syncfusion_flutter_sliders 18.4.39-beta copy "syncfusion_flutter_sliders: ^18.4.39-beta" to clipboard
syncfusion_flutter_sliders: ^18.4.39-beta copied to clipboard


Syncfusion Flutter Sliders library is written natively in Dart for creating highly interactive and UI-rich slider controls for filtering purposes.

[18.4.30-beta] - 12/17/2020 #

Slider #

Breaking changes #

  • The showTooltip property has been changed into enableTooltip property.

Range Slider #

Breaking changes #

  • The showTooltip property has been changed into enableTooltip property.

Range Selector #

Breaking changes #

  • The showTooltip property has been changed into enableTooltip property.

[18.3.35-beta] - 10/01/2020 #

Slider #

Features #

  • Material design improvements - The following UI improvements have been made based on the latest Material design guidelines:

    • Difference in active and inactive track height.
    • Shadow support for the thumbs.
    • Changes in default divider radius.

Range Slider #

Features #

  • Material design improvements - The following UI improvements have been made based on the latest Material design guidelines:

    • Difference in default active and inactive track height.
    • Shadow support for the thumbs.
    • Overlapping stroke for thumb and tooltip.
    • Changes in default divider radius.

Range Selector #

Features #

  • Material design improvements - The following UI improvements have been made based on the latest Material design guidelines:

    • Difference in default active and inactive track height.
    • Shadow support for the thumbs.
    • Overlapping stroke for thumb and tooltip.
    • Changes in default divider radius.

[18.2.59-beta] - 09/23/2020 #

No changes.

[18.2.57-beta] - 09/08/2020 #

No changes.

[18.2.56-beta] - 09/01/2020 #

No changes.

[18.2.55-beta] - 08/25/2020 #

No changes.

[18.2.54-beta] - 08/18/2020 #

No changes.

[18.2.48-beta] - 08/04/2020 #

No changes.

[18.2.47-beta] - 07/28/2020 #

No changes.

[18.2.46-beta] - 07/21/2020 #

No changes.

[18.2.45-beta] - 07/14/2020 #

No changes.

[18.2.44-beta] - 07/07/2020 #

Slider Preview #

The Flutter Slider is a lightweight widget that allows you to select a single value from a range of values.


  • Numeric and date support - Provides functionality for selecting numeric and date values. For date, support is provided up to the seconds interval.
  • Labels - Render labels for date and numeric values with the option to customize their formats based on your requirements.
  • Ticks and divisors - Provides the option to show ticks and divisors based on the slider interval. Also, minor ticks can be enabled to indicate the values between each interval. These options present the selected value in a more intuitive way for end users.
  • Thumb icon support - Accepts custom widgets like icon or text inside the thumb.
  • Tooltip - Render a tooltip to show the selected value clearly. You can also customize the format of the text shown in the tooltip. Paddle and rectangular shape tooltips are supported.
  • Highly customizable - In addition to the rich set of built-in features, the control is fully customizable through its wide range options.

Range Slider #


  • Discrete selection - Provides an option for selecting only discrete numeric and date values.
  • Interval selection - Allows users to select a particular interval by tapping or clicking in it. Both thumbs will be moved to the current interval with smooth animation.
  • Thumb icon support - Accepts custom widgets like icon or text inside the left and right thumbs.
  • Paddle tooltip - Paddle shape tooltip support has been provided.
  • Support has been provided to customize the radius of the active and inactive divisor using the activeDivisorRadius and inactiveDivisorRadius properties respectively in the SfRangeSliderThemeData.
  • Support has been provided to customize the stroke width of the active and inactive divisor using the activeDivisorStrokeWidth and inactiveDivisorStrokeWidth properties respectively in the SfRangeSliderThemeData.
  • Support has been provided to customize the stroke color of the active and inactive divisor using the activeDivisorStrokeColor and inactiveDivisorStrokeColor properties respectively in the SfRangeSliderThemeData.
  • Support has been provided to customize the thumb stroke using the thumbStrokeWidth property in the SfRangeSliderThemeData.
  • Support has been provided to customize the stroke color of the thumb using the thumbStrokeColor property in the SfRangeSliderThemeData.

Breaking changes

  • The trackHeight property has been split into the activeTrackHeight and inactiveTrackHeight properties in the SfRangeSliderThemeData.

  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the getPreferredRect method of SfTrackShape:

    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named isActive, which is used to denote whether currently, the active or inactive track is being drawn.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the paint method of SfTrackShape:

    • Modified the argument animation to enableAnimation.
    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValues that holds the current thumb values for SfRangeSlider.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValue that holds the current thumb value for SfSlider.
    • Added new arguments named as activePaint and inactivePaint for customizing the track.
    • Added a new argument named thumbCenter that holds the current thumb pixel position of SfSlider.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the getPreferredRect method of SfThumbShape:

    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the paint method of SfThumbShape:

    • Modified the argument animation to enableAnimation.
    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named as child which is used to add an icon to the surface of the thumb.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValues that holds the current thumb values for SfRangeSlider.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValue that holds the current thumb value for SfSlider.
    • Added a new argument named as paint for customizing the thumb.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the getPreferredRect method of SfDivisorShape:

    • Added a new argument named isActive, which is used to find whether active or inactive divisor is being drawn.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the paint method of SfDivisorShape:

    • Modified the argument animation to enableAnimation.
    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValues that holds the current thumb values for SfRangeSlider.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValue that holds the current thumb value for SfSlider.
    • Added a new argument named paint for customizing the divisor.
    • Added a new argument named thumbCenter that holds the current thumb pixel position of SfSlider.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the getPreferredRect method of SfOverlayShape:

    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the paint method of SfOverlayShape:

    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValues that holds the current thumb values for SfRangeSlider.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValue that holds the current thumb value for SfSlider.
    • Added a new argument named as paint for customizing the thumb overlay.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the getPreferredRect method of SfTickShape:

    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the paint method of SfTickShape:

    • Modified the argument animation to enableAnimation.
    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValues that holds the current thumb values for SfRangeSlider.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValue that holds the current thumb value for SfSlider.
    • Added a new argument named thumbCenter that holds the current thumb pixel position of SfSlider.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.

Range Selector Preview #


  • #I275668 - Now, the support has been provided to change the range by dragging in the area between start and end thumbs and restrict the individual thumb dragging by setting the dragMode property to SliderDragMode.betweenThumbs.
  • Deferred update - Provides an option to defer range updates, allowing you to control when dependent components are updated while thumbs are being dragged continuously.
  • Discrete selection - Provides an option for selecting only discrete numeric and date values.
  • Thumb icon support - Accepts custom widgets like icon or text inside the left and right thumbs.
  • Paddle tooltip - Paddle shape tooltip support has been provided.
  • Interval selection - Allows selecting a particular interval by tapping or clicking in it. Both the thumbs will be moved to the current interval with animation.
  • Support has been provided to customize the radius of the active and inactive divisor using the activeDivisorRadius and inactiveDivisorRadius properties respectively in the SfRangeSelectorThemeData.
  • Support has been provided to customize the stroke width of the active and inactive divisor using the activeDivisorStrokeWidth and inactiveDivisorStrokeWidth properties respectively in the SfRangeSelectorThemeData.
  • Support has been provided to customize the stroke color of the active and inactive divisor using the activeDivisorStrokeColor and inactiveDivisorStrokeColor properties respectively in the SfRangeSelectorThemeData.
  • Support has been provided to customize the thumb stroke using the thumbStrokeWidth property in the SfRangeSelectorThemeData.
  • Support has been provided to customize the stroke color of the thumb using the thumbStrokeColor property in the SfRangeSelectorThemeData.

Breaking changes

  • The trackHeight property has been split into the activeTrackHeight and inactiveTrackHeight properties in SfRangeSelectorThemeData.

  • The SfRangeSliderThemeData has been changed to SfRangeSelectorThemeData in SfRangeSelector.

  • The lockRange property has been removed and the same behavior can be achieved by setting the dragMode property to SliderDragMode.both.

  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the getPreferredRect method of SfTrackShape:

    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named isActive, which is used to denote whether currently, the active or inactive track is being drawn.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the paint method of SfTrackShape:

    • Modified the argument animation to enableAnimation.
    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValues that holds the current thumb values for SfRangeSelector.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValue that holds the current thumb value for SfSlider.
    • Added new arguments named as activePaint and inactivePaint for customizing the track.
    • Added a new argument named thumbCenter that holds the current thumb pixel position of SfSlider.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the getPreferredRect method of SfThumbShape:

    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the paint method of SfThumbShape:

    • Modified the argument animation to enableAnimation.
    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named as child which is used to add an icon to the surface of the thumb.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValues that holds the current thumb values for SfRangeSelector.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValue that holds the current thumb value for SfSlider.
    • Added a new argument named as paint for customizing the thumb.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the getPreferredRect method of SfDivisorShape:

    • Added a new argument named isActive, which is used to find whether active or inactive divisor is being drawn.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the paint method of SfDivisorShape:

    • Modified the argument animation to enableAnimation.
    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValues that holds the current thumb values for SfRangeSelector.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValue that holds the current thumb value for SfSlider.
    • Added a new argument named paint for customizing the divisor.
    • Added a new argument named thumbCenter that holds the current thumb pixel position of SfSlider.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the getPreferredRect method of SfOverlayShape:

    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the paint method of SfOverlayShape:

    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValues that holds the current thumb values for SfRangeSelector.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValue that holds the current thumb value for SfSlider.
    • Added a new argument named as paint for customizing the thumb overlay.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the getPreferredRect method of SfTickShape:

    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the paint method of SfTickShape:

    • Modified the argument animation to enableAnimation.
    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValues that holds the current thumb values for SfRangeSelector.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValue that holds the current thumb value for SfSlider.
    • Added a new argument named thumbCenter that holds the current thumb pixel position of SfSlider.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.

[18.1.48-beta] - 05/05/2020 #

No changes.

[18.1.46-beta] - 04/28/2020 #

No changes.

[18.1.45-beta] - 04/21/2020 #

No changes.

[18.1.44-beta] - 04/14/2020 #

No changes.

[18.1.43-beta] - 04/07/2020 #

No changes.

[18.1.42-beta] - 04/01/2020 #

No changes.

[18.1.36-beta] - 03/19/2020 #

Initial release.


Includes the Range Slider and Range Selector widgets with these features:

  • Numeric and date values
  • Labels
  • Ticks
  • Divisors
  • Tooltip
  • Child (Range Selector only)



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Syncfusion Flutter Sliders library is written natively in Dart for creating highly interactive and UI-rich slider controls for filtering purposes.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


flutter, intl, syncfusion_flutter_core


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