tencent_cloud_chat_push 8.2.6325+1 copy "tencent_cloud_chat_push: ^8.2.6325+1" to clipboard
tencent_cloud_chat_push: ^8.2.6325+1 copied to clipboard

Notification push for Tencent Cloud Chat. Support offline push on APNs, Google FCM, multiple Android OEM manufactures.

8.2.6325+1 #

  • iOS certificate field compatibility issue modification.

8.2.6325 #

  • Add support for the feature of non-persistent push messages.
  • FCM supports custom redirection upon clicking the notification bar.
  • Optimize the log printing functionality before registering for push notifications.

8.1.6907 #

  • Resolve database concurrency issues.

8.1.6906 #

  • Resolve the issue of Push user login type error.
  • Fix the issue where APNs fails to receive push notifications due to proxy failure.
  • Optimize the issue where APNs offline pass-through messages with an empty Ext do not trigger the click event callback.
  • Resolve the issue of abnormal callback when parsing notifications in the foreground state for APNs.
  • Optimize the issue of FCM data empty message pop-up.

8.1.6107 #

  • Upgrade under layer Push SDK to 8.1.

8.0.6897 #

  • Added setXiaoMiPushStorageRegion method for XiaoMi devices.
  • Enhanced registerPush on Android devices by adding result return.
  • Replaced androidPushOEMConfig setting for registerPush method with setAndroidCustomConfigFile method.
  • Renamed setAndroidCustomTIMPushConfigs and configFCMPrivateRing to setAndroidCustomConfigFile and setCustomFCMRing, respectively.
  • Introduced smart detection for available channel strategies.
  • Implemented push registration timeout protection mechanism.
  • Fixed issues with small icon settings.
  • Resolved app launch failure when jump option configuration was set to the home page.
  • Refined device model recognition logic.
  • Boosted code stability and optimization.

7.9.5668+1 #

  • Fixed an issue that may throw an exception during the registerPush process.
  • Downgraded the minimum supported Flutter version to flutter: '>=2.10.0'.
  • Fixed an issue that may cause an exception for FCM launching processes.

7.9.5668 #

  • Implemented additional enhancements to our Native Push Plugin in version 7.9.5668.
  • Fixed several bugs.

7.8.5484 #

  • Introduced registerOnAppWakeUpEvent function to enable registering a listener when the app is activated due to a Google FCM high-priority background message, ensuring efficient handling of critical notifications.
  • Lowered the minimum supported iOS version to iOS 11.
  • Enhanced the registerPush and unRegisterPush processes for better performance.
  • Implemented additional enhancements to our Native Push Plugin in version 7.8.5484.
  • Fixed various bugs.

7.7.5283 #

  • Introduced setAndroidPushToken and getAndroidPushToken methods for Android devices.
  • Implemented setAndroidCustomTIMPushConfigs for Android devices, allowing customization of the push configuration file.
  • Upgraded Push SDK version for Honor devices.
  • Incorporated additional improvements in our Native Push Plugin for version 7.7.5283.

1.0.0 #

  • First release of Tencent Cloud Chat Push Plug-in for Flutter.


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Notification push for Tencent Cloud Chat. Support offline push on APNs, Google FCM, multiple Android OEM manufactures.

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unknown (license)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface, tencent_cloud_chat_sdk


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