widget that will be updated using the build method.

class MyPage extends StatelessWidget {
  final count = 0.notif;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Center(
        child: count.build((val) => Text('$val')),
      floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
        onPressed: () => count.value++,
        child: const Icon(Icons.add),

Usage #

notif is a syntax sugar for ValueNotifier.
A subclass of ValueNotifier called CollectionNotifier is used for List/Map/Set.

final num = 0.notif;
// final num = ValueNotifier(0);
final float = 0.0.notif;
// final float = ValueNotifier(0.0);
final boolean = false.notif;
// final boolean = ValueNotifier(false);
final str = 'abc'.notif;
// final str = ValueNotifier('abc');
final obj = MyClass().notif;
// final obj = ValueNotifier(MyClass());
final list = <int>[].notif;
// final list = CollectionNotifier(<int>[]);
final map = <String, int>{}.notif;
// final map = CollectionNotifier(<String, int>{});

In the case of nullable, it is defined as follows

final nNum = null.notif<int>();
// final nNum = ValueNotifier<int?>(null);
final nNum2 = 0.nNotif;
// final nNum2 = ValueNotifier<int?>(0);
final list = null.iNotif<List<int>>();
// final list = CollectionNotifier(<int>[]?);

The build method is a syntax sugar to ValueListenableBuilder.
When the value of ValueNotifier is updated, the build method is called with the new value.

final count = 0.notif;
count.build((val) => Text('$val'));
/// same as
// ValueListenableBuilder<int>(
//   valueListenable: count,
//   builder: (_, v, __) => Text('$v'),
// )
/// you can use as follows
// count((val) => Text('$val'));

The value of ValueNotifier is automatically notified when it is changed, but not when the content of collections such as List is changed, so you should call notifyListeners in CollectionNotifier by yourself.

// automatic notification
// collections objects require notification by myself

If you want to watch multiple values, you can call build directly from a list.

final count1 = 0.notif;
final count2 = 0.notif;
[count1, count2].build((vals) => Text('$vals'));

tiny_locator #

tiny_locator is a tiny service locator that serves as a global access point to services. When combined with tiny_react, it becomes Flutter's tiny state management method.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:tiny_locator/tiny_locator.dart';
import 'package:tiny_react/tiny_react.dart';

class MyController {
  final num = 0.notif;
  final list = <int>[].notif;

  void doSomething() {
    if (num.value % 2 == 0) {

void main() {
  locator.add(() => MyController());
  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: MyPage(),

class MyPage extends StatelessWidget {
  final controller = locator.get<MyController>();

  MyPage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('MyPage')),
      body: Center(
        child: Column(
          mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
          children: <Widget>[
            const Text(
              'You have pushed the button this many times:',
            controller.num.build((val) => Text('$val')),
            controller.list.build((val) => Text('$val')),
      floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
        onPressed: () => controller.doSomething(),
        child: const Icon(Icons.add),
pub points


verified publisherzuvola.com

Syntax sugar for `ValueNotifier` and `ValueListenableBuilder`. Reactive programming with less boilerplate.

Repository (GitHub)
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