tiny_expr 0.3.1
tiny_expr: ^0.3.1 copied to clipboard
A Dart library for evaluating mathematical expressions with support for variables and functions.
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:tiny_expr/tiny_expr.dart';
void main() {
// Test a TinyExpr evaluator with a given expression and expected result
void testExpression(String expression, double expected,
{bool approx = false}) {
try {
final te = TinyExpr(expression);
final result = te.evaluate();
if (approx) {
// For approximate comparisons (e.g., floating-point results)
if ((result - expected).abs() < 1e-6) {
print("✅ Passed: $expression = $result (expected: $expected)");
} else {
print("❌ Failed: $expression = $result (expected: $expected)");
} else {
// For exact comparisons
if (result == expected) {
print("✅ Passed: $expression = $result");
} else {
print("❌ Failed: $expression = $result (expected: $expected)");
} catch (e) {
print("❌ Failed: $expression threw an error: $e");
// Run all tests
print("Starting tests...\n");
// Basic Arithmetic
testExpression("2 + 3", 5.0);
testExpression("10 - 4", 6.0);
testExpression("6 * 7", 42.0);
testExpression("20 / 5", 4.0);
testExpression("8 % 3", 2.0);
// Exponentiation
testExpression("2^3", 8.0);
testExpression("5^0", 1.0);
// Parentheses and Operator Precedence
testExpression("(2 + 3) * 4", 20.0);
testExpression("2 + 3 * 4", 14.0);
testExpression("(2 + 3)^2", 25.0);
// Unary Negation
testExpression("-5", -5.0);
testExpression("-(2 + 3)", -5.0);
// Constants
testExpression("pi", pi, approx: true);
testExpression("e", e, approx: true);
// Trigonometric Functions
testExpression("sin(pi / 2)", 1.0, approx: true);
testExpression("cos(pi)", -1.0, approx: true);
testExpression("tan(pi / 4)", 1.0, approx: true);
testExpression("atan2(1, 1)", pi / 4, approx: true);
testExpression("cosec(pi / 2)", 1.0, approx: true);
testExpression("sec(0)", 1.0, approx: true);
testExpression("cot(pi / 4)", 1.0, approx: true);
// Hyperbolic Functions
testExpression("sinh(1)", sinh(1.0), approx: true);
testExpression("cosh(1)", cosh(1.0), approx: true);
testExpression("tanh(1)", tanh(1.0), approx: true);
// Logarithmic Functions
testExpression("log(100)", 2.0);
testExpression("ln(e)", 1.0, approx: true);
// Square Root and Absolute Value
testExpression("sqrt(16)", 4.0);
testExpression("abs(-5)", 5.0);
// Exponential
testExpression("exp(1)", e, approx: true);
// Rounding Functions
testExpression("ceil(2.1)", 3.0);
testExpression("floor(2.9)", 2.0);
// Factorial
testExpression("fac(5)", 120.0);
testExpression("fac(0)", 1.0);
testExpression("fac(1)", 1.0);
testExpression("5!", 120.0); // Added example for factorial operator
testExpression("0!", 1.0); // Added example for factorial operator
testExpression("1!", 1.0); // Added example for factorial operator
// Combinations (nCr) and Permutations (nPr)
testExpression("ncr(5, 3)", 10.0);
testExpression("npr(5, 2)", 20.0);
// Variables
try {
final teWithVars = TinyExpr("x + y * z");
teWithVars.addVariables({"x": 3.0, "y": 2.0, "z": 5.0});
final result = teWithVars.evaluate();
if (result == 13.0) {
print("✅ Passed: x + y * z with variables = $result");
} else {
print("❌ Failed: x + y * z with variables = $result (expected: 13.0)");
// Update variable values
teWithVars.updateVariables({"x": 10.0});
final updatedResult = teWithVars.evaluate();
if (updatedResult == 20.0) {
print("✅ Passed: Updated x = $updatedResult");
} else {
print("❌ Failed: Updated x = $updatedResult (expected: 20.0)");
} catch (e) {
print("❌ Failed: Variable tests threw an error: $e");
// Nested Expressions
testExpression("fac(3) + ncr(5, 2) * sqrt(16)", 6 + 10 * 4);
// Complex Expressions
testExpression("2 + 3 * (4 - 1)^2 / 2", 15.5);
testExpression("5! + 3^2 - sqrt(16) * log(100)", 120.0 + 9 - 4 * 2);
testExpression("sin(pi / 2) + cos(0) * tan(pi / 4)", 1.0 + 1.0 * 1.0,
approx: true);
testExpression("exp(1) + ln(e) - fac(3)", e + 1.0 - 6.0, approx: true);
testExpression("ceil(2.1) + floor(2.9) * abs(-5)", 3.0 + 2.0 * 5.0);
// Errors
try {
print("❌ Failed: Unknown variable/function should throw error");
} catch (e) {
print("✅ Passed: Unknown variable/function error handled: $e");
try {
TinyExpr("5 +").evaluate();
print("❌ Failed: Incomplete expression should throw error");
} catch (e) {
print("✅ Passed: Incomplete expression error handled: $e");
try {
print("❌ Failed: log(-1) should throw error or return NaN");
} catch (e) {
print("✅ Passed: log(-1) error handled: $e");
print("\nAll tests completed!");
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