time_machine 0.9.17
time_machine: ^0.9.17 copied to clipboard
Date and time library for Flutter, Web, and Server with support for timezones, calendars, cultures, formatting and parsing.
// Copyright 2018 The Time Machine Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0, as found in the LICENSE.txt file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:time_machine/time_machine.dart';
import 'package:time_machine/time_machine_text_patterns.dart';
Future main() async {
try {
// Sets up timezone and culture information
await TimeMachine.initialize();
print('Hello, ${DateTimeZone.local} from the Dart Time Machine!\n');
var tzdb = await DateTimeZoneProviders.tzdb;
var paris = await tzdb['Europe/Paris'];
var now = Instant.now();
print('UTC Time: $now');
print('Local Time: ${now.inLocalZone()}');
print('Paris Time: ${now.inZone(paris)}\n');
print('UTC Time: ${now.toString('dddd yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm')}');
print('Local Time: ${now.inLocalZone().toString('dddd yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm')}\n');
var french = (await Cultures.getCulture('fr-FR'))!;
print('Formatted and French ($french)');
print('UTC Time: ${now.toString('dddd yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm', french)}');
print('Local Time: ${now.inLocalZone().toString('dddd yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm', french)}\n');
print('Parse French Formatted ZonedDateTime');
// without the 'z' parsing will be forced to interpret the timezone as UTC
var localText = now
.toString('dddd yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm z', french);
var localClone = ZonedDateTimePattern
.createWithCulture('dddd yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm z', french)
catch (error, stack) {