table_plus 1.0.8 copy "table_plus: ^1.0.8" to clipboard
table_plus: ^1.0.8 copied to clipboard

The plugin supports the table search and export option to export CSV files.

table_plus #

Plugin supports for table search, CSV export functionality.

Getting Started #

This project is a starting point for a Flutter plug-in package, a specialized package that includes platform-specific implementation code for Android, iOS and Web.

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

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This Plugins is to solve some use case problems

  1. Problem: Default data table with no search​: In default data table, it only contains the ascending and descending sort, and we need to implement search functionality separately. ​

Even if implemented, it won't be column wise, so to overcome this problem,​ we have created a plugin called Table Plus​

It gives you a column wise search functionality, with user customizable search controller.​

  1. Problem: Export Option Availability​ Currently availed data table and other data tables plugin are not comes with export functionality. ​

So, to overcome this problem, we have added the export functionality in the same plugin.​

This export functionality will generate .csv file with current data value in the table.​

Detail about package: Table plus Plugin will provide search implementation with user customizable search controller.​

In addition to search functionality, we providing export option to export your table as csv extension file.​

This plugin gives you the search of each and every individuals column, with bool variable "isSearchEnable".​

This search will map with every column.​

It give the Row wise search results.​

We can enable/disable the search bar in UI itself.​

We have Export option to export the table into excel format.​

These features are currently available in three platform ANDROID, iOS, WEB.​



MicrosoftTeams-image (1)


MicrosoftTeams-image (2)



Web with Search Functionality

MicrosoftTeams-image (3)



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Weekly Downloads

2024.08.20 - 2025.03.04

The plugin supports the table search and export option to export CSV files.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)


csv, device_info, flutter, flutter_web_plugins, image_gallery_saver, path_provider, permission_handler, universal_html


Packages that depend on table_plus