testsweets 0.1.1 copy "testsweets: ^0.1.1" to clipboard
testsweets: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard


A new Flutter package project.

Testsweets Pub Version #

This package is a utility and helper package to the TestSweets product. It is the package responsible for syncing your widget keys to the database which allows us to provide the auto complete functionality when you script your test cases. It also has some UI helpers like the TestSweets builder widget that will overlay on the screen any of the widgets matching our naming syntax.

Installation #

To start using the package you have to add this package as well as the generator which will generate the AutomationKey code for us to upload to our application. To do that we add the following into the pubspec file.

  # Flutter driver is required as well
    sdk: flutter
  testsweets: [latest_version]

  testsweets_generator: [latest_version]
  build_runner: [latest_version]

Setup #

After the packages has been added we have to setup the code. TestSweets makes use of Flutter Driver to drive the test cases that we write. This means we have to enable flutter driver for the version of the app that we build that goes through automation. Flutter driver disables certain things like the on screen keyboard so to keep it all separate we'll create a new main file titled main_profile.dart. In this file we will setup test sweets and enable Flutter driver. Once you've created the file main_profile.dart in the same location as you original main.dart file you can add the following code.

// 1. Import flutter driver extension to enable flutter driver
import 'package:flutter_driver/driver_extension.dart';
// 2. Import test sweets using the testSweets alias
import 'package:testsweets/testsweets.dart' as testSweets;
// 3. Import the automation keys (this won't exist until we run the build_runner)
import 'app_automation_keys.dart' as appKeys;

void main() {
  // 4. Sync the generated automation keys to your project
      automationKeys: appKeys.APP_AUTOMATION_KEYS,
      projectId: '<project-id>',
      apiKey: '<api-key>',

  // 5. Enables flutter driver


We start off by importing the required files. TestSweets for the functionality and app_automation_keys.dart for the generated keys to send up to our app. In the main function we start be calling syncAutomationKeys and we pass it the APP_AUTOMATION_KEYS. This code still has to be generated so don't be concerned if you see it complaining and not compiling. The projectId and apiKey values can be found in you project settings in the TestSweets application. If you haven't generated an API key yet, click on the "Generate API Key" button and it will be generated for you.

This version of your APK will not go public so we don't need to add any extra security measures around protecting those keys. If you do want to add extra security you can add it as an environment variable and read it from there. This call to syncAutomationKeys is treated as a fire and forget function because it'll sync in the background and print out a log message when your sync is complete. The last thing we do is call enableFlutterDriverExtension which is available in the flutter_driver package. That's all the setup required.

Creating your Keys to Sync #

Next up we'll add the automation keys that will be used during the scripting. These are normal Flutter Key objects where the String value is formatted in a certain way. Go to your first view that will be shown in the app and we'll add a few keys to walk you through the process. Before we add the keys I want to share with you the format that we use to identify keys in your code base. There are 5 different widget types at this point.

  • touchable: This is any widget that the user can tap to interact with the application
  • scrollable: This is any widget that the user can scroll in the application
  • text: This is a plain text widget that the TestSweets application can read. Used to confirm certain text on screen
  • general: This is any widget that will have to be checked for visibility or anything like that
  • view: This should ONLY be used for widgets that take up an entire navigation entry
  • input: This is an input field that takes user input from the keyboard

We have a specific format for each widget key that is as follows, [viewName]_[widgetType]_[widgetName]. Lets go over those parts 1 by 1:

  • viewName: Is the name of the view without the word view in it. So if you're on the LoginView you'll write this as login.
  • widgetType: This is one of the 6 types of widgets as defined above.
  • widgetName: The name as you would identify it in a readable and understandable manner.

An example of this would be for an input field on the login view. The email field Key would be login_input_email and the password field would be login_input_password. The login button will have the key login_touchable_login. If the any of the parts of the key has multiple words we'll use camel casing for the naming, something like touchable_forgotPassword. With that said lets assume your first view that'll be shown is the LoginView. We can create some keys on the view and generate the automation keys. Open up your login view file and add a key to your scaffold.

  // This naming will change, stick to it for now. We will allow shorter keys for view which will result
  // in the key being Key('login_view').
  key: Key('login_view_login'),

Then you can go ahead and add the keys to your TextFields.

  inputFieldKey: Key('login_input_email'),
  controller: email,
  placeholder: 'Enter your Email',
  inputFieldKey: Key('login_input_password'),
  controller: password,
  placeholder: 'Enter your Password',

And you can also add a key to the button the user would tap to login.

  buttonKey: Key('login_touchable_login'),
  title: 'Login',
  busy: model.isBusy,
  onPressed: () => model.login(
    userName: email.text,
    password: password.text,

Now that that's in the code we can generate the automation keys. Run the following flutter command.

flutter pub run build_runner build

This will generate a new file in the root of your project called app_automation_keys.dart. If you open that file you'll see the following


const List<Map<String, String>> APP_AUTOMATION_KEYS = [
  {'name': 'login', 'type': 'WidgetType.view', 'view': 'login'},
  {'name': 'email', 'type': 'WidgetType.input', 'view': 'login'},
  {'name': 'password', 'type': 'WidgetType.input', 'view': 'login'},
  {'name': 'login', 'type': 'WidgetType.touchable', 'view': 'login'},

Once that's in your code base you should be able to run the application. You can run the main_profile.dart file by using the following command.

flutter run -t lib/main_profile.dart

If you want to add the profile to your run profiles you can add the following configuration into your VSCode configurations

      "name": "profile",
      "request": "launch",
      "type": "dart",
      "program": "lib/main_profile.dart",

Run the application and you should see the following logs printed if everything has been setup correctly.

TestSweets: POSTING automation keys to https://us-central1-testsweets-38348.cloudfunctions.net/saveAutomationKeys. Keys: [{name: skip, type: WidgetType.touchable, view: welcome}, {name: login, type: WidgetType.touchable, view: welcome}, {name: signUp, type: WidgetType.touchable, view: welcome}]

TestSweets: Successfully uploaded automation keys.

Now you can open up the TestSweets Desktop application and start your scripting.

Using TestSweets builder #

  1. Use TestSweets.builder() function at the root level of your app to inspect all the support widgets.
  2. You can also use the enabled property to disable/enable the inspector.