televerse 1.4.2 copy "televerse: ^1.4.2" to clipboard
televerse: ^1.4.2 copied to clipboard

Televerse lets you create your own efficient Telegram bots with ease in Dart. Supports latest Telegram Bot API - 6.5!

1.4.2 #

  • Fixed an issue with the webhook configuration.
  • Made it easier to set a custom fetcher. You don't have to pass the RawAPI instance to the Fetcher constructor anymore.

1.4.1 #

  • Minor formatting changes.

1.4.0 #

  • 🔥 This is breaking change.
  • Added the RawAPI class to access the raw Telegram Bot API methods.
  • Added a api getter to Televerse class to access the RawAPI class.
  • Now it's even easier to access and differentiate between the Telegram Bot API methods and Televerse methods.
  • Added dartdoc comments to all the classes.

1.3.1 #

  • Added shorthand methods to setup listners for /start, /help, /settings commands.
  • You can now use Televerse.start,, and Televerse.settings to listen for these commands.
  • All these methods accepts a MessageHandler as a parameter which is a type alias for FutureOr<void> Function(MessageContext).
  • Added MessageHandler, CallbackQueryHandler, and InlineQueryHandler type aliases.

1.3.0 #

  • Telegram Bot API 6.5 (February 3, 2023)
  • This includes addition of classes like KeyboardButtonRequestUser, KeyboardButtonRequestChat, UserShared and ChatShared.
  • Added some missing implementations for Bot API 6.4

1.2.6 #

  • Added Televerse.instance getter to get the last instance of Bot created.
  • Added getter to get the Chat object from the ChatID object.
  • Added optional RegExp? regex parameter to Televerse.command method.

1.2.5 #

  • Added startParameter getter to MessageContext class. This will be automatically set when the bot is started by a user clicking on a deep link such as
  • Added more tests.
  • Whole lot of refactoring.

1.2.4 #

  • New InlineKeyboard class is added. This can be very useful in creating InlineKeyboardMarkup.
  • New Keyboard class to help with creating ReplyKeyboardMarkup easily and quickly.
  • Updated ReplyKeyboardMarkup and KeyboardButton as per the API Documentation (some of the optional parameters were required in the previous version).
  • Fixed an issue that was causing sendMessage to not work when used with any reply markup.

1.2.3 #

  • Added documentation for all most all classes and Televerse things.

1.2.2 #

  • Added MessageMixin to support MessageContext.
  • Added replyWithPhoto, replyWithVideo, replyWithAudio, replyWithDocument, replyWithVideoNote, replyWithVoice, replyWithVenue, replyWithContact, replyWithPoll, replyWithDice, replyWithChatAction, replyWithGame, replyWithAnimation, replyWithSticker, editMessageText, and deleteMessage methods to MessageContext.
  • Added ManagementMixin to support MessageContext.
  • Added banAuthor, banSenderChat, deleteChatPhoto, promoteAuthor, restrictAuthor, exportChatInviteLink, revokeChatInviteLink, pinChatMessage, unpinChatMessage, getChat, getChatAdministrators, getChatMember, and leaveChat on ManagementMixin.
  • Both MessageMixin and ManagementMixin are now available on MessageContext.
  • Added CallbackQueryMixin to support CallbackQueryContext.
  • CallbackQueryContext now has answer and editMessage methods available.
  • Added InlineQueryMixin to support InlineQueryContext.
  • InlineQueryContext now has answer, and answerWithArticles methods available.

1.2.1 #

1.2.0 #

  • Added TeleverseEvent enum to make it easy to listen for particular events.
  • 🔥 Added on method accessible on Televerse class. This method can be used to listen for particular events as listed in TeleverseEvent enum.
  • Edited method Televerse.callbackQuery to accept RegExp? regex as an optional parameter. This can be used to listen for callback queries that match the passed regex.
  • Updated RAW API to return Message instead of MessageContext.
  • Updated Context class to have the associated Update object with it.
  • Update MessageContextOrBoolean class to be MessageOrBoolean in places a method sending either Message or bool, such as editMessageLiveLocation etc.

1.1.0 #

  • Added a lot new methods to Televerse class:
    • command - Can be used to listen for Messages that contain the passed command
    • text - This is a very basic method, which can be used to listen to messages that contain particular text content in it
    • callbackQuery - Can be used to listen for callbackQuery updates.
    • chatType and chatTypes - Can be used to register callbacks for messages received on particular chat types.
    • filter - Filter is an advanced method that can be used to listen for messages that pass a given predicate condition.
    • hears - One of the best picks. Users can pass a RegEx pattern and listen for messages that contain a match.
  • Added to get the Chat ID easily
  • Improved examples

1.0.1 #

  • Initial release
  • We're live at Bot API 6.4
  • MessageContext class added with reply method

0.0.1 #

  • On development release. Completely new project.
pub points



Televerse lets you create your own efficient Telegram bots with ease in Dart. Supports latest Telegram Bot API - 6.5!

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