temp_cache 0.0.7 temp_cache: ^0.0.7 copied to clipboard
A package which provides functionality to store objects inside a temporary cache inside memory
import 'package:temp_cache/cache.dart';
void main(List<String> args) {
final cache = Cache<TestItem>();
final item1 = TestItem('1');
final item2 = TestItem('2');
final item3 = TestItem('3');
// put one
cache.put(item1.id, item1);
// put many
final List<TestItem> items = [item2, item3];
cache.putMany(items, (item) => item.id);
// get one
// ignore: unused_local_variable
final i1 = cache.get('1');
// get all
// ignore: unused_local_variable
final retrievedList = cache.getAll();
class TestItem {
late final String id;
late final bool isTrue;