test_webdriver 0.0.4 copy "test_webdriver: ^0.0.4" to clipboard
test_webdriver: ^0.0.4 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

A helper library to write selenium tests using pageobjects.

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test_webdriver provides simple utility functions to setup a test environment with a webdriver and pageloader. It makes it easier to receive pageobjects within the testcases.

Writing Tests #

Tests which require pageobjects and a running webdriver should be within a suite block.

import 'package:test_webdriver/test_webdriver.dart';

void main() {
  group('My Test-Suite', suite(() {
    test('handle login', withPO((LoginPO po) async {
      expect(await po.handleLogin('test', 'test'), isTrue);
      expect(await driver.title, contains('Dashboard of'));

There are wrapper functions which inject objects into their body function using the current suite:

  • withPO injects a pageobject into the body.
  • withDriver injects the WebDriver into the body.

These helpers are available within the body function of the previous named wrappers:

  • driver returns the WebDriver
  • object looks up a PageObject

Timeouts #

Timeouts are provided by the default timeout settings within the test package. For further details see test README.md

test('should wait until object is available', withPO((DelayedPO po) async {
  expect(await po.element.innerText, 'test');
}), timeout: new Timeout(const Duration(seconds: 6)));

In order for this to work, the test_webdriver waits for pageobject by default. To prevent this waiting mechanism and force an instant check use useWaitFor: false within withPO.

test('should wait until object is available', withPO((DelayedPO po) async {
  expect(await po.element.innerText, 'test');
}, useWaitFor: false));

In case the timeout of fetching the pageobject should differ to the timeout of the test case, use the specific timeout settings provided by withPO.

test('should wait until object is available', withPO((DelayedPO po) async {
  expect(await po.element.innerText, 'test');
}, timeout: const Duration(seconds: 2)), timeout: new Timeout.factor(2));

Running Tests #

The package doesn't ship with a selenium server, therefore the actual selenium server (ex. chromedriver) needs to be started before running the tests. In order to run the suite pass the environment variable DRIVER_URI to the test process.

DRIVER_URI=http://localhost:9515/ pub run test

Setting up chrome headless #

To run chrome in headless mode setup the proper configuration in dart_webdriver.yaml:

    args: ['--headless']
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A helper library to write selenium tests using pageobjects.

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pageloader, test, webdriver, yaml


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