thinksys_mediapipe_plugin 0.0.13 copy "thinksys_mediapipe_plugin: ^0.0.13" to clipboard
thinksys_mediapipe_plugin: ^0.0.13 copied to clipboard


Add motion-based magic to your Flutter apps! ThinkSys Mediapipe Plugin offers real-time pose detection for iOS, with easy integration, customizable options, and endless possibilities for fitness, heal [...]

ThinkSys Mediapipe Plugin #

The ThinkSys Mediapipe Plugin brings pose detection to Flutter apps, filling a gap for iOS developers. It offers real-time tracking, easy integration, and customizable options for fitness and healthcare apps. By connecting MediaPipe's capabilities with Flutter's framework, we're enabling developers to build engaging, motion-based iOS apps easily.


Setup #

  1. First add the dependency in pubspec.yaml file & do run flutter pub get in terminal

       thinksys_mediapipe_plugin: ^0.0.13
  2. Add camera usage permission in Info.plist in example/ios

    <string>This app uses camera to get pose landmarks that appear in the camera feed.</string>
  3. Run cd ios && pod install

  4. Run flutter pub get

Properties #

Properties Description
cameraFacing Defines which camera to use (front or back). Affects the data provided by cameraFacing.
cameraOrientation Sets the camera orientation (portrait or landscape). Affects the data provided by cameraOrientation.
onLandmark Callback function to retrieve body landmark data.
face Toggles visibility of the face in the body model. Affects the data provided by face.
leftArm Toggles visibility of the left arm in the body model. Affects the data provided by leftArm.
rightArm Toggles visibility of the right arm in the body model. Affects the data provided by rightArm.
leftWrist Toggles visibility of the left wrist in the body model. Affects the data provided by leftWrist.
rightWrist Toggles visibility of the right wrist in the body model. Affects the data provided by rightWrist.
torso Toggles visibility of the torso in the body model. Affects the data provided by torso.
leftLeg Toggles visibility of the left leg in the body model. Affects the data provided by leftLeg.
rightLeg Toggles visibility of the right leg in the body model. Affects the data provided by rightLeg.
leftAnkle Toggles visibility of the left ankle in the body model. Affects the data provided by leftAnkle.
rightAnkle Toggles visibility of the right ankle in the body model. Affects the data provided by rightAnkle.

Usage #

Basic Usage #

For basic usage of the PoseLandmarks widget without any props:

import 'package:thinksys_mediapipe_plugin/pose_detection.dart';

  key: UniqueKey(),

Usage with Camera Facing Option #

To specify which camera to use (front or back):

  key: UniqueKey(),
  cameraFacing: CameraFacing.front,

Usage with Orientation Handling #

To handle orientation changes (portrait or landscape):

  key: UniqueKey(),
  options: PoseLandmarkOptions(
    cameraOrientation: orientation == Orientation.portrait
        ? CameraOrientation.portrait
        : CameraOrientation.landscape,

Usage with Body Properties #

To customize which body parts are tracked using properties like face, leftArm, rightLeg, etc.:

  key: UniqueKey(),
  options: PoseLandmarkOptions(
    face: true,
    leftArm: true,
    rightArm: true,
    leftLeg: true,
    rightLeg: true,
    torso: true,

Usage with onLandmark Properties #

To capture and process the pose landmarks detected:

  key: UniqueKey(),
  options: PoseLandmarkOptions(
    poseLandmarks: (value) {
      print("Received Landmarks: $value");



License #

This project is licensed under a custom MIT License with restrictions - see the LICENSE file for details.




Weekly Downloads

Add motion-based magic to your Flutter apps! ThinkSys Mediapipe Plugin offers real-time pose detection for iOS, with easy integration, customizable options, and endless possibilities for fitness, healthcare, and more.

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#mediapipe #pose-detection


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unknown (license)


equatable, flutter, flutter_web_plugins, plugin_platform_interface, web


Packages that depend on thinksys_mediapipe_plugin