taglib_ffi_dart 0.0.1 copy "taglib_ffi_dart: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
taglib_ffi_dart: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

Use TagLib to read and write audio metadata tags in dart/flutter.

taglib_ffi #

Use TagLib to manage audio metadata tags in dart/flutter.


taglib_ffi is currently work in progress. API may change in the future.

Usage #

import 'package:taglib_ffi/taglib_ffi.dart' as taglib;

final filePath = 'path/to/audio/file';

await taglib.initialize();

final metadata = await taglib.readMetadata(filePath);

For Android platform,

where metadata is:

class Metadata {
  final String? title;
  final String? artist;
  final String? album;
  final String? albumArtist;
  final int? track;
  final int? albumTotalTrack;
  final int? year;
  final String? genre;
  final String? comment;
  final int? sampleRate;
  final int? bitrate;
  final int? channels;
  final int? length;
  final String? lyrics;
  final Uint8List? albumCover;

Features #

Format support #

Format Tag Type Read Write
mp3 Id3v2 ✔️
flac Vorbis comment
ape APEv2
wma ASF
dsd/dsf Id3v2
wav RIFF

Tag support #

  • ✅ Title
  • ✅ Artist
  • ✅ Album
  • ✅ Album artist
  • ✅ Track number
  • ✅ Album track number
  • ✅ Year
  • ✅ Genre
  • ✅ Comment
  • ✅ Sample rate
  • ✅ Bitrate
  • ✅ Channels
  • ✅ Duration
  • ✅ Lyrics
  • ✅ Album cover image
    • ❌ Multiple images with type
  • ❌ Custom tags

Deploy #

  • ✅ Auto bundle on Windows/Linux.
    • Add taglib_ffi to pubspec.yaml then *.so/*.dlls are automatically bundled with your app.
  • ✅ Manually build and bundle on Android.
  • ❌ Auto bundle on Android.

Build from source #

All #

All platforms should generate the binding dart code first.

dart pub get
dart run ffigen --config ffigen.yaml
  • Set llvm directory in ffigen.yaml if llvm is not found on Windows.
    # For Windows:
    # llvm-path:
    #   - 'D:\PATH\TO\LLVM'
  • Run the following command if system header is not found on Linux.
    • export CPATH="$(clang -v 2>&1 | grep "Selected GCC installation" | rev | cut -d' ' -f1 | rev)/include"
    • See dart-lang issue

Android #

# Export env, NDK is required.
export ANDROID_HOME=/path/to/Android/SDK

# Build *.so and save somewhere.
./scripts/build_android.sh /path/to/save/built/libs

After running build_android.sh, all *.so are saved in:

├── arm64-v8a
│   ├── libtaglib_ffi.so
│   └── libtag.so
├── armeabi-v7a
│   ├── libtaglib_ffi.so
│   └── libtag.so
├── x86
│   ├── libtaglib_ffi.so
│   └── libtag.so
└── x86_64
    ├── libtaglib_ffi.so
    └── libtag.so

Copy the save directory to the app's android/src/main/jniLibs directory.

Linux #

# After add to pubspec.yaml
flutter build linux

Windows #

# After add to pubspec.yaml
flutter build windows
  • For Windows and Linux, just run flutter build windows or flutter build linux.
  • For Windows
  • For Linux, when failed to find header files, export the variable:


verified publisherkzs.moe

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Use TagLib to read and write audio metadata tags in dart/flutter.

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unknown (license)


ffi, isolate_pool_2, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on taglib_ffi_dart