tart 0.5.0 tart: ^0.5.0 copied to clipboard
tart is a Twirp library for Dart. This is to be used in conjunction with protoc-gen-tart. https://github.com/syncapod/tart
/// This example is as simple as can be to make RPC calls and handle errors
/// Please go to https://github.com/syncapod/tart for a more thorough example
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:client/protos/haberdasher.pbtwirp.dart';
import 'package:client/protos/haberdasher.pb.dart';
import 'package:client/protos/suit.pb.dart';
import 'package:tart/tart.dart';
void main(List<String> arguments) async {
try {
final client = HaberdasherProtobufClient("http://localhost:8080", "twirp");
final emptyCtx = Context();
final hat =
await client.makeHat(emptyCtx, Size(inches: Random().nextInt(4) + 6));
print("Hat made: ${hat.inches}in ${hat.color} ${hat.name}");
final suit =
await client.makeSuit(emptyCtx, SuitSizeReq(size: SuitSize.LG));
print('Suit made: ${suit.size} ${suit.color}');
} on TwirpError catch (e) {
final method = e.getContext.value(ContextKeys.methodName);
print('Error making $method rpc call: ${e.getCode}, ${e.getMsg}');
} catch (e, stackTrace) {
print('Unknown exception occurred $e');
print('StackTrace: $stackTrace');