time_since 1.0.0 time_since: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
convert DateTime and Unix timestamps into human-readable 'time-ago' strings
import 'package:time_since/time_since.dart';
void main() {
// Example 1: Basic usage with DateTime
void basicDateTimeExample() {
final now = DateTime.now();
final pastTime = now.subtract(const Duration(hours: 5));
print(timeSince(pastTime)); // "5 hours ago"
// Example 2: Using Unix timestamp
void unixTimestampExample() {
final timestampInSeconds = 1698422400; // October 27, 2023
print(timeSince(timestampInSeconds)); // Results vary based on current date
// Example 3: Custom formatting options
void customFormattingExample() {
final now = DateTime.now();
final pastTime = now.subtract(const Duration(days: 45));
final options = TimeFormatOptions(
addAgo: false, // Don't append "ago"
maxPrecision: 2, // Show two units
print(timeSince(pastTime, options)); // "1 month, 15 days"
// Example 4: Working with very recent times
void recentTimesExample() {
final now = DateTime.now();
final justNow = now.subtract(const Duration(seconds: 10));
final almostNow = now.subtract(const Duration(seconds: 45));
// Default threshold is 30 seconds
print(timeSince(justNow)); // "just now"
print(timeSince(almostNow)); // "45 seconds ago"
// Custom threshold
final options = TimeFormatOptions(justNowThreshold: 60);
print(timeSince(almostNow, options)); // "just now"
// Example 5: High precision formatting
void highPrecisionExample() {
final now = DateTime.now();
final pastTime = now.subtract(const Duration(
days: 400,
hours: 5,
minutes: 30,
final options = TimeFormatOptions(
maxPrecision: 3,
addAgo: true,
print(timeSince(pastTime, options)); // "1 year, 1 month, 5 days ago"
// Example 6: Error handling
void errorHandlingExample() {
try {
// Invalid input type
print(timeSince("not a valid time"));
} catch (e) {
print('Error: $e');
// Prints: Error: Invalid time input. Expected Unix timestamp (int) or DateTime object
// Running the examples