text_style_preview 0.1.4+3 text_style_preview: ^0.1.4+3 copied to clipboard
Preview a TextStyle based on Material Design's Typography. No more confusion in scale selection.
Preview a TextStyle based on Material Design's Typography
Features #
Ever been confused by Type Scale? (e.g. titleMedium, labelLarge) https://m3.material.io/styles/typography/type-scale-tokens
text_style_preview allows you to easily preview TextStyle
Getting started #
Add dependency to your pubspec file #
text_style_preview: <latest version>
Usage #
Basic usage #
Wrap Text widget with TextStylePreview widget.
const TextStylePreview(
child: Text('Sample Text'),
Advanced usage #
You can customize the Preview by specifying the Style, etc.
initTypeScaleCategory: TypeScaleCategory.headlineSmall,
applyCustomStyle: (textStyle) => textStyle.apply(
color: Colors.blue,
fontSizeFactor: 1.5,
// set stye like this
style: TextStylePreviewStyle(
modalHeight: 300,
barrierColor: Colors.transparent,
showDivider: true,
descriptionBuilder: (typeScaleCategory, textStyle) =>
child: const Text('Sample Text2'),
ThemeExtension #
With ThemeExtension, you can use the same style throughout the app!
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
theme: ThemeData(
useMaterial3: true,
primarySwatch: Colors.red,
// set default stye like this
extensions: const [
showDivider: false,
home: const TextStylePreviewDemoScreen(),
Assist #
text_style_preview_lint is a package to make using text_style_preview more comfortable.