televerse 1.5.1
televerse: ^1.5.1 copied to clipboard
Televerse lets you create your own efficient Telegram bots with ease in Dart. Supports latest Telegram Bot API - 6.5!
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:televerse/televerse.dart';
void main() async {
final String token = Platform.environment["BOT_TOKEN"]!;
// Create a new bot instance
Bot bot = Bot(token, fetcher: LongPolling());
// Listen to commands
bot.command("hello", (ctx) => ctx.reply("Hello!"));
// Add advanced filters to particularly listen to messages
bot.filter((ctx) => false, (ctx) {
ctx.reply("This message will never be sent");
// Or you can do this:
bool myAdvancedFilter(MessageContext ctx) {
return {
return photo.fileSize! > 1 * 1000 * 1024;
}) ??
bot.filter(myAdvancedFilter, (ctx) {
// This will only be executed if the filter returns true
// That is if the photo is bigger than 1MB
ctx.reply("Oh wow, this is a big photo!");
// The [bot.hears] method allows you to listen to messages that match a regular expression.
// You can use the `MessageContext.matches` getter to access the matches of the regular expression.
bot.hears(RegExp(r'Hello, (.*)!'), (ctx) {
ctx.reply('${ctx.matches![1]} must be a doing great!');
// With the [Bot.on] method you can listen for particular updates and you can
// execute a callback function with the [Context] object as parameter.
bot.on(TeleverseEvent.text, (ctx) {
// ctx will be of type [MessageContext]
ctx as MessageContext;
ctx.reply("This will only be executed if the message has text");
// Since v1.3.1 you can listen for `/start`, `/help` and `/settings` commands
// in an easier way.
bot.start((ctx) => ctx.reply("Hello!"));
bot.settings((ctx) => ctx.reply("Settings")); => ctx.reply("Help"));
// So with the [Bot.on] method you can listen for particular updates. Yeah, that indeed means
// that you can listen for all commands simply by listening for the [TeleverseEvent.command] event.
bot.on(TeleverseEvent.command, (ctx) {
// ctx will be of type [MessageContext]
ctx as MessageContext;
ctx.reply("This will be executed for every command");
"That really includes /start, /help and /settings and all other commands you define.",
// Do your logic here
if (ctx.message.text == "/televerse") {
ctx.reply("Much love from Televerse! ❤️");
// You can also listen for particular message entities.
bot.entity(MessageEntityType.mention, (ctx) {
"${ctx.message.getEntityText(MessageEntityType.mention)} was mentioned!",