tapper 0.1.4 copy "tapper: ^0.1.4" to clipboard
tapper: ^0.1.4 copied to clipboard

Provides extension methods on all types to allow temporary, inspection/mutation (tapping) and transformation (piping)

Tapper #

Pub Version Dart Package Docs License: MIT Build Status

Provides extension methods on all types to allow temporary, inspection/mutation (tap), transformation (pipe), and safe type conversion without casting (conv).

Based on the Rust crate with a similar name tap.

Tap #

The Tap extension allows you to perform an operation on an object and then return the original object. It's useful for debugging or performing side effects.


int number = 10;
number = number.tap((n) => ++n )
    .tap((n) => print("The number is ${n}"));
// Prints: The number is 10

Pipe #

The Pipe extension lets you transform an object using a provided function and returns the transformed object.


int number = 10;
number = number.pipe((n) => ++n )
    .pipe((n) { 
      print("The number is ${n}"); 
      return n;
// Prints: The number is 11

Conv #

The Conv extension is used for type conversion. You can convert an object from one type to another, handling cases where the conversion is not possible.


String numericString = "123";
int? number = numericString.convInt(); // convInt exists for this type
// number is now 123

Object nonNumericString = "abc";
Result<int, ConvException> result = nonNumericString.tryConv<int>();
// conversion is not possible and handled with Result

Valid Conversions #

There also exists tryConv for dynamic inputs and concrete output.

From Type To Type Method Used
int double convDouble()
int num convNum()
int BigInt convBigInt()
int String convString()
int bool convBool()
double int convInt()
double num convNum()
double BigInt convBigInt()
double String convString()
double bool convBool()
num int convInt()
num double convDouble()
num BigInt convBigInt()
num String convString()
num bool convBool()
BigInt int convInt()
BigInt double convDouble()
BigInt num convNum()
BigInt String convString()
BigInt bool convBool()
bool int convInt()
bool double convDouble()
bool num convNum()
bool BigInt convBigInt()
bool String convString()
String int? convInt()
String double? convDouble()
String num? convNum()
String BigInt? convBigInt()
String bool convBool()
pub points


verified publishervoyver.com

Provides extension methods on all types to allow temporary, inspection/mutation (tapping) and transformation (piping)

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