tencent_cloud_chat_sdk 6.1.1 copy "tencent_cloud_chat_sdk: ^6.1.1" to clipboard
tencent_cloud_chat_sdk: ^6.1.1 copied to clipboard

Tencent Cloud Chat SDK. Globally interconnected In-App Chat, user profile and relationship chains and offline push.

6.1.0 #

  • add groupinfo change int value

6.0.9 && 6.1.0 #

  • fix fileelem local url bug

6.0.8 #

  • fix getCOnversationListByFilter bug on android

6.0.6 #

  • add example and kickgroupmember duration param

6.0.3 #

  • add delete converastion list

6.0.2 #

  • fix getMessageById bug

6.0.0 #

  • Non-friend user profile update monitoring
  • Non-friend user profile update callback
  • Callback for banning all members of the group
  • Group member mark & ​​group member mark callback
  • Added message response interface and callback
  • Added message recall with recall information callback
  • Set global message receiving options Complete
  • Message cloud search
  • Session delete callback
  • The session performs unread statistics callback according to the specified classification.
  • Delete sessions in batches
  • Go back to session unread by category Done
  • Listen to session unread changes according to the specified type
  • Clear session unreads (markxxxAsRead interface is deprecated)
  • Improve offline push fields
  • speech to text

5.2.5 && 5.2.6 #

  • Compatible with lower versions of flutter

5.2.4 #

  • add message hasRiskContent feild

5.2.2 && 5.2.3 #

  • avchat room support find message bug fix

5.2.1 #

  • avchat room support find message

5.2.0 #

  • update interface

5.1.9 #

  • fix log bug

5.1.8 #

  • fix create topic bug

5.1.7 #

  • fix create avchatroom bug

5.1.6 #

  • update native dep

5.1.5 #

  • update interface

5.1.3 #

  • message extension bug fix
  • file path exsit logic

5.1.3 #

  • Support multiple listeners to register and remove multiple times
  • Support upgrade to the underlying SDK to the latest plus version
  • fix bugs

5.0.9 #

  • Support setting voip
  • Support quic acceleration & local database encryption
  • Taking into account the bug that the web sends the file and then downloads the native file without the file.
  • Fix some bugs on the desktop

5.0.8 #

  • Added: group counting capability, common group and live group support group counter meta counter, for details, please refer to groupCounter related API
  • Added: text message translation capability, see translateText for details.
  • Upgrade: Upgrade Native SDK to 7.0

5.0.6 #

  • update native sdk

5.0.4 #

  • Migration from tencent_im_sdk_plugin

5.0.2 #

  • [Incompatible update] Multimedia messages no longer return url by default, and need to be obtained through getMessageOnlineUrl
  • [Partially incompatible update] Multimedia messages will not return localurl by default, and will only return after the message is successfully downloaded through downloadMessage
  • Add onMessageDownloadProgressCallback to advanceMessageListener, which will be triggered when the multimedia message download progress is updated
  • The disableBadgeNumber method is added on the ios side. After calling, the IMSDK is in the background of the application, and the application badge will not be set by default.
  • Optimized the problem of channel instance coverage in multiple flutter engine scenarios
  • The bottom dynamic library download logic is optimized on the PC side
  • Upgrade the underlying SDK to 6.8

4.2.0 #

  • Fix invite api miss offlinepushInfo

4.1.9 #

  • Fix high version jdk conversion problem
  • Support macOS and Windows
  • Upgrade the underlying SDK
  • Support message extension
  • Support signaling editing
  • Fixed several issues

4.1.3 #

  • flutter for web

4.1.1+2 #

  • Upgrade native SDK to 6.6.x
  • web signal support
  • flutter for web support

4.1.0 #

  • Upgrade native SDK
  • Fix iOS search group member bug
  • web sdk only supports the latest version

4.0.8-bugfix #

  • fix modifyMessage bug on Android

4.0.8 #

  • Added an advanced interface for obtaining sessions, which supports pulling sessions by session type, tag, and grouping
  • Support marked sessions, such as star, fold, hide, etc.
  • Support setting session custom fields
  • Support session grouping
  • The SDK dependency flutter version is reduced to 2.0.0
  • Support multiple flutter engines
  • Offline push support to configure Android push sound
  • Support subscriber online status change by user id
  • Fix the bug that the group information cannot be found in the topic group
  • Upgrade the native sdk version to 6.5

4.0.7 #

  • ios newly added front-end and back-end api, cut back-end can set the unread to the corner mark
  • Optimize group application processing logic

4.0.5 #

  • Fix doBackgroup bug

4.0.5 #

  • Fix upload token bug

4.0.4 #

  • Support user online status query
  • Get the list of historical messages and support pulling by message type
  • Fix thread safety issues in special cases
  • Support sending multi-element messages

4.0.3-bugfix #

  • fix InitSDKListener bug

4.0.2 #

  • Local video url bug fix

4.0.1 #

  • Added topic related interface
  • Added message editing interface

4.0.0 #

  • Upgrade the underlying SDK version to 6.2.x
  • fix offlinePush info bug

3.9.3 #

  • Upgrade the underlying SDK version to 6.2.x
  • Fix the problem that the group ban group tips boolValue is lost
  • Fixed the problem that the nameCard field was not parsed for session instances
  • Added group read receipt related interface
  • flutter for web perfect

3.9.2 #

  • Upgrade the ios library version to 6.1.2155.1

3.9.1 #

  • Upgrade the underlying library version to 6.1.2155

3.9.0 #

  • Modify grouplistener

3.8.9 #

  • Monitor registration problem fix

3.8.8 #

  • Monitor registration problem fix

3.8.7 #

  • Modify add friends enumeration
pub points


verified publishertrtc.io

Tencent Cloud Chat SDK. Globally interconnected In-App Chat, user profile and relationship chains and offline push.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


flutter, flutter_web_plugins, tencent_im_sdk_plugin_platform_interface


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