textless 1.1.1 textless: ^1.1.1 copied to clipboard
Less is More; Widgetless Text
T E X T L E S S #
Less is More; Widgetless Text
Getting Started #
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml
textless: ^1.1.1
get: ^4.0.0-nullsafety.2
Now in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:textless/textless.dart';
Simply replace your main MaterialApp
widget to GetMaterialApp
Usage #
TEXTLESS magically uses
's default text theme
[ Start with ] .h1 .h2 .h3 .h4 .h5 .h6 .s1 .s2 .b1 .b2 .btn .cap .ol
[ End_ with ] .lineThrough .underline .overline .color .backgroundColor .size .height .italic .thin .extraLight .light .regular .medium .semiBold .bold .extraBold .black .solidLine .dottedLine .doubledLine .wavyLine .dashedLine .lineColor .lineThickness .alphabeticBaseline .ideographicBaseline .fontFamily .letterSpacing .wordSpacing .locale .foreground .shadows .fontFeatures .overflowVisible .overflowClip .overflowEllipsis .overflowFade .maxLine