thermion_dart 0.2.1-dev.0.0.16 thermion_dart: ^0.2.1-dev.0.0.16 copied to clipboard
3D rendering toolkit for Dart.
0.2.1-dev.0.0.16 #
- FEAT: Rename Gizmo material to UnlitFixedSize, and expose methods for using this material on other entities. Also exposes new methods for setting single float parameters.
0.2.1-dev.0.0.15 #
- FIX: remove superfluous ceil() calls for picking coordinates.
- FEAT: expose zoomSensitivity argument for flight input handler.
0.2.1-dev.0.0.14 #
- FIX: reduce size of pick functor for compatibility with armeabi-v7a.
- FEAT: sanitize file paths in build.dart for Windows compatibility.
- FEAT: pass through fragment coordinates for picking.
- FEAT: pass through fragment coordinates for picking.
0.2.1-dev.0.0.13 #
- FIX: properly pass through loadResourcesAsync flag for loadGlbFromBuffer.
- FIX: properly pass through loadResourcesAsync flag for loadGlbFromBuffer.
- FEAT: pass through fragment coordinates for picking.
- FEAT: add SCALE2_MOVE InputType.
- FEAT: add SCALE2_MOVE InputType.
0.2.1-dev.0.0.12 #
- FIX: properly pass through loadResourcesAsync flag for loadGlbFromBuffer.
- FIX: properly pass through loadResourcesAsync flag for loadGlbFromBuffer.
- FEAT: add SCALE2_MOVE InputType.
- FEAT: add SCALE2_MOVE InputType.
0.2.1-dev.0.0.12 #
- FIX: properly pass through loadResourcesAsync flag for loadGlbFromBuffer.
- FEAT: add SCALE2_MOVE InputType.
0.2.1-dev.0.0.11 #
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- FEAT: add SCALE2_ROTATE to InputHandler.
- BREAKING FEAT: expose velocity, rotation and timestamp for scale events in listener. accept rotationSensitivity/zoomSensitivity for FixedOrbitRotateInputHandlerDelegate.
0.2.1-dev.0.0.10 #
Note: This release has breaking changes.
Change defaults for DelegateInputHandler
REFACTOR: move native types to own header, add methods for create/destroy material instance, add priority/layer to load_glb_from_buffer.
REFACTOR: native types.
REFACTOR: continual refactor to support multiple render targets.
REFACTOR: native types.
REFACTOR: move native types to own header, add methods for create/destroy material instance, add priority/layer to load_glb_from_buffer.
REFACTOR: Dart types.
REFACTOR: Dart types.
REFACTOR: continual refactor to support multiple render targets.
REFACTOR: native types.
REFACTOR: native types.
FIX: set render target to null for each view and then destroy render targets when viewer disposed.
FIX: add check for nan NDC coordinates for viewport translation.
FIX: move createUnlitMaterialInstance and createGeometry to render thread.
FIX: properly destroy entities/material/etc in Gizmo on destruction, remove custom scene creation logic.
FIX: dont calculate surface orientation for non-triangle geometry.
FIX: set View render target to nullptr if Dart renderTarget is null.
FIX: properly destroy entities/material/etc in Gizmo on destruction, remove custom scene creation logic.
FIX: add Fence to capture() and set stencil buffer by default.
FIX: emscripten export visibility for add_light.
FIX: (wasm) use correct coords for pick, free memory correctly, keep pixelratio copy.
FIX: add more nan checks for gizmo manipulation.
FIX: add check for nan NDC coordinates for viewport translation.
FIX: (web) add emscripten guards for flushAndWait call when swapchain destroyed.
FIX: move createUnlitMaterialInstance and createGeometry to render thread.
FIX: move createUnlitMaterialInstance and createGeometry to render thread.
FIX: move createUnlitMaterialInstance and createGeometry to render thread.
FIX: dont calculate surface orientation for non-triangle geometry.
FIX: add more nan checks for gizmo manipulation.
FIX: set View render target to nullptr if Dart renderTarget is null.
FIX: set render target to null for each view and then destroy render targets when viewer disposed.
FIX: move ThermionWin32.h to include.
FIX: move ThermionWin32.h to include.
FIX: (wasm) use correct coords for pick, free memory correctly, keep pixelratio copy.
FIX: emscripten export visibility for add_light.
FIX: ignore pick results directly on axis.
FIX: add Fence to capture() and set stencil buffer by default.
FIX: move createUnlitMaterialInstance and createGeometry to render thread.
FIX: (web) add emscripten guards for flushAndWait call when swapchain destroyed.
FIX: ignore pick results directly on axis.
FIX: move createUnlitMaterialInstance and createGeometry to render thread.
FEAT: download WASM module directly on web (no need to embed in index.html any more) and expose updateViewportAndCameraProjection.
FEAT: layers, grid.
FEAT: simplify FixedOrbitCameraRotationDelegate.
FEAT: produce debug symbols on Windows.
FEAT: move HighlightOverlay to nested class, move createGeometry to SceneManager, add queueRelativePositionUpdateFromViewportVector.
FEAT: set InputType.SCALE1 to ROTATE by default for DelegateInputHandler.fixedOrbit.
FEAT: parent the cloned entity instance when setting stencil highlight.
FEAT: add getAncestor method.
FEAT: add getAncestor method.
FEAT: set stencil highlight on gizmo attach.
FEAT: move createGeometry to SceneManager, add queueRelativePositionUpdateFromViewportVector and removeStencilHighlight.
FEAT: download WASM module directly on web (no need to embed in index.html any more) and expose updateViewportAndCameraProjection.
FEAT: move HighlightOverlay to nested class, move createGeometry to SceneManager, add queueRelativePositionUpdateFromViewportVector.
FEAT: add removeStencilHighlight, accept color param for setStencilHighlight, queuePositionUpdateFromViewportCoords to ThermionDartApi.
FEAT: add removeStencilHighlight, queuePositionUpdateFromViewportCoords to ThermionViewer.
FEAT: camera and resizing improvements.
FEAT: add flag for keepData for gltf instancing, add highlightScene, add stencilHighlight method.
FEAT: grid uses own material.
FEAT: set SCALE2:InputAction.ZOOM by default.
FEAT: add grid material.
FEAT: expose setLightDirection and setLightPosition.
FEAT: support multiple ThermionWidget on Android.
FEAT: use imported texture on iOS.
FEAT: add setGizmoVisibility/pickGizmo methods to ThermionViewer.
FEAT: remove gizmo view references, exclude gizmo entities from picking, add createIbl.
FEAT: createIbl.
FEAT: working implementation of multiple widgets on macos.
FEAT: expose API methods for create_ibl, pick/set gizmo visibility.
FEAT: create transparent overlay for gizmo for easier picking.
FEAT: rescale gizmo based on distance from camera.
FEAT: rescale gizmo based on distance from camera.
FEAT: track zoom delta for DelegateInputHandler.
FEAT: expose setLayerEnabled, viewportDimensions and getCameraFov on ThermionView.
FEAT: layers, grid.
FEAT: add capture() function and expose viewportDimensions on ThermionViewer (allows easier saving of captured images to PNG).
FEAT: ignore grid overlay and gizmo center when picking, implement highlighting.
FEAT: SceneManager updates (setLayer, add grid, queueRelativePositionUpdateWorld.
FEAT: expose set_layer_enabled, get_camera_fov and queue_relative_position_updateg_world_axis to ThermionDartApi.h.
FEAT: add getCameraFov to FilamentViewer.
FEAT: add new grid overlay files to web CmakeLists.
FEAT: re-implement (native) Gizmo class, expose preserveScaling parameter for setParent, add methods for getting viewport bounding box from renderable entity.
FEAT: more work on multiple views/swapchains.
FEAT: rescale gizmo based on distance from camera.
FEAT: add capture() function and expose viewportDimensions on ThermionViewer (allows easier saving of captured images to PNG).
FEAT: (web) allow table growth in emscripten module for passing C-style callback function pointers.
FEAT: (web) add capture() method and missing camera navigation controls.
FEAT: rescale gizmo based on distance from camera.
FEAT: add grid material.
FEAT: add startOffset parameter to gltf playAnimation.
FEAT: create transparent overlay for gizmo for easier picking.
FEAT: working implementation of multiple widgets on macos.
FEAT: produce debug symbols on Windows.
FEAT: (web) add capture() method and missing camera navigation controls.
FEAT: re-implement (native) Gizmo class, expose preserveScaling parameter for setParent, add methods for getting viewport bounding box from renderable entity.
FEAT: add new grid overlay files to web CmakeLists.
FEAT: expose API methods for create_ibl, pick/set gizmo visibility.
FEAT: add setParameterFloat2 method.
FEAT: createIbl.
FEAT: simplify FixedOrbitCameraRotationDelegate.
FEAT: add setParameterFloat2 method.
FEAT: expose setLayerEnabled, viewportDimensions and getCameraFov on ThermionView.
FEAT: (web) allow table growth in emscripten module for passing C-style callback function pointers.
FEAT: add getCameraFov to FilamentViewer.
FEAT: camera and resizing improvements.
FEAT: support multiple ThermionWidget on Android.
FEAT: use imported texture on iOS.
FEAT: add removeStencilHighlight, accept color param for setStencilHighlight, queuePositionUpdateFromViewportCoords to ThermionDartApi.
FEAT: expose set_layer_enabled, get_camera_fov and queue_relative_position_updateg_world_axis to ThermionDartApi.h.
FEAT: more work on multiple views/swapchains.
FEAT: move createGeometry to SceneManager, add queueRelativePositionUpdateFromViewportVector and removeStencilHighlight.
FEAT: remove gizmo view references, exclude gizmo entities from picking, add createIbl.
FEAT: add setGizmoVisibility/pickGizmo methods to ThermionViewer.
FEAT: add uvScale to unlit material.
FEAT: add setParameterFloat2 method.
FEAT: add setParameterFloat2 method.
FEAT: set stencil highlight on gizmo attach.
FEAT: add startOffset parameter to gltf playAnimation.
FEAT: add ThirdPersonCameraDelegate.
FEAT: add uvScale to unlit material.
FEAT: add ThirdPersonCameraDelegate.
FEAT: expose setLightDirection and setLightPosition.
FEAT: set camera model matrix directly.
FEAT: expose more camera methods.
FEAT: add getAncestor method.
FEAT: grid uses own material.
FEAT: add flag for keepData for gltf instancing, add highlightScene, add stencilHighlight method.
FEAT: set camera model matrix directly.
FEAT: add removeStencilHighlight, queuePositionUpdateFromViewportCoords to ThermionViewer.
FEAT: expose more camera methods.
FEAT: ignore grid overlay and gizmo center when picking, implement highlighting.
FEAT: layers, grid.
FEAT: layers, grid.
FEAT: parent the cloned entity instance when setting stencil highlight.
FEAT: add getAncestor method.
FEAT: SceneManager updates (setLayer, add grid, queueRelativePositionUpdateWorld.
DOCS: add quickstart to README.
DOCS: add quickstart to README.
BREAKING REFACTOR: remove RenderThread methods no longer needed.
BREAKING REFACTOR: refactor to support multiple Views/Render Targets.
BREAKING REFACTOR: refactor to support multiple Views/Render Targets.
BREAKING REFACTOR: remove RenderThread methods no longer needed.
BREAKING FIX: Dart-only release mode builds on Window.
BREAKING FIX: (windows) add flushAndWait call to capture() to prevent stalling on Windows; use provided buffer as pixelBuffer rather than duplicate allocation.
BREAKING FIX: fix min SDK for thermion_dart.
BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
BREAKING FIX: add meshoptimizer lib on Windows.
BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
BREAKING FIX: Dart-only release mode builds on Window.
BREAKING FIX: (web/wasm) free pick callbacks on dispose.
BREAKING FIX: (windows) add flushAndWait call to capture() to prevent stalling on Windows; use provided buffer as pixelBuffer rather than duplicate allocation.
BREAKING FIX: add meshoptimizer lib on Windows.
BREAKING FIX: (web/wasm) free pick callbacks on dispose.
BREAKING FIX: fix min SDK for thermion_dart.
BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
BREAKING FEAT: update web/http dependencies.
BREAKING FEAT: big refactor to support multiple swapchains.
BREAKING FEAT: update web/http dependencies.
BREAKING FEAT: (web) (flutter) create canvas when createViewer is called (no longer need to manually add canvas element to web HTML).
BREAKING FEAT: set baseColorIndex to -1 by default in unlit materialss.
BREAKING FEAT: (web) (flutter) create canvas when createViewer is called (no longer need to manually add canvas element to web HTML).
BREAKING FEAT: big refactor to support multiple swapchains.
BREAKING FEAT: set baseColorIndex to -1 by default in unlit materialss.
BREAKING CHORE: cleanup deleted export.
BREAKING CHORE: remove EntityTransformController (requires replacement).
BREAKING CHORE: restructure viewer folders as libraries to only export the public interface.
BREAKING CHORE: View.getCamera returns Future
BREAKING CHORE: cleanup deleted export.
BREAKING CHORE: remove EntityTransformController (requires replacement).
BREAKING CHORE: View.getCamera returns Future
BREAKING CHORE: restructure viewer folders as libraries to only export the public interface.
0.2.1-dev.0.0.9 #
Note: This release has breaking changes.
Fix release builds on Windows
FIX: move createUnlitMaterialInstance and createGeometry to render thread.
FIX: move createUnlitMaterialInstance and createGeometry to render thread.
FIX: move createUnlitMaterialInstance and createGeometry to render thread.
FIX: dont calculate surface orientation for non-triangle geometry.
FIX: set View render target to nullptr if Dart renderTarget is null.
FIX: set render target to null for each view and then destroy render targets when viewer disposed.
FEAT: produce debug symbols on Windows.
FEAT: simplify FixedOrbitCameraRotationDelegate.
DOCS: add quickstart to README.
BREAKING FIX: (windows) add flushAndWait call to capture() to prevent stalling on Windows; use provided buffer as pixelBuffer rather than duplicate allocation.
BREAKING FIX: add meshoptimizer lib on Windows.
BREAKING FIX: Dart-only release mode builds on Window.
BREAKING CHORE: View.getCamera returns Future
0.2.1-dev.0.0.8 #
- FIX: move ThermionWin32.h to include.
0.2.1-dev.0.0.7 #
- Bump "thermion_dart" to
0.2.1-dev.0.0.6 #
- Bump "thermion_dart" to
0.2.1-dev.0.0.5 #
- Bump "thermion_dart" to
0.2.1-dev.0.0.4 #
0.2.1-dev.0.0.3 #
- Bump "thermion_dart" to
0.2.1-dev.0.0.2 #
0.2.1-dev.0.0.1 #
0.2.1-dev.0.0.0 #
- y
0.2.0 #
- Graduate package to a stable release. See pre-releases prior to this version for changelog entries.
0.2.0-dev.8.0.0 #
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- REFACTOR: continual refactor to support multiple render targets.
- FEAT: camera and resizing improvements.
- FEAT: support multiple ThermionWidget on Android.
- FEAT: use imported texture on iOS.
- FEAT: working implementation of multiple widgets on macos.
- FEAT: more work on multiple views/swapchains.
- FEAT: add setParameterFloat2 method.
- FEAT: add setParameterFloat2 method.
- FEAT: add uvScale to unlit material.
- FEAT: add ThirdPersonCameraDelegate.
- FEAT: set camera model matrix directly.
- FEAT: expose more camera methods.
- BREAKING REFACTOR: refactor to support multiple Views/Render Targets.
- BREAKING REFACTOR: remove RenderThread methods no longer needed.
- BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
- BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
- BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
- BREAKING FIX: replace queuePosition/Rotation with queueTransforms.
- BREAKING FEAT: big refactor to support multiple swapchains.
- BREAKING FEAT: set baseColorIndex to -1 by default in unlit materialss.
0.2.0-dev.7.0 #
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- BREAKING FIX: fix min SDK for thermion_dart.
0.2.0-dev.6.0 #
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- BREAKING CHORE: cleanup deleted export.
0.2.0-dev.5.0 #
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- BREAKING CHORE: remove EntityTransformController (requires replacement).
0.2.0-dev.4.0 #
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- BREAKING FIX: (web/wasm) free pick callbacks on dispose.
- BREAKING CHORE: restructure viewer folders as libraries to only export the public interface.
0.2.0-dev.1.0 #
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- REFACTOR: native types.
- REFACTOR: native types.
- REFACTOR: move native types to own header, add methods for create/destroy material instance, add priority/layer to load_glb_from_buffer.
- REFACTOR: Dart types.
- FIX: (web) add emscripten guards for flushAndWait call when swapchain destroyed.
- FIX: ignore pick results directly on axis.
- FIX: properly destroy entities/material/etc in Gizmo on destruction, remove custom scene creation logic.
- FIX: add check for nan NDC coordinates for viewport translation.
- FIX: (wasm) use correct coords for pick, free memory correctly, keep pixelratio copy.
- FIX: add more nan checks for gizmo manipulation.
- FIX: emscripten export visibility for add_light.
- FIX: add Fence to capture() and set stencil buffer by default.
- FEAT: add removeStencilHighlight, queuePositionUpdateFromViewportCoords to ThermionViewer.
- FEAT: add removeStencilHighlight, accept color param for setStencilHighlight, queuePositionUpdateFromViewportCoords to ThermionDartApi.
- FEAT: add flag for keepData for gltf instancing, add highlightScene, add stencilHighlight method.
- FEAT: grid uses own material.
- FEAT: parent the cloned entity instance when setting stencil highlight.
- FEAT: add grid material.
- FEAT: expose setLightDirection and setLightPosition.
- FEAT: move HighlightOverlay to nested class, move createGeometry to SceneManager, add queueRelativePositionUpdateFromViewportVector.
- FEAT: move createGeometry to SceneManager, add queueRelativePositionUpdateFromViewportVector and removeStencilHighlight.
- FEAT: add setGizmoVisibility/pickGizmo methods to ThermionViewer.
- FEAT: remove gizmo view references, exclude gizmo entities from picking, add createIbl.
- FEAT: set stencil highlight on gizmo attach.
- FEAT: add getAncestor method.
- FEAT: expose API methods for create_ibl, pick/set gizmo visibility.
- FEAT: create transparent overlay for gizmo for easier picking.
- FEAT: rescale gizmo based on distance from camera.
- FEAT: rescale gizmo based on distance from camera.
- FEAT: add getAncestor method.
- FEAT: add startOffset parameter to gltf playAnimation.
- FEAT: layers, grid.
- FEAT: layers, grid.
- FEAT: ignore grid overlay and gizmo center when picking, implement highlighting.
- FEAT: SceneManager updates (setLayer, add grid, queueRelativePositionUpdateWorld.
- FEAT: expose set_layer_enabled, get_camera_fov and queue_relative_position_updateg_world_axis to ThermionDartApi.h.
- FEAT: add getCameraFov to FilamentViewer.
- FEAT: add new grid overlay files to web CmakeLists.
- FEAT: re-implement (native) Gizmo class, expose preserveScaling parameter for setParent, add methods for getting viewport bounding box from renderable entity.
- FEAT: expose setLayerEnabled, viewportDimensions and getCameraFov on ThermionView.
- FEAT: download WASM module directly on web (no need to embed in index.html any more) and expose updateViewportAndCameraProjection.
- FEAT: add capture() function and expose viewportDimensions on ThermionViewer (allows easier saving of captured images to PNG).
- FEAT: (web) allow table growth in emscripten module for passing C-style callback function pointers.
- FEAT: (web) add capture() method and missing camera navigation controls.
- FEAT: createIbl.
- BREAKING FEAT: (web) (flutter) create canvas when createViewer is called (no longer need to manually add canvas element to web HTML).
- BREAKING FEAT: update web/http dependencies.
0.1.3 #
- FIX: manually remove leading slash for compiler path on Windows when building for Android.
- FIX: web/JS bool checks need to compare to int.
- FIX: shadow JS<->WASM bridge methods.
- FIX: manually remove leading slash for compiler path on Windows when building for Android.
- FIX: web/JS bool checks need to compare to int.
- FIX: shadow JS<->WASM bridge methods.
- FEAT: add clearMorphAnimationData function.
- FEAT: allow passing assetPathPrefix to ThermionViewerWasm to account for Flutter build asset paths.
- FEAT: allow passing assetPathPrefix to ThermionViewerWasm to account for Flutter build asset paths.
0.1.2 #
- FIX: manually remove leading slash for compiler path on Windows when building for Android.
- FIX: web/JS bool checks need to compare to int.
- FIX: shadow JS<->WASM bridge methods.
- FEAT: allow passing assetPathPrefix to ThermionViewerWasm to account for Flutter build asset paths.
0.1.1+5 #
- Bump "thermion_dart" to
0.1.1+4 #
- FIX: defer creating image entity/material/etc until actually requested.
0.1.1+3 #
- FIX: bump ffigen dependency version & regenerate bindings (and revert to ffi.Int rather than ffi.Int32).
- DOCS: update homepage links and minor documentation updates.
0.1.1+2 #
- Graduate package to a stable release. See pre-releases prior to this version for changelog entries.
0.1.1-dev.0+2 #
- FIX: revert to std::thread (pthreads not easily available on Windows).
- FIX: on Windows, pass static libs via -l rather than custom linkWith property so build.dart stays compatible between published & custom versions.
0.1.1+1 #
- DOCS: update with links to playground.
0.1.1 #
- Bump "thermion_dart" to
0.1.0+4 #
- FIX: add dummy asset to build.dart on Linux builds so we can use the package on a Linux host.
0.1.0+3 #
- FIX: exit build.dart early on Linux builds so we can use the package on a Linux host.
0.1.0+2 #
- REFACTOR: rearrange some stubs/imports for easier web WASM deployment.
0.1.0+1 #
- REFACTOR: export ThermionViewerWasm for web and hide FFI/WASM version.
- FIX: use preserveDrawingBuffer=true on web.
0.0.1 #
- First release of Dart-only package