template_package 2.0.9
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A Set of tools to speed up and keep clean the development of your app.
template_package #
A template package for flutter apps.
This package will give you a set of tools to speed up and keep clean the development of your app.
- State Management
- Manages the flutter state in a similar but more flexible way then the common flutter bloc
- UseCase interface to implement and organize the application logic of your app
- LoggerDefault to log all your required logs
- Flutter toasts are few of the utilities already incorporated.
- BaseBlocDataState , BaseBlocPrimaryState states and BaseBlocEvent to organize the flow of data between your widget and bloc
Features | Modules |
State management | BaseWidget and TemplateBloc |
Navigation | BaseBlocPrimaryState and sinkState |
Logs | LoggerDefault |
business rules modules | ABR EBR |
dependency injection | BaseDependencyModule |
Getting Started #
State Management #
Convert the widget
Let's start by converting your StatefullWidget in a widget that accepts states from the bloc ( TemplateBloc)
Extend your stateFull widget with BaseWidget and your state class with BaseState also add an extra generic type in the <PageName, BaseBloc>
class MyWidget extends BaseWidget {
MyWidget(BaseBloc Function() getBloc) : super(getBloc);
class _MyWidgetState extends BaseState<MyWidget, BaseBloc> {
complete and simple widget example
import 'package:example/features/simple/my_event.dart';
import 'package:example/features/simple/my_state.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:template_package/base_widget/base_widget.dart';
import 'package:template_package/template_package.dart';
class MyWidget extends BaseWidget {
MyWidget(BaseBloc Function() getBloc) : super(getBloc);
_MyWidgetState createState() => _MyWidgetState();
class _MyWidgetState extends BaseState<MyWidget, BaseBloc> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(),
body: myWidgetListener(),
// Note the streamBuilder listening the events from **MyCustomDataState** Stream
Widget myWidgetListener() {
return StreamBuilder(
stream: bloc.getStreamOfType<MyCustomDataState>(),
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<MyCustomDataState> snapshot) {
if (snapshot.data == null)
return Center(
child: Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: [
Text('no data received'),
return Center(
child: Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: [
Text(snapshot.data?.myCustomData ?? ''),
SizedBox(height: 10),
ElevatedButton sendDataToBlocButton() {
return ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () {
bloc.event.add(MyButtonTapCustomEvent('myAnalyticEvent', dataFromUi: "data from UI"));
child: Text('Send Data To Bloc'));
Create the bloc
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:example/features/initial/initial_event.dart';
import 'package:example/features/initial/initial_state.dart';
import 'package:template_package/template_package.dart';
class MyBloc extends BaseBloc {
/// create your custom streamController which will be listened by a unique widget inside your BaseWidget
final StreamController myDataStateController = StreamController<MyCustomDataState>();
MyBloc() {
// IMPORTANT to register your custom controllers here otherwise you will get a FlutterError
// someOtherController.stream
void onUiDataChange(BaseBlocEvent event) {
/// Any event sent by our base widget will end up here
/// Make sure you filter them by exact type (the Event needs to extend BaseBlocEvent)
if (event is MyCustomEvent) {
} else if (event is MyButtonTapCustomEvent) {
void doSomethingOnButtonTap(String dataFromUi) {
myDataStateController.add(MyCustomDataState(myCustomData: "$dataFromUi with my custom data"));
void callMethodThatWillDoSomething(String dataFromUi) {
// todo do something
void dispose() {
// dispose your controllers here
create a file for your DataStates and create your dataStates
class MyCustomDataState extends BaseBlocDataState {
final String myCustomData;
MyCustomDataState({required this.myCustomData});
create a file for your Events and create your baseBlocEvents
class MyCustomEvent extends BaseBlocEvent {
final String myCustomDataFromUi;
MyCustomEvent(String? analyticEventName, this.myCustomDataFromUi) : super(analyticEventName);
Here is an overview of how the comunication between these elements will work
lets see how we compose these dependencies
/// if you don't have a custom analytics you can use a default one AnalyticsProxy()
/// The params passed in the constructor of the Bloc are very custom and with no limitations like getIt
final page = MyWidget(() => MyBloc());
Navigation #
Navigation class
class NavigateToMyPage extends BaseBlocPrimaryState {
final Function(dynamic result)? onPop;
final String variable;
NavigateToMyPage({this.onPop, required this.variable, bool rootNavigator = true}) : super();
call(context) {
final page = MyWidget(() => MyBloc());
Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => page)).then((value) {
return onPop?.call(value);
How to navigate from a widget
void methodInMyWidget(BuildContext context) {
How to navigate from a bloc
void methodInMyBloc() {
Dependency injection #
Create one or more SubModule (A place to create SomeModules)
class BlocSubModule extends ISubModule {
// late ServiceSubModule serviceSubModule;
init(List<ISubModule> subModules) {
// You can get access to all the subModules of your app from this method
// serviceSubModule = subModules.singleWhere((element) => element is ServiceSubModule) as ServiceSubModule;
SecondBloc secondBloc(String someData) => SecondBloc(someData, serviceSubModule.userService());
Create the module that will initialise all your submodules
class DependencyModule extends BaseDependencyModule {
List<ISubModule> createSubmodules() {
return [
// ServiceSubModule()
// CoreSubModule()
Create a provider, this will allow access to the subModules you need
99% of the cases you should only need access to the blocSubModule
class DProvider extends InheritedWidget {
final List<ISubModule> _subModuleList;
bool updateShouldNotify(InheritedWidget oldWidget) => true;
///Must be initialized only on the top of the widget three (Should Be The App Parent)
const DProvider(this._subModuleList, {required Widget child, Key? key}) : super(child: child, key: key);
static DProvider? of(BuildContext context) => context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<DProvider>();
///Bloc SubModule
BlocSubModule get blocSubModule => _subModuleList.whereType<BlocSubModule>().first;
///Bloc SubModule
EbrSubModule get ebrSubModule => _subModuleList.whereType<EbrSubModule>().first;
Initialize the Dependency Module
Initialise your DependencyModule and pass all the submodules to the DependencyProvider Make sure your App is wrapped by DProvider
void main() {
final dependencyModule = DependencyModule();
final app = DProvider(dependencyModule.getReadySubModules(), child: const MyApp());
Get your dependency
final exampleDependency = DProvider.of(context)!.myCustomSubModule.myCustomDependency();
SecondPage(() => DProvider.of(context)!.blocSubModule.secondBloc(someData));
UseCases #
class SomeUseCase extends UseCase<InitialRepository> {
SomeUseCase(InitialRepository repository) : super(repository);
Future<void> getSomeData(RequestObserver<dynamic, SomeModel?> requestObserver) async {
await repository.getSomeData(RequestObserver<dynamic, SomeModel?>(
onListen: (SomeModel? data) {
// some extra logic
onError: requestBehaviour.onError));
Future<void> setSomeData(RequestObserver<SomeModel?, dynamic> requestObserver) async {
await repository.setSomeData(RequestObserver<SomeModel?, dynamic>(
requestData: requestBehaviour.requestData,
onListen: (_) {
onError: requestBehaviour.onError));