time_since 1.0.1 copy "time_since: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
time_since: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard

convert DateTime and Unix timestamps into human-readable 'time-ago' strings

time_since #

A Flutter package that converts timestamps into human-readable time-ago strings (e.g., "2 hours ago", "3 months ago").

Features #

  • Convert timestamps or DateTime objects into human-readable time strings
  • Customizable output format
  • Support for multiple time units (years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
  • "Just now" threshold for very recent times
  • Configurable precision for time descriptions
  • Automatic pluralization of time units

Installation #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  time_since: ^1.0.0

Then run:

flutter pub get

Usage #

Basic Usage #

import 'package:time_since/time_since.dart';

// Using with DateTime
final dateTime = DateTime(2024, 1, 1);
print(timeSince(dateTime)); // "3 months ago"

// Using with Unix timestamp (seconds)
final timestamp = 1704067200; // January 1, 2024
print(timeSince(timestamp)); // "3 months ago"

Customizing Output #

You can customize the output format using TimeFormatOptions:

final options = TimeFormatOptions(
  addAgo: false,         // Don't append "ago" to the result
  maxPrecision: 2,       // Show up to 2 units (e.g., "1 year, 2 months")
  justNowThreshold: 60,  // Show "just now" for times within 60 seconds

final time = DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(hours: 25));
print(timeSince(time, options)); // "1 day, 1 hour"

API Reference #

timeSince #

String timeSince(dynamic time, [TimeFormatOptions? options])

Formats a time into a human-readable time-ago string.


  • time: Either a Unix timestamp (int) or a DateTime object
  • options: Optional TimeFormatOptions to customize the output

Returns a formatted string like "2 hours ago" or "3 months ago".

TimeFormatOptions #

class TimeFormatOptions {
  final bool addAgo;            // Whether to append "ago" to the result
  final int maxPrecision;       // Maximum number of units to show
  final int justNowThreshold;   // Seconds threshold for "just now"
  const TimeFormatOptions({
    this.addAgo = true,
    this.maxPrecision = 1,
    this.justNowThreshold = 30,

Time Units #

The package supports the following time units:

  • Years
  • Months
  • Days
  • Hours
  • Minutes
  • Seconds

Time units are automatically pluralized based on the value (e.g., "1 month" vs "2 months").

Error Handling #

The package throws an ArgumentError if the provided time input is invalid. Valid inputs are:

  • Unix timestamps (int)
  • DateTime objects

License #

MIT License - feel free to use this package in your projects.

Contributing #

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

Say Hello to Jeff 👋 #

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convert DateTime and Unix timestamps into human-readable 'time-ago' strings

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#time #timeago #date-formatting #time-format #time-utils


API reference


MIT (license)


Packages that depend on time_since