theater 0.2.1 theater: ^0.2.1 copied to clipboard
Actor framework for Dart. This package makes it easier to work with isolates, create clusters of isolates.
You can see various simpler examples of using the package (creating an actor, sending messages, receiving messages, etc.) in the README or in the example folder on github.
Server #
Multithreaded server #
This example creates a server on Dart where incoming requests to the selected port will be distributed among the created actors (isolates) using the shared field of the HttpServer class. This can be done without using Theater, just using isolates. However, Theater helps, in addition to distributing incoming requests between isolates, to easily build more complex strategies for processing requests in other isolates, one of the implementation options is shown here.
// Create server receiver actor class
class ServerReceiver extends UntypedActor {
// Override onStart method which will be executed at actor startup
Future<void> onStart(UntypedActorContext context) async {
print('Server actor with path: [' +
context.path.toString() +
'] is started!');
// Create HttpServer with [shared: true] properties.
// This is necessary to distribute the requests arriving on this port among all actors (isolates) listening on it.
var server = await HttpServer.bind('', 4467, shared: true);
server.listen((request) async {
print('Actor with path: ' +
context.path.toString() +
', receive http request!');
request.response.statusCode = 200;
request.response.write('Hello, world!');
await request.response.close();
void main(List<String> arguments) async {
// Create actor system
var system = ActorSystem('test_system');
// Initialize actor system before work with it
await system.initialize();
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// Create receiver actor class
await system.actorOf('receiver-' + (i + 1).toString(), ServerReceiver());
Multithreaded server with worker pool #
In this example, 2 actor pools are created in the actor system: receivers and workers.
The receivers in the example are those actors (isolates) that accept incoming http requests, requests arriving on port 4467 are distributed between thanks to the shared field of the HttpServer class of the dart:io standard library. The receivers in this example receive http requests, take the number value from the request parameters, and send it to the worker pool.
The workers in the example are those actors who process incoming requests, send back a response to the receivers actors (because only the isolate that accepted the http request can send a response to it). The workers are subscribed to messages of type int coming to them, then they calculate the sum of the Fibbonacci numbers up to this number and send a response to the actor who sent them this message.
Pools (pool routers) in this example are used for receivers because of the convenience of creating a whole pool of actors of a specified size at once, and for workers this is also a means of balancing the load of messages arriving in them.
This approach allowed me to achieve higher performance when, on the http request that came to me, I performed some heavy operations that require a long time to compute.
If we take into account the query execution time, then we can achieve a balance by processing easy-to-time computations in the receivers actors (and immediately sending responses) - in order not to waste time sending information between actors (isolates), and heavy requests will be fulfilled by the workers.
// Create server receiver actor class
class ServerReceiver extends WorkerActor {
// Override onStart method which will be executed at actor startup
Future<void> onStart(WorkerActorContext context) async {
// Create HttpServer with [shared: true] properties.
// This is necessary to distribute the requests arriving on this port among all actors (isolates) listening on it.
var server = await HttpServer.bind('', 4471, shared: true);
server.listen((request) async {
var number = int.parse(request.requestedUri.queryParameters['number']!);
// Send message to worker pool router
var subscription = context.send('test_system/root/user/workers', number);
// Set onResponse handler
subscription.onResponse((response) {
if (response is MessageResult) {
request.response.statusCode = 200;
} else {
request.response.statusCode = 400;
// Create server worker actor class
class ServerWorker extends WorkerActor {
int _fibonacci(int number) =>
number <= 2 ? 1 : _fibonacci(number - 1) + _fibonacci(number - 2);
// Override onStart method which will be executed at actor startup
Future<void> onStart(WorkerActorContext context) async {
// Set handler to all String type messages which actor received
context.receive<int>((message) async {
var result = _fibonacci(message);
return MessageResult(data: result);
// Create server receiver factory class
class ServerReceiverFactory extends WorkerActorFactory {
ServerReceiver create() => ServerReceiver();
// Create server worker factory class
class ServerWorkerFactory extends WorkerActorFactory {
ServerWorker create() => ServerWorker();
// Create server receiver pool router class
class ServerReceiverPoolRouter extends PoolRouterActor {
PoolDeployementStrategy createDeployementStrategy() {
return PoolDeployementStrategy(
workerFactory: ServerReceiverFactory(),
routingStrategy: PoolRoutingStrategy.roundRobin,
poolSize: 2);
// Create server worker pool router class
class ServerWorkerPoolRouter extends PoolRouterActor {
PoolDeployementStrategy createDeployementStrategy() {
return PoolDeployementStrategy(
workerFactory: ServerWorkerFactory(),
routingStrategy: PoolRoutingStrategy.roundRobin,
poolSize: 4);
void main(List<String> arguments) async {
// Create actor system
var system = ActorSystem('test_system');
// Initialize actor system before work with it
await system.initialize();
// Create server receivers pool router
await system.actorOf('receivers', ServerReceiverPoolRouter());
// Create server workers pool router
await system.actorOf('workers', ServerWorkerPoolRouter());
Remoting wich using Theater Remote #
In Theater, in addition to the ability to send messages to local actors, there are also tools for remote interaction between actor systems.
This can be used to organize distributed computing, for example by placing two actor systems on two different devices and using the Theater Remote to communicate between them.
For more information about the Theater Remote, see the README.
As an example, let's consider a situation in which two actor systems participate, one actor system as a server of a pushing message from other actor system in their communication, and the second creates a connection to the first one.
Let's create classes common to these two systems responsible for data serialization and deserialization:
class TestMessage {
final String data;
TestMessage.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) : data = json['data'];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {'data': data};
// Create serializer class
class TransportSerializer extends ActorMessageTransportSerializer {
// Override serialize method
String serialize(String tag, dynamic data) {
if (data is TestMessage) {
return jsonEncode(data.toJson());
} else {
return data.toString();
// Create deserializer class
class TransportDeserializer extends ActorMessageTransportDeserializer {
// Override deserialize method
dynamic deserialize(String tag, String data) {
if (tag == 'test_message') {
return TestMessage.fromJson(jsonDecode(data));
} else {
return data;
Create server actor system:
// Create actor system builder class for server
class ServerActorSystemBuilder extends ActorSystemBuilder {
// Override build method
ActorSystem build() {
var name = 'test_server_system';
// Create remote transport configuration.
// Create in it server and set serializer and deserializer.
var remoteConfiguration = RemoteTransportConfiguration(
serializer: TransportSerializer(),
deserializer: TransportDeserializer(),
servers: [TcpServerConfiguration(address: '', port: 6655)]);
// Create actor system
return ActorSystem(name, remoteConfiguration: remoteConfiguration);
// Create actor which will receive messages
class ServerActor extends UntypedActor {
// Override onStart method which will be executed at actor startup
Future<void> onStart(UntypedActorContext context) async {
// Set handler to all Message type messages which actor received
context.receive<Message>((message) async {
void main() async {
// Create actor system with actor system builder
var system = ServerActorSystemBuilder().build();
// Initialize actor system before work with it
await system.initialize();
// Create top level actor with name 'test_server_actor'
await system.actorOf('test_server_actor', ServerActor());
Let's create actor system that acts as a client of the sending message to the first actor system:
// Create actor system builder class for client
class ClientActorSystemBuilder extends ActorSystemBuilder {
// Override build method
ActorSystem build() {
var name = 'test_client_system';
// Create remote transport configuration.
// Create in it connector and set serializer and deserializer.
var remoteConfiguration = RemoteTransportConfiguration(
serializer: TransportSerializer(),
deserializer: TransportDeserializer(),
connectors: [
name: 'test_server', address: '', port: 6655)
// Create actor system
return ActorSystem(name, remoteConfiguration: remoteConfiguration);
// Create actor who will send messages
class ClientActor extends UntypedActor {
late final RemoteActorRef _ref;
// Override onStart method which will be executed at actor startup
Future<void> onStart(UntypedActorContext context) async {
// Create remote actor ref by connecting with name 'test_server'
// to actor with actor path 'test_server_system/root/user/test_server_actor'
_ref = await context.createRemoteActorRef(
'test_server', 'test_server_system/root/user/test_server_actor');
// Send message with tag 'test_message'
_ref.send('test_message', Message('Hello, from client!'));
void main() async {
// Create actor system with actor system builder
var system = ClientActorSystemBuilder().build();
// Initialize actor system before work with it
await system.initialize();
// Create top level actor with name 'test_client_actor'
await system.actorOf('test_client_actor', ClientActor());
Flutter #
Theater use cases in Flutter are identical to isolates use scenarios. Unlike the server side, in Flutter, there is rarely a need to use isolates, and even more so to implement complex schemes of interaction between them. Therefore, in this example, we will consider a fairly standard example of using isolates in Flutter, but we will implement it using Theater.
As an example, the calculator of the sum of Fibonacci numbers was chosen, we will calculate the sum using a recursive algorithm, on the phone where tests were carried out up to about ~ 36 Fibbonacci numbers, the sum, using recursion, was calculated without visible lags in the UI, however, starting from the 36th number during the calculation our UI thread was hanging. In order to prevent UI freezing, we move the calculation of the Fibonacci sums starting from the 36th number into a separate actor (isolate), and we calculate the Fibonacci sums for numbers up to 36 in our main thread so as not to lose performance when sending messages between actors (isolates).
This example is somewhat complicated by the use of the package for dependency injection (GetIt), however, I did it on purpose in order to show how I see the use of Theater in Flutter applications.
On the left, the test is presented without the use of Theater (and isolates in general), and on the right with Theater:
void main() async {
// Initialize dependencies
await InjectionContainer.initialize();
// Run application
runApp(const Application());
abstract class InjectionContainer {
static Future<void> initialize() async {
// Get [GetIt] instance
var getIt = GetIt.instance;
// Register dependency of [ActorSystem]
getIt.registerLazySingletonAsync<ActorSystem>(() async {
// Create actor system
var system = ActorSystem('test_system');
// Initialize actor system before work with it
await system.initialize();
return system;
}, dispose: (system) async {
// Dispose actor system
await system.dispose();
// Register dependency of [LocalActorRef] with instance name 'test_actor_ref' to actor with name 'test_actor'
getIt.registerLazySingletonAsync<LocalActorRef>(() async {
// Get [ActorSystem] dependency for [GetIt]
var system = await getIt.getAsync<ActorSystem>();
// Create top-level actor in actor system with name 'test_actor'
var ref = await system.actorOf('test_actor', TestActor());
return ref;
}, instanceName: 'test_actor_ref');
// Create actor class
class TestActor extends UntypedActor {
// Override onStart method which will be executed at actor startup
Future<void> onStart(UntypedActorContext context) async {
// Set handler to all int type messages which actor received
context.receive<int>((message) async {
// Calculate result
var result = Fibonacci.calculate(message);
// Send message result
return MessageResult(data: result);
abstract class Fibonacci {
static int calculate(int number) =>
number <= 2 ? 1 : calculate(number - 1) + calculate(number - 2);
class Application extends StatelessWidget {
const Application({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'flutter_theater_example_application',
home: Scaffold(
body: Container(
margin: const EdgeInsets.all(50),
child: Column(
children: const [
padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 10),
child: SizedBox(
width: 200,
height: 150,
child: TestAnimation(),
class FibonacciCalculator extends StatefulWidget {
const FibonacciCalculator({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<StatefulWidget> createState() => _FibonacciCalculatorState();
class _FibonacciCalculatorState extends State<FibonacciCalculator> {
final TextEditingController _textEditingController = TextEditingController();
late final LocalActorRef _ref;
String _result = '';
// Get dependency for [GetIt]
Future<void> _initialize() async {
// Get instance of [LocalActorRef] with name 'test_actor_ref'
_ref = await GetIt.instance
.getAsync<LocalActorRef>(instanceName: 'test_actor_ref');
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FutureBuilder(
future: _initialize(),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
return Center(
child: Column(
children: [
const Text('Fibonacci calculator',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20)),
controller: _textEditingController,
keyboardType: TextInputType.number),
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 20, bottom: 20),
child: ElevatedButton(
style: ButtonStyle(
MaterialStateProperty.all(const Size(125, 50))),
onPressed: () async {
if (_textEditingController.text.isNotEmpty) {
var number = int.parse(_textEditingController.text);
late int result;
// Check number
if (number < 36) {
result = Fibonacci.calculate(number);
} else {
// Send message to actor
var subscription = _ref.send(number);
// Wait response from actor
var response = await;
result = (response as MessageResult).data;
setState(() {
// Set new state of _result
_result = result.toString();
} else {
// Show snack bar if field is empty
const SnackBar(content: Text('Field is empty')));
child: const Text('Calculate',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16))),
if (_result.isNotEmpty)
Text('Result: ' + _result,
style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 16))
// Widget of animation
class TestAnimation extends StatefulWidget {
const TestAnimation({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<StatefulWidget> createState() => _TestAnimationState();
class _TestAnimationState extends State<TestAnimation>
with TickerProviderStateMixin {
late final AnimationController _animationController =
AnimationController(vsync: this, duration: const Duration(seconds: 1))
..repeat(reverse: true);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return LayoutBuilder(builder: (context, constrains) {
var biggest = constrains.biggest;
return Stack(
children: [
rect: RelativeRectTween(
begin: RelativeRect.fromSize(
const Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 25, 25), biggest),
end: RelativeRect.fromSize(
biggest.width - 25, biggest.height - 25, 25, 25),
parent: _animationController, curve: Curves.ease)),
child: Container(