themed_color_palette 0.3.1 copy "themed_color_palette: ^0.3.1" to clipboard
themed_color_palette: ^0.3.1 copied to clipboard


A code generator to create a themed color palette from a yaml file.


Themed Color Palette #

Create a theme yaml file #

Create a yaml file with the extension .theme.dart.

Fill the yaml files with the collections of values of your theme:

.themes: # Those are the different themes of the app.
  - light
  - dark
.platforms: # Those are themes not handle by the generator.
  - mobile
  - web
.name: themedColorPalette
.description: The Themed Color Palette
.shared: # The shared values are constants independent of the theme.
    .description: Default radius.
    .type: double
    .value: 4
    .description: Default padding.
    .type: double
    .value: 8
.themed: # Themed values are values that change between the different themes.
    .description: Primary color
    .type: color
    light: ff00296b
    dark: ffb1cff5
    .description: Secondary color
    .type: color
    light: ffd26900
    dark: ffffd270

An example can be found in the example folder.

About the yaml file #

Each object has several properties:

  • .name: The name of the object. It should be in camelCase:
  • .description: A short description of the object so we know what it is used for This description will be comments in the code, the developers will see when they code/use it.


There are different type of values:

  • int: Number with no decimals (ex: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...).
  • double: Number with decimals (ex: 0.5, 1.0 ...)..
  • color: Should be aarrggbb format. When importing a color, you can add the parameter withOpacity and a double in [0, 1]. You can also import the opacity used in the withOpacity parameter.
  • fontWeight: The different values are:
    • w100, thin
    • w200, extraLight
    • w300, light
    • w400, medium
    • w500, normal, regular, plain
    • w600, semiBold
    • w700, bold
    • w800, extraBold
    • w900, black
  • bool: A boolean, the different values are:
    • true
    • false
  • brightness: The brightness values are:
    • light
    • dark

.flutter: .flutter property is used when a value is used to sed the Flutter Material theme (ex: cardColor). Specify what value it specifies in the flutter theme (ex: theme.cardColor) It will indicates to the user to use the cardColor from the Flutter Material Theme instead.

Imports #

You can only import values that have been PREVIOUSLY defined (aka higher in the file).

Editing on VSCode #

You can install this VSCode extension to provide a better editing experience with highlighting and decorations.

Generates the code #


flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
pub points


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A code generator to create a themed color palette from a yaml file.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


build, yaml


Packages that depend on themed_color_palette