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A Set of tools to speed up and keep clean the development of your app.

template_package #

A template package for flutter apps.

This package will give you a set of tools to speed up and keep clean the development of your app.

  • State Management
  • Manages the flutter state in a similar but more flexible way then the common flutter bloc
  • UseCase interface to implement and organize the application logic of your app
  • LoggerDefault to log all your required logs
  • Flutter toasts are few of the utilities already incorporated.
  • BaseBlocDataState , BaseBlocPrimaryState states and BaseBlocEvent to organize the flow of data between your widget and bloc
Features Modules
State management BaseWidget and TemplateBloc
Navigation BaseBlocPrimaryState and sinkState
Logs LoggerDefault
business rules modules ABR EBR
dependency injection BaseDependencyModule

Getting Started #

State Management #


Convert the widget

Let's start by converting your StatefullWidget in a widget that accepts states from the bloc ( TemplateBloc)

Extend your stateFull widget with BaseWidget and your state class with BaseState also add an extra generic type in the <PageName, BaseBloc>

class MyWidget extends BaseWidget {
  MyWidget(BaseBloc Function() getBloc) : super(getBloc);

class _MyWidgetState extends BaseState<MyWidget, BaseBloc> {

complete and simple widget example

import 'package:example/features/simple/my_event.dart';
import 'package:example/features/simple/my_state.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:template_package/base_widget/base_widget.dart';
import 'package:template_package/template_package.dart';

class MyWidget extends BaseWidget {
  MyWidget(BaseBloc Function() getBloc) : super(getBloc);

  _MyWidgetState createState() => _MyWidgetState();

class _MyWidgetState extends BaseState<MyWidget, BaseBloc> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(),
      body: myWidgetListener(),

  // Note the streamBuilder listening the events from **MyCustomDataState** Stream
  Widget myWidgetListener() {
    return StreamBuilder(
        stream: bloc.getStreamOfType<MyCustomDataState>(),
        builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<MyCustomDataState> snapshot) {
          if (snapshot.data == null)
            return Center(
                child: Column(
                  mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
                  children: [
                    Text('no data received'),
          return Center(
              child: Column(
                mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
                children: [
                  Text(snapshot.data?.myCustomData ?? ''),
                  SizedBox(height: 10),

  ElevatedButton sendDataToBlocButton() {
    return ElevatedButton(
        onPressed: () {
          bloc.event.add(MyButtonTapCustomEvent('myAnalyticEvent', dataFromUi: "data from UI"));
        child: Text('Send Data To Bloc'));

Create the bloc

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:example/features/initial/initial_event.dart';
import 'package:example/features/initial/initial_state.dart';
import 'package:template_package/template_package.dart';

class MyBloc extends BaseBloc {
  /// create your custom streamController which will be listened by a unique widget inside your BaseWidget
  final StreamController myDataStateController = StreamController<MyCustomDataState>();

  MyBloc() {
    // IMPORTANT to register your custom controllers here otherwise you will get a FlutterError
      // someOtherController.stream

  void onUiDataChange(BaseBlocEvent event) {
    /// Any event sent by our base widget will end up here
    /// Make sure you filter them by exact type (the Event needs to extend BaseBlocEvent)
    if (event is MyCustomEvent) {
    } else if (event is MyButtonTapCustomEvent) {

  void doSomethingOnButtonTap(String dataFromUi) {
    myDataStateController.add(MyCustomDataState(myCustomData: "$dataFromUi with my custom data"));

  void callMethodThatWillDoSomething(String dataFromUi) {
    // todo do something

  void dispose() {
    // dispose your controllers here

create a file for your DataStates and create your dataStates

class MyCustomDataState extends BaseBlocDataState {
  final String myCustomData;

  MyCustomDataState({required this.myCustomData});

create a file for your Events and create your baseBlocEvents

class MyCustomEvent extends BaseBlocEvent {
  final String myCustomDataFromUi;

  MyCustomEvent(String? analyticEventName, this.myCustomDataFromUi) : super(analyticEventName);

Here is an overview of how the comunication between these elements will work

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lets see how we compose these dependencies

 /// if you don't have a custom analytics you can use a default one AnalyticsProxy()
 /// The params passed in the constructor of the Bloc are very custom and with no limitations like getIt
 final page = MyWidget(() => MyBloc());


class NavigateToMyPage extends BaseBlocPrimaryState {
  final Function(dynamic result)? onPop;
  final String variable;

  NavigateToMyPage({this.onPop, required this.variable, bool rootNavigator = true}) : super();

  call(context) {
    final page = MyWidget(() => MyBloc());
    Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => page)).then((value) {
      return onPop?.call(value);

How to navigate from a widget

 void methodInMyWidget(BuildContext context) {

How to navigate from a bloc

 void methodInMyBloc() {

Dependency injection #


Create one or more SubModule (A place to create SomeModules)

class BlocSubModule extends ISubModule {
  // late ServiceSubModule serviceSubModule;

  init(List<ISubModule> subModules) {
    // You can get access to all the subModules of your app from this method
    // serviceSubModule = subModules.singleWhere((element) => element is ServiceSubModule) as ServiceSubModule;

  SecondBloc secondBloc(String someData) => SecondBloc(someData, serviceSubModule.userService());

Create the module that will initialise all your submodules

class DependencyModule extends BaseDependencyModule {
  List<ISubModule> createSubmodules() {
    return [
      // ServiceSubModule()
      // CoreSubModule()

Create a provider, this will allow access to the subModules you need

99% of the cases you should only need access to the blocSubModule

class DProvider extends InheritedWidget {
  final List<ISubModule> _subModuleList;

  bool updateShouldNotify(InheritedWidget oldWidget) => true;

  ///Must be initialized only on the top of the widget three (Should Be The App Parent)
  const DProvider(this._subModuleList, {required Widget child, Key? key}) : super(child: child, key: key);

  static DProvider? of(BuildContext context) => context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<DProvider>();

  ///Bloc SubModule
  BlocSubModule get blocSubModule => _subModuleList.whereType<BlocSubModule>().first;
  ///Bloc SubModule
  EbrSubModule get ebrSubModule => _subModuleList.whereType<EbrSubModule>().first;

Initialize the Dependency Module

Initialise your DependencyModule and pass all the submodules to the DependencyProvider Make sure your App is wrapped by DProvider

void main() {
  final dependencyModule = DependencyModule();
  final app = DProvider(dependencyModule.getReadySubModules(), child: const MyApp());

Get your dependency

final exampleDependency = DProvider.of(context)!.myCustomSubModule.myCustomDependency();

SecondPage(() => DProvider.of(context)!.blocSubModule.secondBloc(someData));

UseCases #

class SomeUseCase extends UseCase<InitialRepository> {
  SomeUseCase(InitialRepository repository) : super(repository);

  Future<void> getSomeData(RequestObserver<dynamic, SomeModel?> requestObserver) async {
    await repository.getSomeData(RequestObserver<dynamic, SomeModel?>(
        onListen: (SomeModel? data) {
          // some extra logic
        onError: requestBehaviour.onError));

  Future<void> setSomeData(RequestObserver<SomeModel?, dynamic> requestObserver) async {
    await repository.setSomeData(RequestObserver<SomeModel?, dynamic>(
        requestData: requestBehaviour.requestData,
        onListen: (_) {
        onError: requestBehaviour.onError));

Full Clean Architecture Overview #

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base_bloc, clean_architecture_components, dependency_provider, flutter, fluttertoast, logger


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