tflite_audio 0.3.0 copy "tflite_audio: ^0.3.0" to clipboard
tflite_audio: ^0.3.0 copied to clipboard

Audio classification Tflite package for flutter (iOS & Android). Can support Google Teachable Machine models.

0.3.0 #

  • BREAK CHANGE: Recording bufferSize now takes in 2x the number of samples. To keep the same recording length, simply divide your previous bufferSize by 2.
  • Experimental: Support MFCC, melSpectrogram and spectrogram inputs
  • Feature: Can automatically or manually set audio length
  • Feature: Can automatically or manually transpose input shape
  • Improvement: Stability of asyncronous operations with RxJava and RxSwift
  • Improvement: (iOS) Removed meta info when extracting data from audio file.
  • Improvement: (Android) Splicing algorithm passes all test case. Audio recogntion should now be more accurate.
  • Fixed: (iOS) Duplicate symbol error. Set version of TensorFlowLite to 2.6.0. Problem found here.
  • Fixed: (Android & iOS) Incorrect padding when splicing audio file. All test cases have passed.

0.2.2+4 #

  • Handled NaN exception for raw output on swift

0.2.2+3 #

  • Hot fixed iOS issue where it will record indefintetly.

0.2.2+2 #

  • Hot fixed missing AudioProcessing class.

0.2.2+1 #

  • Hot fixed issue with unresponsive forced stop recognition.

0.2.2 #

  • Feature: Added ability to recognise stored audio files
  • Breaking Change: RecordingLength will no longer be required as a parameter.
  • Fixed: NaN output for bufferRates that are non divisible to audioLength
  • Fixed: android permission error when granted outside app.

0.2.1+2 #

  • Fixed NaN raw score output for Android.

0.2.1+1 #

  • Fixed inaccurate numOfInference count for iOS and android.

0.2.1 #

  • Improved recognition accuracy for Google Teachable Machine models
  • Fixed memory crash on android
  • Improved memory performance on iOS
  • Added feature to output raw scores
  • moved inputType to loadModel() instead of startAudioRecognition()

0.2.0 #

  • Fixed crashed on Android when force stopping recognition
  • Improve recognition latency on android by reducing number of event calls.

0.1.9 #

  • Added support for android V2 embedding
  • Breaking change - no longer supports deprecated versions of Android (pre 1.12)

0.1.8+2 #

  • Fixed null safety incompatability with example

0.1.8+1 #

  • Fixed the problem with bridge NSNumber to Float
  • Merged rawAudioRecognize() and decodedWavRecognize() on native platforms
  • Set detection parameters to 0 for better performance.

0.1.8 #

  • Added null safety compatability

0.1.7+1 #

  • Hotfixed iOS crash when casting double to float for detectionThreshold

0.1.7 #

  • Fixed iOS bug where stream wont close when permission has been denied.
  • Added feature where you can adjust the detection sensitivity of the model

0.1.6+2 #

  • Fixed podsec error
  • Fixed iOS incompatability with fluter 2.0.0

0.1.6+1 #

  • Hotfixed missing value for recording.

0.1.6 #

  • bufferSize no longer needs to be divisible to recording length.

0.1.5+3 #

  • Fixed major android crash, where forcibly stopping the stream causes recorder.stop() to be prematurely called.
  • Fixed minor iOS crash, where forcibly stopping the stream during recognition returns a nil exception.
  • Cleaned up example for easy switch between decodedWav and Google's Teachable Machine model

0.1.5+2 #

  • Disabled Google's Teachable Machine by default to reduce app footprint. (This can be enabled manually)
  • Adjusted example's values to improve inference accuracy

0.1.5+1 #

  • Added documentation
  • Added example model from Google's Teachable Machine.
  • Fixed iOS crash when loading text file with empty elements.

0.1.5 #

  • Added support for Google Teachable Machine models.
  • Fixed inaccurate reading with recording
  • Added feature to switch between decodedwav and Google's Teachable machine model.

0.1.4 #

  • Added a new feature where you can run multiple inferences per recording.
  • Replaced future with stream when getting results from inferences
  • Added a button to cancel the stream / inference
  • Removed unnecessary code for easier reading.

0.1.3+1 #

  • Used reusable widgets for easier to read code.
  • Added some documentation

0.1.3 #

  • Hotfix for crash when permission has been denied.
  • Added the key 'hasPermission' for the future startAudioRecognitions().
  • Added feature in example where it'll show inference times

0.1.2 #

  • Instead of returning a single string value, the future startAudioRecognition() now returns a map with the following keys:
    • recognitionResult
    • inferenceTime
  • Fixed issue in example where pressing the record button multiple times will crash the app.
  • Added feature in example where pressing the recording button changes color.

0.1.1 #

  • Made some fixes with making options explicit
  • Added alert dialog when permission is denied.

0.1.0 #

  • Added iOS support

0.0.4 #

  • Added the following arguments into the future: startAudioRecognition()
    • sampleRate
    • audioLength
    • bufferSize

0.0.3 #

  • Merged permission and audio recognition futures into one future.

0.0.2 #

  • Fixed image url

0.0.1 #

  • Initial release.


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Audio classification Tflite package for flutter (iOS & Android). Can support Google Teachable Machine models.

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MIT (license)




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