time_interval_picker 0.0.3
time_interval_picker: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard
Integrate a Custom Time Interval Picker with ease in your dart code.
time_interval_picker #
A Custom Time Interval Select Dropdown for getting a Time Range.
Installation #
1. Depend On It
Add this to pubspec.yaml
time_interval_picker: ^[latest_version]
copied to clipboard
2. Install it
Run the following command in shell
flutter pub get
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3. Import It
Import the package in your Dart Code
import 'package:time_interval_picker/time_interval_picker.dart';
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Base Usage #
endLimit: null,
startLimit: null,
onChanged: (DateTime? startTime, DateTime? endTime, bool isAllDay) {},
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License #
The project is licensed under MIT License