talker_flutter 4.5.2 talker_flutter: ^4.5.2 copied to clipboard
Advanced error handler and logger package for flutter and dart. App monitoring, logs history, report sharing, custom logs, and etc.
4.5.2 #
- [talker_flutter] Add fallback Flutter screen log card color by LogLevel
4.5.1 #
- [talker_flutter] Fix mapping LogColors to Flutter Color (Logs screen)
4.5.0 #
More Flexible Interaction with Custom Logs
- BREAKING [talker] Change the type of
parameter in theTalkerSettings
class fromMap<TalkerLogType, AnsiPen>?
toMap<String, AnsiPen>?
. Custom colors must now use a string key for log types. - BREAKING [talker] Change the type of
parameter in theTalkerSettings
class fromMap<TalkerLogType, String>?
toMap<String, String>?
. Custom titles must now use a string key for log types. - BREAKING [talker_flutter] Change the type of
parameter in the TalkerScreenTheme class fromMap<TalkerLogType, Colors>?
toMap<String, Colors>?
. Custom colors must now use a string key for log types. - [talker] Add new tests and updated existing ones.
- [talker] Update the documentation for log customization.
Thanks to yelmuratoff
4.4.7 #
- [talker_dio_logger] Make encoder constant private
4.4.6 #
- [talker] Reanme logTyped method to logCustom
- [talker] Add Deprecated annotation for logTyped method
4.4.5 #
- [talker_logger] Add enable option field to control log output (on talker_logger level)
Thanks to weitsai
4.4.4 #
- [talker_dio_logger] Add enable option field to control log output (on talker_dio_logger level)
Thanks to weitsai
4.4.3 #
- [talker_http_logger] Bump http_interceptor package version to 2.0.0
4.4.2 #
- [talker] Fix provide pen color field in log() method
- [talker] Android dependecies actualization and bug fixing in example app code
Thanks to HE-LU and venkat9507
4.4.1 #
- [talker_flutter] Bump share_plus version to 10.0.1
- [talker_flutter] Bump path_provider version to 2.1.4
4.4.0 #
- [talker] Stable
release (Support of custom time formatting for every talker package) - [talker_riverpod_logger] Bump version to talker common versions system
4.3.5 #
- [talker_bloc_logger] Setup common time format from talker settings for Bloc logs
4.3.2 #
- [talker_riverpod_logger] Fix issue with display time inside riverpod package
Thanks to yelmuratoff
4.3.1 #
- [talker_flutter] Fix showing times on FlutterScreen cards
Thanks to fieldOfView
4.3.0 #
- [talker_flutter] Custom logs timestamp formattings
Thanks to abdelaziz-mahdy
4.2.4 #
- [talker_riverpod_logger] Print missing data on TalkerScreen
Thanks to yelmuratoff
4.2.3 #
- [talker_riverpod_logger] Include Provider's name in logs output
Thanks to KoheiKanagu
4.2.2 #
- [talker_flutter] Support for Flutter 3.22, fix new version deprecations
4.2.1 #
- [talker_dio_logger] Add missing error setting for TalkerDioLoggerSettings:
Thanks to Ali1Ammar
4.2.0 #
- Initial release of talker_riverpod_logger
Thanks to jbdujardin
4.1.5 #
- [talker_flutter] Bump share_plus version to 9.0.0
4.1.4 #
- [talker_logger] Fix default logs printing method
4.1.3 #
- [talker_flutter] Bump share_plus version to 8.0.2
- [talker_flutter] Bump path_provider version to 2.1.2
4.1.2 #
- [talker_flutter] Bump group_button version to 5.3.4
4.1.0 #
4.0.3 #
- Support web for talker and talker_logger
- Update talker_bloc_logger
Thanks to melodysdreamj and MiladAtef
4.0.2 #
- Fix inconsistent colors at TalkerScreen
- Add LogColors typedef in TalkerTheme
(Map<TalkerLogType, Color>)
Thanks to XanderD99
4.0.1 #
- Fix talker configure method problems issue #186
Thanks to K1yoshiSho
4.0.0 #
Add ability to customize colors and titles of any Talker logs
Add ability to customize colors of any logs in TalkerScreen UI
Add TalkerLogType enum for clear differentiation of logs by types.
Update TalkerScreen UI (The interface is now even more user-friendly)
Huge documentation update
Make 100% test coverage of talker_bloc_logger and talker_dio_logger
Add expand / collapse ability for one log card
Packages versions synchronization (Now the versions of all core libraries will be identical)
BREAKING TalkerDataInterface deleted (Now base data class is TalkerData)
Fix: Text color not always visible issue #174
Add custom title format issue #170
Fix: Logger not resets log color issue #86
Check more details in documentation
4.0.0-dev.6 #
- Make 100% tests coverage
- Update example UI
- Add custom log titles documentation
- Fix TalkerScreen log colors setup
- Fix TalkerScreenTheme textColor providing
4.0.0-dev.5 #
- Huge documentation update
- Update talker_flutter styles
- Add expand / collapse ability for one log card
- Add colors customization examples
4.0.0-dev.4 #
- Add new tests to make 100% coverage
- Fix linter issues
4.0.0-dev.3 #
- Update talker_logger settings setup method
4.0.0-dev.2 #
- Fix types and remove unused code
4.0.0-dev.1 #
- First version with Logs keys implementation
- BREAKING TalkerDataInterface deleted
- Add new talker colors customization
- Talker Actions UI updated
3.6.0 #
- Add ability to setup custom history implementation
- Add abstract class TalkerHistory
- Add DefaultTalkerHistory implementation with basic (previous) functionality by default
Thanks to Ppito
3.5.6 #
- Add onCreate, onClose logs
- Add printClosings printCreations settings fields (false by default)
Thanks to cem256
3.5.4 #
- Bump share_plus package to 7.2.1
3.5.3 #
- Fix the overflow issue of Talker Monitor
Thanks to Kabak-Siarhei
3.5.2 #
- Bump talker version to 3.1.4
- Pad minutes and seconds for DateTime formatter
3.5.1 #
- Add TalkerRouteObsever documentatuion
- Fix share_plus version 7.1.0
3.5.0 #
- Update internal packages versions
- Bump share_plus package to 8.0.0
- Bump path_provider package to 2.1.1
3.4.0 #
- Bump share_plus package to 7.1.0
3.3.1 #
- Update README docs and examples
3.3.0 #
- Support web platform downloading logs
Thanks to Kabak-Siarhei
3.2.10 #
- Add TalkerScreenTheme cardColor customization field
3.2.9 #
- Fix appBarleading showing
3.2.8 #
- Add appBarleading field to TalkerScreen and TalkerView constructor
3.2.6 #
- Fix appbar icon colors
- Rename part of internal classes
3.2.5 #
- Make controller, theme, appBarTitle not required for TalkerView
- Make TalkerScreen Stateless instead of Stateful
3.2.4 #
- Fix AppBar title text color
3.2.3 #
- Add TalkerView in package exports
3.2.2 #
- Fix logs expanding and collapsing in TalkerView
3.2.1 #
- Refactor TalkerScreen decomposition
- Extract TalkerView, TalkerViewAppBar
3.2.0 #
- Rename (fix typo) field backgroudColor -> backgroundColor
- Fix internal and docs typos
- Update talker version to 3.1.0
- Update group_button version to 5.3.2
Thanks to wcoder
3.1.12 #
- Remove using paddingOf to support old flutter versions
3.1.11 #
- refactor and enhance UI
- Fix typo bacgroundColor -> backgroundColor in SnackbarContent constructor
- Add the dismissButtonText Widget to SnackbarContent
- Add the dismissButton Widget to SnackbarContent
- Add the titleTextStyle TextStyle to SnackbarContent
- Add the messageTextStyle TextStyle to SnackbarContent
- Add an onPressed callback to SnackbarContent
- Use paddingOf instead size this method will cause the given [context] to rebuild any time that the [MediaQueryData.padding] property of the ancestor [MediaQuery] changes. Checkout the following PR for more informations about MediaQuery as InheritedModel
Thanks to jnelle
3.1.10 #
- Update talker version to 3.0.5
3.1.9 #
- Add topics in pubspec.yaml
3.1.8 #
- Update talker version to 3.0.4
3.1.7 #
- Set the exact size of the text in the search TextField
- Fix large text in search bar
3.1.6 #
- Update talker version to 3.0.2
3.1.5 #
- Fix typos in package documentation
Thanks to vicenterusso
3.1.4 #
- Fix TalkerScreen scrolling
3.1.3 #
- Update sdk version to '>=2.15.0 <4.0.0'
3.1.2 #
- Make fixed text size in talker data list
3.1.1 #
- Fix TalkerFlutter output initialization
3.1.0 #
- Add runTalkerZonedGuarded method to setup handle all app unhandled exceptions with one method
Thanks to zezo357
3.0.0 #
Lighter, simpler, more powerful
- Big UI/UX updates. Interacting with logs from the application has become even easier now.
- Rename TalkerHistoryBuilder -> TalkerBuilder
- Remove old TalkerBuilder
- Remove FlutterTalkerDataInterface and subclasses instead of TalkerDataInterface
- Remove iconsColor field from TalkerScreenTheme
- Remove Filter bottom sheet (now this functionality is avaliable at TalkerScreen)
3.0.0-dev.12 #
- Add TalkerObserver in TalkerFlutter extension constructor
3.0.0-dev.11 #
- Update talker version to 3.0.0-dev.13
3.0.0-dev.10 #
- Update talker version to 3.0.0-dev.11
- Delete LogLevel.fine deprecation usage in extensions
3.0.0-dev.9 #
- Update TalkerFlutter extension (Remove deprecated fileds)
- Update talker version to 3.0.0-dev.10
3.0.0-dev.8 #
- Update README, and pubspec.yaml docs
3.0.0-dev.7 #
- Update talker version to ^3.0.0-dev.8
- Fix TalkerFlutter logs colors for http and bloc logs
3.0.0-dev.6 #
- Update TalkerScreen UI
- Fix AppBar SafeArea
3.0.0-dev.5 #
- Rename TalkerHistoryBuilder -> TalkerBuilder
- Remove old TalkerBuilder
3.0.0-dev.4 #
- Make loggerSettings, loggerFilter, loggerFormater, loggerOutput Deprecated Currently you can setup this felds and all other logger settings only in TalkerLogger constructor
3.0.0-dev.3 #
- Update Talker screen UI
- Remove Filter bottom sheet (now this functionality is avaliable at TalkerScreen)
- Remove iconsColor field from TalkerScreenTheme
3.0.0-dev.2 #
- Fix settings updates checking in UI
- Update example
3.0.0-dev.1 #
- Rename TalkerMonitorItem -> TalkerMonitorCard
- Remove FlutterTalkerDataInterface and subclasses
- Remove talker_dio_logger depencency
- Update talker version to 3.0.0-dev.6
- Update internal packages versions
2.4.3 #
- FEAT: update path_provider version to 2.0.13
2.4.1 #
- FEAT: Update talker_dio_logger to 1.3.0 and internal packages
2.4.0 #
- FEAT: Add settings bottom sheet on main screen
- FEAT: Add talker_dio_logger settings on settings bottom sheet
- FEAT: Make great UI improvements
- FEAT: Setup talker_dio_logger addon functionality
- FEAT: Make logs reversed as default
2.3.1 #
- FEAT: Add initial TalkerSettings screen to interact with Talker configuration
2.3.0 #
- FEAT: Add filters and fast actions for http calls monitor
- FEAT: Expanded size of log item click zone
2.2.1 #
- FIX: Fix color reset in console
Thnaks for westito
2.2.0 #
- FEAT: Create FlutterTalker extensions for enable iOS/ MacOS colored logging
- FEAT: Implement TalkerMonitor for sorting, warning, infos, verbose errors
- FEAT: Implement Talker Http Monitor for http request-response analytics and monitoring
- FEAT: Web demo example avaliable at
2.2.0-dev.1 #
- INFO: Init prerelease version
- INFO: Add web demo example
2.1.1-dev.3 #
- FEAT: TalkerMonitor sorting, warning, infos, verbose errors
- FEAT: Talker Http Monitor for http request-response analytics and monitoring
2.1.1-dev.2 #
- FEAT: Implement initial TalkerMonitor functionality
2.1.1-dev.1 #
- FEAT: Create FlutterTalker extensions for enable iOS/ MacOS colored logging
2.1.1 #
- FIX: TalkerFilter Cannot add to an unmodifiable list issue
Thnaks for ProjectAJ14
2.1.0+1 #
- INFO: Improve
- INFO: Improve pubspec.yaml
2.1.0 #
- FEAT: Implement filter for Talker constructor. Now you can filter data by logger and by talker instance as default.
2.0.6 #
- FIX: Update internal packages
2.0.5 #
- FIX: Analyzer issues about shareFiles method deprecation
2.0.4 #
- FIX: Analyzer issues about shareFiles method deprecation
2.0.3 #
- FIX: Talker logs card gaps
2.0.2 #
- FIX: Ignore routes with null in TalkerRouteObserver
2.0.1 #
- FIX: Logs text generation for copy and share (save to file) methods
2.0.0 #
- FEAT: Update TalkerScreen actions UI
- FEAT: Implement logs file sharing
- FEAT: Update logs filter UI
- INFO: Code base refactoring
- Huge Talker update See more in releases
1.7.1 #
- FIX: FlutterTalkerException, FlutterTalkerError, FlutterTalkerLog now implements FlutterTalkerDataInterface
1.7.0 #
- INFO: HaveFlutterColorInterface -> TalkerFlutterAdapterInterface
- FEAT: Implement generateFlutterTextMessage method for FlutterTalkerDataInterface, FlutterTalkerLog, FlutterTalkerError, FlutterTalkerException classes
Now you can extend your flutter app logs.
- generateFlutterTextMessage used in TalkerScreen (UI list of logs)
- generateTextMessage used in console logs and history
1.6.0 #
- FIX: Logs cutting by flutter via print method. Now Talker constructor have output filed to provide callback. For flutter applications, you need to pass debugPrint as output method See more in talker_flutter initialization on project
- INFO: Update talker to 1.3.0 version
1.5.1 #
- INFO: Huge README update
- INFO: Update talker to 1.2.0 version
1.5.0 #
- FEAT: Implement TalkerHistoryBuilder widget to create your own custom designed logs UI screen
- FEAT: Implement TalkerBuilder widget to create your own custom designed screen with last log message showing
- INFO: Update talker to 1.1.1 version
1.4.2 #
INFO: Add TalkerScreen appBarTitle field
Thanks to Khaoz-Topsy
1.4.1 #
- INFO: Add documentation for TalkerWrapper
1.4.0 #
- FEAT: Implement TalkerWrapper widget (to showing snackbars)
- FEAT: Implement base error messages showing in UI (for user)
1.3.0 #
talker_logger updates:
- FEAT: Implement ExtendedLoggerFormatter
- FEAT: Upgrade ColoredLoggerFormatter
- FIX: Typo Formater -> Formatter
1.2.0 #
FEAT Add default ordering setting for logs at TalkerScreen
Thanks to jirehcwe
1.1.0 #
- FEAT Implement TalkerListener widget to handle talker data stream
1.0.0 #
First stable release! 🎉
0.12.0 #
- INFO Update talker version to 0.12.0
0.11.0 #
- INFO Update talker version to 0.11.0
0.10.0 #
- FEAT Create extended example and base example
- FIX Make refactor in internal UI code
- FIX Fix examples
- INFO Update group_button version
0.9.0 #
- FEAT Add expand button for hiding or revealing logs
- FEAT Update TalkerScreen log UI
- FIX Saving selected filters after sheet closing
0.8.1 #
- talker_logger update to 0.8.0 version
- talker_logger changes:
- INFO: Create README with documentation and examples
- FIX: Rename and refactor internal code
- INFO: Add all public entities docs
- FIX: Remove lineSymbol and maxLineWidth field from LogDetails
0.8.0 #
- INFO Add all package documentation
- INFO Update talker package to 0.8.0 version
0.6.0 #
- Update internal packages
0.5.4 #
- Update group_button version to 4.5.0
- Fix issue 12
0.5.3 #
- Update talker version to 0.7.0
0.5.2 #
- Fix display message parsing
0.5.1 #
- Update display message UI
- Update talker version to 0.6.1
0.5.0 #
- Implement UI filter for convenient work with the console in the application
0.4.1 #
- Add Flutter Colors extended Talker models
to customize colors of your UI logs
0.4.0 #
- Update talker version to 0.5.0
0.3.0 #
- Update all packages to latest version
- Fix UI coloring
0.2.2 #
- Update Talker version
0.2.1 #
- Fix Talker to TalkerInterface
0.2.0 #
- Add logs list copy method
- Fix log colors
0.1.0 #
- Initial version