the_utils 2.0.1 the_utils: ^2.0.1 copied to clipboard
A dart utils library.
The Utils #
A Dart and Flutter utils library.
String Utils #
import 'package:the_utils/the_utils.dart';
var isIPv4 = StrUtil.isIPv4("");
print(isIPv4); // outputs: true
You can find examples of each method in the code comments.
Method | Description |
capitalize |
Converts the first letter of a string to uppercase. |
capitalizeWords |
Replaces specific words in a string with their uppercase forms. |
containsChinese |
Checks if the string contains Chinese characters. |
countCharOccurrences |
Counts the occurrences of a specific character in a string. |
countOccurrences |
Counts the occurrences of a specific character or substring in a string. |
camelCase |
Converts a string to camel case naming format. |
contains |
Checks if the string contains a specific substring. |
endsWith |
Checks if the string ends with a specific substring. |
escapeHtml |
Escapes HTML special characters in a string. |
extractNumbers |
Extracts numbers from a string into a list. |
fromBase64 |
Decodes a string from Base64 format. |
fromIni |
Parses an INI format string. |
formatNumberWithCommas |
Formats a string as a comma-separated number. |
getHashCode |
Gets the hash code of a string. |
isZAlphabetical |
Checks if the characters in the string are in alphabetical order. |
isHex |
Checks if the string is a valid hexadecimal number. |
isAlpha |
Checks if the string contains only letters. |
isAlphanumeric |
Checks if the string contains only letters and numbers. |
isNumeric |
Checks if the string contains only numbers. |
isUrl |
Checks if the string is a valid URL. |
isEmail |
Checks if the string is a valid email address. |
isAsset |
Checks if the string is a valid Flutter asset path. |
isDigitOnly |
Determines if the string is composed of only digits. |
isWhitespace |
Checks if the string contains only whitespace and newline characters. |
isEmpty |
Checks if the string is empty. |
isNullOrEmpty |
Checks if the string is null or empty. |
isNullEmptyOrWhitespace |
Checks if the string is null, empty, or contains only whitespace. |
isValidUsername |
Checks if the string is a valid username. |
isNotEmpty |
Checks if the string is not empty. |
isBlank |
Checks if the string contains only spaces. |
isLowerCase |
Checks if all the characters in the string are lowercase. |
isUpperCase |
Checks if all the characters in the string are uppercase. |
isPalindrome |
Checks if the string is a palindrome. |
isDateTime |
Checks if the string is a valid datetime format. |
isCreditCard |
Checks if the string is a valid credit card number. |
isFilePath |
Checks if the string is a valid file path. |
isIPv4 |
Checks if the string is a valid IPv4 address. |
isIPv6 |
Checks if the string is a valid IPv6 address. |
isBase64 |
Checks if the string matches the Base64 format. |
isJson |
Checks if the string is valid JSON format. |
isPhoneNumber |
Checks if the string matches the phone number format. |
isSimplePassword |
Checks if the string meets simple password rules. |
isSpace |
Checks if the string contains only space characters. |
isLicensePlate |
Checks if the string is a valid license plate number. |
kebabCase |
Converts a string to kebab case format. |
lowercaseWords |
Replaces specific words in a string with their lowercase forms. |
lowercaseFirstLetterOfEachWord |
Converts the first letter of each word in the string to lowercase. |
matchesPattern |
Checks if the string matches a specified regular expression. |
nTimesRepeat |
Converts the string to an n-times repeated form. |
onlyDigits |
Retrieves the digits from the string. |
padLeft |
Pads the string on the left to a specified length. |
padRight |
Pads the string on the right to a specified length. |
repeat |
Repeats the string a specified number of times. |
randomString |
Generates a random string of a specified length. |
replace |
Replaces substrings within the string. |
replaceWords |
Replaces specific words in a string with a specified mapping. |
replaceWithCallback |
Replaces specific patterns in a string with strings returned by a callback function. |
removeSubstring |
Removes a specific substring from the string. |
removeNonNumeric |
Removes all non-numeric characters from the string. |
removeHtmlTags |
Removes HTML tags from the string. |
replaceChars |
Replaces each character in the string with a specified mapping character. |
replaceWord |
Replaces a specific word in the string with another word. |
removeDigits |
Removes all digits from the string. |
reverse |
Reverses the string. |
reverseSnakeCase |
Converts the string to a reversed snake case format. |
removeChar |
Removes a specific character from the string. |
removeSpaces |
Removes all spaces from the string. |
replaceMultipleSpacesWithSingle |
Replaces multiple spaces in the string with a single space. |
removeChinese |
Removes Chinese characters from the string. |
replaceNewLines |
Replaces new line characters in the string with a specific string. |
reverseCamelCase |
Converts the string to a reversed camel case format. |
randomAlphabetic |
Generates a random alphabetic string of a specified length. |
substringFromIndex |
Extracts a specific length of substring from a specified position in the string. |
snakeCase |
Converts the string to a snake case format. |
sortWords |
Sorts all the words in the string in dictionary order. |
sortAlphabetically |
Sorts all the words in the string alphabetically. |
splitIntoChunks |
Splits the string into substrings of a specified length. |
splitByDelimiter |
Converts the string to a list, split by a specified delimiter. |
splitByNewLine |
Converts the string to a list, split by new line characters. |
titleize |
Converts the first letter of each word in the string to uppercase. |
toAsciiString |
Converts the string to its ASCII code representation. |
toZeroWidthString |
Converts the string to a zero-width character representation. |
toAcronym |
Converts the string to an acronym form. |
toBinaryString |
Converts the string to its binary representation. |
toSafeFileName |
Converts the string to a safe file name by removing illegal characters. |
toTitleCaseIgnoringSmallWords |
Converts the string to title case format, ignoring small words. |
toBase64 |
Converts the string to Base64 format. |
toBoolean |
Converts the string to a boolean value. |
toSlug |
Converts the string to a slug (URL-friendly format). |
trimCharFromEnds |
Trims a specified character from the start and end of the string. |
truncate |
Truncates the string to a specified length. |
titleCase |
Converts the first letter of each word in the string to uppercase. |
toInt |
Converts the string to an int type. |
toList |
Converts the string to a list, with each element being a character of the original string. |
toDouble |
Converts the string to a double type. |
toDate |
Converts the string to a datetime object. |
trimChar |
Removes a specified character from the start and end of the string. |
uppercaseWord |
Converts a specific word in the string to uppercase. |
unescapeHtml |
Restores an escaped HTML string. |
utf8Length |
Calculates the byte length of the string (UTF-8 encoding). |
validateRegex |
Validates if the string matches a specified regular expression. |
wordsJoinWithSeparator |
Joins the words in the string with a specified separator. |
xToDash |
Converts the string to lowercase and replaces all spaces with dashes. |
yearFormat |
Formats a year. |
yesOrNo |
Converts the string to a "Yes/No" representation. |
zip |
Zips two strings into a list of pairs. |
zeroWidthEncode |
Converts the string to a zero-width space encoded form. |
zeroWidthDecode |
Decodes the original string from a zero-width space encoded string. |
zipCompress |
Applies a simple compression algorithm to the string (using repeated character counts). |
zipDecompress |
Decompresses a string compressed with a simple compression algorithm. |
zipToMap |
Converts the string to a map of "key-value" pairs using a specified delimiter. |
Date Time Utils #
import 'package:the_utils/the_utils.dart';
void main(List<String> args) {
var dt = DT('2023-12-01 06:50');
2023-12-02 06:50:00
You can find examples of each method in the code comments.
Method | Description |
DT(String dateTime) |
Constructor that initializes with a specified date and time string. |
DT.synchronization() |
Constructor that initializes with the current system date and time. |
_parseDateTime(String dateTimeStr) |
Parses a date-time string into a DateTime object. |
lastDay() |
Sets the date to the same time yesterday. |
nextDay() |
Sets the date to the same time tomorrow. |
previousNDays(int n) |
Sets the date to the same time n days ago. |
nextNDays(int n) |
Sets the date to the same time n days in the future. |
previousSecond() |
Moves the current time back by one second. |
nextSecond() |
Advances the current time by one second. |
previousMinute() |
Moves the current time back by one minute. |
nextMinute() |
Advances the current time by one minute. |
previousNMinutes(int n) |
Moves the current time back by n minutes. |
nextNMinutes(int n) |
Advances the current time by n minutes. |
previousNSeconds(int n) |
Moves the current time back by n seconds. |
nextNSeconds(int n) |
Advances the current time by n seconds. |
addTime(String timeStr) |
Adds time to the current time based on a given time string. |
subtractTime(String timeStr) |
Subtracts time from the current time based on a given time string. |
toString() |
Returns a date-time string in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format. |
printDateTime() |
Prints the date-time string. |
toDateString() |
Gets the date string. |
printDate() |
Prints the date string. |
toTimeString() |
Gets the time string. |
printTime() |
Prints the time string. |
get stamp |
Gets the timestamp of the current time. |
printStamp() |
Prints the timestamp of the current time. |
run(List<String> timeStrings, Function callback) |
Runs a callback function based on specified time strings. |