theme_tailor 3.0.1 theme_tailor: ^3.0.1 copied to clipboard
Code generator for Flutter's 3.0 ThemeExtension classes. The generator can create themes and extensions on BuildContext or ThemeData based on the lists of the theme properties
// ignore_for_file: library_private_types_in_public_api
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_import
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:example/app_colors.dart';
import 'package:example/diagnosticable_lib.dart';
part 'main.tailor.dart';
/// @TailorMixin allows for generating extensions on BuildContext or ThemeData
/// for easier access of the theme properties.
/// for more info check [TailorMixin] and [ThemeGetter] api documentation.
@TailorMixin(themeGetter: ThemeGetter.onBuildContext)
class SimpleTheme extends ThemeExtension<SimpleTheme> with _$SimpleThemeTailorMixin {
required this.background,
required this.appBar,
required this.h1,
required this.h2,
static const h1Style = TextStyle(fontSize: 15, letterSpacing: 0.3);
static final h2Style = const TextStyle(fontSize: 14).copyWith(
fontFeatures: const [FontFeature.proportionalFigures()],
final Color background;
final Color appBar;
final TextStyle h1;
final TextStyle h2;
final lightSimpleTheme = SimpleTheme(
background: AppColors.white,
appBar: Colors.amber,
h1: SimpleTheme.h1Style.copyWith(
color: const Color.fromARGB(221, 25, 25, 25),
h2: SimpleTheme.h2Style.copyWith(color: Colors.amber.shade700),
final darkSimpleTheme = SimpleTheme(
appBar: Colors.deepPurple,
h1: SimpleTheme.h1Style.copyWith(color: Colors.grey.shade200),
h2: SimpleTheme.h2Style.copyWith(color: Colors.blueGrey.shade300),
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
const MyApp({super.key});
_MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState();
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
/// Notifier for handling theme mode changes
/// replace it with your own state management
final themeModeNotifier = ValueNotifier(ThemeMode.light);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
/// Theme Tailor generates theme extension and these should be included in the
/// 'extensions' list from the ThemeData.
final lightThemeData = ThemeData(
brightness: Brightness.light,
extensions: [lightSimpleTheme],
final darkThemeData = ThemeData(
brightness: Brightness.dark,
extensions: [darkSimpleTheme],
return ValueListenableBuilder<ThemeMode>(
valueListenable: themeModeNotifier,
builder: (_, themeMode, __) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
theme: lightThemeData,
darkTheme: darkThemeData,
themeMode: themeMode,
home: MyHomePage(
title: 'Theme Tailor Demo',
themeModeNotifier: themeModeNotifier,
class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
const MyHomePage({
required this.title,
required this.themeModeNotifier,
final String title;
final ValueNotifier<ThemeMode> themeModeNotifier;
State<MyHomePage> createState() => _MyHomePageState();
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
final counter = ValueNotifier<int>(0);
void _increment() => counter.value++;
void _swapTheme() {
final currentTheme = widget.themeModeNotifier.value;
currentTheme == ThemeMode.light
? widget.themeModeNotifier.value = ThemeMode.dark
: widget.themeModeNotifier.value = ThemeMode.light;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
/// ThemeGetter.onBuildContext generate extension on BuildContext so it is
/// possible to access custom theme from context
/// It is required for the context to contain theme extension,
/// make sure custom theme is added to the App ThemeData
/// (In most cases: MaterialApp's theme and darkTheme)
final customTheme = context.simpleTheme;
return Scaffold(
/// background is a generated theme property
backgroundColor: customTheme.background,
appBar: AppBar(
foregroundColor: customTheme.h1.color,
title: Text(widget.title),
backgroundColor: customTheme.appBar,
centerTitle: true,
body: Center(
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
'You have pushed the button\nthis many times:',
style: customTheme.h1,
const SizedBox(height: 20),
valueListenable: counter,
builder: (_, count, __) {
return Text('$count', style: customTheme.h2);
floatingActionButton: Row(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: [
onPressed: _increment,
tooltip: 'Increment',
backgroundColor: customTheme.appBar,
foregroundColor: customTheme.h1.color,
child: const Icon(Icons.add),
const SizedBox(width: 10),
onPressed: _swapTheme,
tooltip: 'Swap theme',
backgroundColor: customTheme.appBar,
foregroundColor: customTheme.h1.color,
child: const Icon(Icons.color_lens),