terra_flutter 2.0.0
terra_flutter: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard
A flutter plug-in for the native Teko Terra library (Android and iOS).
terra_flutter #
A flutter plug-in for the native Terra library (Android and iOS).
Table of content
Running example #
Android #
- Open
project with Android studio - Add TekoGoogleRegistryToken to
of this project
// example/android/local.properties
- Run project
iOS #
Setup github access token for accessing Teko iOS frameworks.
Run commands below in the terminal
cd example
flutter build ios --no-codesign
- Launch Xcode and open
Pigeon model #
This project use Pigeon to generate code for communication between Flutter and the native side.
The Pigeon file is located in the pigeon
To generate code with Pigeon, please run run_pigeon.sh
Library usage #
Initialize Terra App #
Static Method: Future<TerraApp> initTerraApp
Initialize a new Terra App.You should call this function inside the entry-point to use other Terra services smoothly.
Get the Terra App #
Static Method: `TerraApp TerraApp.getInstance(String appName)
Get the current Terra App that is identified by appName
Get service config #
Method: Future<ServiceConfig> getServiceConfig()
Get a specific config in Terra