tencent_calls_engine 2.3.1
tencent_calls_engine: ^2.3.1 copied to clipboard
TUICallKit is a UIKit about audio&video calls launched by Tencent Cloud.
Version 2.3.1 #
Bug fix #
- Fixed method channel error on non-android and iOS platforms.
2.3.0 #
Dependency Description #
- Upgrade the dependent client SDK version: Android&iOS TUICallEngine:
2.2.1 #
New Features #
- Android & iOS :The onCallReceived callback of TUICallObserver adds a new user-defined parameter userData.
2.2.0 #
Dependency Description #
- Upgrade the dependent client SDK version: Android&iOS TUICallEngine:
2.1.0 #
Dependency Description #
- Upgrade the dependent client SDK version: Android&iOS TUICore:7.7.5285(Android)/7.7.5282(iOS), Android&iOS TUICallEngine:
2.0.1 #
Bug Fixes #
- Android & iOS : Fixed an incompatibility issue caused by Tencent RTC Observer when using Tencent RTC components with other components that also use Tencent RTC.
- Android : Fixed an incompatibility issue when using TUIRoom in conjunction with other devices.
2.0.0 #
Dependency Description #
- Upgrade the dependent client SDK version: Android&iOS TUICore:7.6.5011, Android&iOS TUICallEngine:
1.9.1 #
1.9.0 #
New Features #
- Android$iOS: Add an interface for setting ringtones.
Function Optimization: #
- Android&iOS: Optimize package purchasing prompts.
- Android&iOS: Optimize default bitrates for different resolutions, see details.
Bug Fixes #
- iOS: Fixed the issue where the same Observer object can be registered twice.
Dependency Description #
- Upgrade the dependent client SDK version: Android&iOS TUICore:7.5.4852, Android&iOS TUICallEngine:
1.8.1 #
Bug Fixes #
- Android&iOS: Fixed the issue where the same Observer object can be registered twice.
1.8.0 #
New Features #
- Android&iOS: Built a new TUICallkit based on the Dart language, which makes it easier to customize your own UI style.
- Android&iOS: TUICallEngine adds multiple business interfaces such as hangup, accept, reject, etc.
1.7.5-preview #
New Features #
- Android&iOS: Built a new TUICallkit based on the Dart language, which makes it easier to customize your own UI style.
- Android&iOS: TUICallEngine adds multiple business interfaces such as hangup, accept, reject, etc.
1.7.4 #
Function Optimization: #
- Android: Gravity sensing is turned off by default, optimizing the call experience on large screens and customized devices.
Bug Fixes: #
- Android&iOS: When A calls B (offline) and cancels it, A calls B again, and B logs in and comes online, there is an abnormal problem with B's cloud call records.
1.7.3 #
1.7.2 #
Bug Fixes #
- iOS: Upgrade the client SDK version to fix the problem of AppStore rejection due to Non-public API usage.
1.7.1 #
New Features #
- Android&iOS: Added cloud call records, you can open the service in the console to experience the query.
Function Optimization #
- Android: Lower the level of system keep-alive during the call, only display the keep-alive prompt in the status bar, and remove the notification and vibration.
1.6.1 #
Bug Fixes #
- iOS: Fixed the problem of an empty midway page after calling joinInGroupCall.
- iOS: Fixed the problem of user screen blocking after calling joinInGroupCall.
1.6.0 #
New Features #
- Android&iOS: Added the hangup interface.
- Android&iOS: Added user-defined fields and user-defined call timeout duration.
- Android&iOS: Added a midway page for group calls.
Function Optimization #
- Android: Optimized the display of single-person video call avatars.
- Android&iOS: In group calls, inviting other group members to join the call is supported by default.
Bug Fixes #
- Android: Fixed the problem of no sound after connecting to Bluetooth on Android 12 and above devices.
- Android: Fixed the problem of occasional failure of muting on the called end.
- iOS: Fixed the problem of occasional failure to receive incoming call invitations after re-logging in.
- iOS: Fixed the problem of incorrect display of the nickname on the VoIP push page.
Dependency Description #
- Upgrade the dependent client SDK version: Android LiteAVSDK_Professional:, iOS TXLiteAVSDK_Professional: 11.1.14143.
1.5.4 #
New Features #
- iOS: Supports VoIP message push function, providing a better call answering experience.
- Android&iOS: Added advanced parameters for offline push of Xiaomi, Huawei, and VIVO.
- Android&iOS: Supports setting encoding resolution, picture direction, etc.
- Android&iOS: Supports setting rendering direction, rendering mode (adaptive, fill), etc.
Function Optimization #
- Android: Optimized the totaltime parameter unit to milliseconds in the onCallEnd callback.
Bug Fixes #
- Android&iOS: Fixed the abnormal problem of the onCallReceived callback.
- iOS: Fixed the problem of incomplete display of the call page when the screen is rotated.
1.5.3 #
Bug Fixes #
- Android: Fixed the packaging failure problem.
- Android&iOS: Fixed the problem of throwing an exception when the callback method is not implemented.
1.5.2 #
Bug Fixes #
- Android: Fixed the compilation error caused by the API change of TUICallDefine.OfflinePushInfo.
1.5.1 #
Bug Fixes #
- Android&iOS: Fixed the problem of incorrect version dependency of tencent_calls_engine.
1.5.0 #
Function Optimization #
- Android: The ear-to-ear screen function is turned off by default.
- Android: Upgrade the gradle plugin and version.
- Android: Optimized the ringtone playback class to support loop playback.
Bug Fixes #
- Android&iOS: Fixed the problem of no onCallCancel callback when the callee failed to answer the call.
- Android: Fixed the problem of the caller's exception when the callee failed to answer the call.
- Android: Fixed the problem of the callee's interface being called again when the caller cancels the call during the first call permission check and the callee pulls up the interface again.
- Android: Fixed the problem of the userId parameter being empty in the network quality callback to the upper layer.
- iOS: Fixed the problem of incorrect Observer registration timing in the Example.
1.4.2 #
Bug Fixes #
- Android&iOS: Fixed the problem of call exceptions caused by incorrect Observer registration timing in the Example.
- iOS: Fixed the problem of occasional invalid settings of the removeObserver API.
1.4.1 #
Bug Fixes #
- Android: Fixed the problem of the OnCallEnd event being lost after the call ends.
1.4.0 #
Bug Fixes #
- Android&iOS: Fixed the problem of call exceptions when actively joining a room (joinInGroupCall).
- Android: Fixed the problem of call status exceptions when the app is backgrounded during a call and then returned to the foreground.
- Android: Fixed the problem of call initiation failure caused by login status when integrating the tencent_cloud_chat_uikit plugin at the same time.
- Android: Fixed the problem of call initiation failure caused by parameter check issues during group call initiation.
1.3.1 #
1.3.0 #
Function Optimization #
- iOS: Optimized the TUICallKit framework size.
Bug Fixes #
- Android&iOS: Fixed the problem of the call interface not disappearing when the server dissolves the room or kicks out a user.
- Android: Fixed the problem of the call interface not displaying when A calls offline user B, cancels the call, and then calls B again after B comes online.
1.2.0 #
New Features #
- Android&iOS: Supports 1v1 audio and video calls and group audio and video calls.
- Android&iOS: Supports custom avatars and nicknames.
- Android&iOS: Supports setting custom ringtones.
- Android&iOS: Supports opening a floating window during a call.
- Android&iOS: Supports incoming call services under multiple platform login status.