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Too Good To Go is a service that connects customers to restaurants and stores that have surplus unsold food. This is an unofficial client to access their API.

alt Banner of the tgtg_client project

Warning this is a work in progress. It is probably not ready for production use and above all it's an unofficial project.

Too Good To Go is a service that connects customers to restaurants and stores that have surplus unsold food. This is an unofficial client to access their API.

Getting started #

In order to use the client you need to have a valid account on the Too Good To Go app. Indeed, you can either log in with your already existing account or create a new one.

Sign up #

You can sign up for a new account by using the signUp method.

For this use case the TgTgClient.empty constructor will be used because we don't need any credentials to sign up.

// Instantiate the empty client
final client = TgTgClient.empty();

// Sign up
await client.signUp(
    email: "",
    name: "John Wayne",
    countryId: "US",
    newsletterOptIn: false,
    pushNotificationOptIn: false,
    deviceType: "IOS",

After the sign-up you will receive an email with a link to confirm your account.

Login #

The login process is similar to the sign-up process. You can use the login method to log in to your account.

You can either provide your email (that is linked to your account) or a previous session that you previously used.

// Create a TgTgSettings from a given email
final settings = const TgTgSettings(
    email: "",
// Credentials from a previous session for instance
final credentials = const TgTgCredentials(
    accessToken: "your_access_token",
    refreshToken: "your_refresh_token",
    userId: "your_user_id",

// Create a TgTgSettings from a preobtained credentials
final settings = const TgTgSettings(
    credentials: credentials,

Once you have a valid TgTgSettings instance, you can create a TgTgClient instance and start to use the client.

final client = TgTgClient(settings: settings);

Moreover, for testing and debugging purposes, you can use the built-in Logger to more easily check the status of requests and responses.

By default, the Logger is disabled. You can enable it by setting the enableLogging property to true.

final client = TgTgClient(
    settings: settings,
    enableLogging: true,

The first thing that you need to do after creating the client is to log in. This will allow you to get a valid TgTgCredentials instance (if you didn't create one on your own) that will be used as authentication method in all the requests.

await client.login();

After that you have used the login method you will receive a mail from Too Good To Go that you need to confirm to start using the client.

Items #

The getAll method by default will return a list of all the favorite items that you previously saved.

final favoriteItems = await client.items.getAll();

You can easily personalize the default behavior by passing some custom parameters and fetch the items.

final customItems = await client.items.getAll(
    favoritesOnly: false,
    latitude: 51.00,
    longitude: 5.00,
    radius: 10,

Or you could just fetch a single item by its own id by using the getById method.

final itemById = await client.items.getById(
    id: "42069",

You can also set a favorite item by using the setFavorite method.

final setFavoriteItem = await client.items.setFavorite(
    id: "42069",
    isFavorite: true,

Orders #

The getActive method will return a list of all the active orders that you made.

final activeOrders = await client.items.getActive();

On the other hand, the getInactive method will return a list of all the past orders that you made so far.

final inactiveOrders = await client.items.getInactive();

Documentation #

The full documentation of the project is available here. All the methods are documented, and you can easily check the parameters that you can pass to them.

Example #

The provided example is a simple CLI app that fetches some items and orders. You can easily run it by cloning the repository and running the following command.

dart example/lib/main.dart

Limitations #

Since this is an unofficial project, there are some limitations that you should be aware of:

  • The client could be easily blocked by Too Good To Go if you make too many requests in a short period of time. This is because the client is not using any kind of rate limiting.

  • At the moment, it is not possible to make a purchase using the current implementation.

  • The project is still in development and, it is not ready for production use.

pub points



Too Good To Go is a service that connects customers to restaurants and stores that have surplus unsold food. This is an unofficial client to access their API.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


freezed_annotation, http, json_annotation, meta


Packages that depend on tgtg_client