terminal_color_parser 0.6.0 copy "terminal_color_parser: ^0.6.0" to clipboard
terminal_color_parser: ^0.6.0 copied to clipboard

Parse terminal colors for displaying in other formats. Supports ANSI and xterm256.

Terminal Color Parser #

This package is an ANSI/xterm256 color parser. You can get the list of colored segments by creating a ColorParser instance and calling parse() method.

import 'package:terminal_color_parser/terminal_color_parser.dart';

final coloredText = ColorParser('Hello, \x1B[32mworld\x1B[0m!').parse();

// ==> ColoredText("Hello, ", 0:0, , ()), ColoredText("world", 32:0, , ()), ColoredText("!", 0:0, , ())]

var i = 0;
for (final token in coloredText) {
  print('Token #$i: ${token.formatted}');
  print('  - Text: ${token.text}');
  print('  - Foreground: ${token.fgColor}');
  print('  - Background: ${token.bgColor}');
  print('  - Bold: ${token.bold}');
  print('  - Italic: ${token.italic}');
  print('  - Underline: ${token.underline}');
  print('  - Styles: ${token.styles}');

You can also re-format the ANSI codes by using the formatted property on each token.

final tokens = [
  ColorToken(text: 'Hello, ', fgColor: 0, bgColor: 0),
    text: 'world',
    fgColor: 32,
    bgColor: 0,
    styles: {StyleByte.underline},
  ColorToken(text: '!', fgColor: 0, bgColor: 0),

var i = 0;
for (final token in coloredText) {
  print('Token #$i: ${token.formatted}');
  print('  - Text: ${token.text}');
  print('  - Foreground: ${token.fgColor}');
  print('  - Background: ${token.bgColor}');
  print('  - Bold: ${token.bold}');
  print('  - Italic: ${token.italic}');
  print('  - Underline: ${token.underline}');
  print('  - Styles: ${token.styles}');

Contributing #

I am developing this package on my free time, so any support, whether code, issues, or just stars is very helpful to sustaining its life. If you are feeling incredibly generous and would like to donate just a small amount to help sustain this project, I would be very very thankful!

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com

I welcome any issues or pull requests on GitHub. If you find a bug, or would like a new feature, don't hesitate to open an appropriate issue and I will do my best to reply promptly.

pub points


verified publishercasraf.dev

Parse terminal colors for displaying in other formats. Supports ANSI and xterm256.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)


Packages that depend on terminal_color_parser