talkjs_flutter 0.11.0 copy "talkjs_flutter: ^0.11.0" to clipboard
talkjs_flutter: ^0.11.0 copied to clipboard

Official TalkJS SDK for Flutter

0.11.0 #

  • Add enableZoom property to Chatbox.
  • Add sendMessage method to Conversation.

0.10.2 #

  • Fix push notifications not working on Android when app has been terminated.
  • Fix MessageFieldOptions not working.
  • Update dependencies' versions.

0.10.1 #

  • Relaxed version requirements for the Dart SDK and http packages

0.10.0 #

  • Add support for Firebase push notifications on iOS.
  • Add compound predicates to Chatbox and ConversationList.
  • Add missing themeOptions property in ConversationList.
  • Fix push notification error when sender's photoUrl is invalid.
  • Fix build issue on Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) 8.0+

0.9.3 #

  • Fix links in Android not opening in the external browser by default.

0.9.2 #

  • Fix build issue on Xcode 15.
  • Fix runtime error on iOS.
  • Update dependencies' versions.

0.9.1 #

  • Fix messages getting marked as read only after clicking the message field. Now they should get marked after the Chatbox has loaded.

0.9.0 #

  • Add setPushRegistration, unsetPushRegistration, and clearPushRegistrations to the Session.
  • Add destroy and hasValidCredentials to the Session.
  • Add onMessage to the Session.
  • Add unreads to the Session.
  • Update dependencies' versions.

0.8.1 #

  • Updated Firebase dependencies versions

0.8.0 #

  • Add lastMessageTs and subject feedFilters.
  • Re-enable support for onUrlNavigation callback on the ChatBox.
  • Fix push notifications not working on Android in Flutter v3.3.0 and later.

0.7.0 #

  • BREAKING CHANGE: To ensure that file uploads work correctly, you'll need to update your AndroidManifest.xml file as indicated in the docs
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Due to a change in the latest versions of iOS, to ensure that microphone permission is granted correctly for voice messages, update your Podfile as shown in the docs
  • Updated dependencies versions

0.6.0 #

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Updated version numbers for Firebase dependencies. This may require you to update your build versions on Android and iOS.
  • Fix audio messages not working.

0.5.0 #

  • Added the onUrlNavigation callback to the ChatBox

0.4.0 #

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed the notify property of the Participant to allow for mentions only

0.3.1 #

  • Added explicit support for Android and iOS in pubspec.yaml

0.3.0 #

  • Add support for push notification on both Android and iOS.
  • Fix file upload on Android.

0.2.1 #

  • Fixed vertical scrolling when the ChatBox is in a bottom sheet

0.2.0 #

  • Implemented the onLoadingStateChanged callback
  • Implemented the onCustomMessageAction callbacks

0.1.0 #

  • Initial version.