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outdatedDart 1 only

Lock mechanism to prevent concurrent access to asynchronous code

synchronized #

Build Status

Basic lock mechanism to prevent concurrent access to asynchronous code

Goal #

You were missing hard to debug deadlocks, here it is!

The goal is to propose a solution similar to critical sections and offer a simple synchronized API à la Java style. It provides a basic Lock/Mutex solution to allow features like transactions.

The name is biased as we are single threaded in Dart. However since we write asychronous code (await) like we would write synchronous code, it makes the overall API feel the same.

The goal is to ensure for a single process (single isolate) that some asynchronous operations can run without conflict. It won't solve cross-process (or cross-isolate) synchronization.

For single process (single isolate) accessing some resources (database..), it can help to

  • Provide transaction on database system that don't have transaction mechanism (mongodbn, file system)
  • In html application make sure some asynchronous UI operation are not conflicting (login, transition)

Feature #

  • Synchronized block are reentrant
  • Timeout support
  • Support for non-reentrant lock (not using Zone)
  • Consistent behavior (i.e. if it is unlocked calling synchronized grab the lock)
  • Values and Errors are properly reported to the caller
  • Work on Browser and DartVM
  • No dependencies (other than the sdk itself)

It differs from the pool package used with a resource count of 1 by being reentrant

Usage #

A simple usage example:

import 'package:synchronized/synchronized.dart';

main() {
  var lock = new Object();
  synchronized(lock, () async {
    // Only this block can run (once) until done 

Any object can become a locker, so in a class method you can use

synchronized(this, () async {
  // do some stuff

A SynchronizedLock object has a locked helper method, it is reentrant and uses Zone

var lock = new SynchronizedLock();
lock.synchronized(() async {
  // do some stuff
  // ... 

A basic lock is not reentrant by default and does not use Zone. It behaves like an async executor with a pool capacity of 1

var lock = Lock();
lock.synchronized(() async {
  // do some stuff
  // ...

The return value is preserved

int value = await lock.synchronized(() {
  return 1;

How it works #

SynchronizedLock uses Zone to know in which context a block is running in order to be reentrant. Locks maintain a list of active locks and tasks to run them consecutively

Example #

Consider the following dummy code

Future writeSlow(int value) async {
  new Future.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds: 1));

Future write(List<int> values) async {
  for (int value in values) {
    await writeSlow(value);

Future write1234() async {
  await write([1, 2, 3, 4]);



would print


while doing


would print


Features and bugs #

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Lock mechanism to prevent concurrent access to asynchronous code

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Packages that depend on synchronized