syncfusion_flutter_maps 19.4.55-beta copy "syncfusion_flutter_maps: ^19.4.55-beta" to clipboard
syncfusion_flutter_maps: ^19.4.55-beta copied to clipboard


A Flutter Maps library for creating beautiful, interactive, and customizable maps from shape files or WMTS services to visualize the geographical area.

[19.4.55-beta] - 03/08/2022 #


  • Legend pointer - Provided an option to show a pointer on the solid bar legend while hover over the shape or bubble.

[19.3.43-beta] - 09/30/2021 #


  • Vector line stroke cap - Provides a stroke cap option to customize the map vector lines and polylines.
  • Marker alignment - Marker can be aligned in various alignment positions based on its coordinate point.
  • Custom bounds - Provides an option to specify the visual limits for viewing a specific region in Maps.


  • Support has been provided to increase or decrease the duration of the tooltip visibility. The duration will be measured in seconds.
  • Improved the hover color of the shapes, bubbles, and vector layer shapes.

[19.2.44-beta] - 06/29/2021 #

Features #

  • #I323663, I318077 - Provided multiple tile layer support in the Maps.
  • Legend pointer - Show a pointer at the top of the gradient legend while hovering.

[19.1.54-beta] - 03/30/2021 #


  • Inverted circle.
  • Inverted polygon.
  • Legend title.
  • Double tap zooming.

Breaking changes

  • The title property has been removed from SfMaps.

[18.4.30-beta] - 12/17/2020 #


  • Shape sublayer support.
  • Load JSON from different sources.
  • Tooltip for markers.
  • Bar legend with gradient support.
  • Vector shapes.
  • Animation improvements while zooming and panning.
  • Diagnostics support.

Breaking changes

  • The palette property has been removed from MapShapeLayer.

  • The enableShapeTooltip property has been removed and the tooltip can be enabled by setting the shapeTooltipBuilder property.

  • The shapeTooltipTextMapper property has been removed and the same behavior can be achieved by returning a custom widget from the shapeTooltipBuilder property.

  • The showBubbles property has been removed and the same behavior can be achieved by setting the bubbleSizeMapper property.

  • The enableBubbleTooltip property has been removed and the tooltip can be enabled by setting the bubbleTooltipBuilder property.

  • The bubbleTooltipTextMapper property has been removed and the same behavior can be achieved by returning a custom widget from the bubbleTooltipBuilder property.

  • The enableSelection property has been removed and the same behavior can be achieved by setting the onSelectionChanged property.

  • The initialSelectedIndex property has been changed to selectedIndex. To observe the changes in the UI, the user must call setState().

  • The delegate property has been changed to source property and the type of the delegate property MapShapeLayerDelegate has been changed into MapShapeSource with named constructors such as MapShapeSource.asset,, and MapShapeSource.memory to load json data from various sources.

  • The legendSettings property has been renamed as legend and the MapLegendSettings has been renamed as the MapLegend.

  • The legendSource property has been renamed as source and is now moved to the MapLegend.

  • The MapLegend.none enum has been removed and the same behavior can be achieved by setting the legend property as null.

  • The showIcon property has been removed and the same behavior can be achieved by setting iconSize property of the MapLegend class as Size.empty.

  • The opacity property has been removed from MapBubbleSettings and MapSelectionSettings classes and the same behavior can be achieved by setting opacity value in color property of the MapBubbleSettings and MapSelectionSettings.

  • The MapIconType.square enum has been changed to MapIconType.rectangle.

  • The MapLabelOverflowMode has been renamed as the MapLabelOverflow. The MapLabelOverflowMode.trim and MapLabelOverflowMode.none enum values have been renamed to MapLabelOverflow.ellipsis and MapLabelOverflow.visible respectively. The MapLabelOverflow enum values are visible, ellipsis, and hide.

  • The textStyle and tooltipTextStyle property has been removed from MapTooltipSettings and SfMapsThemeData classes respectively since the built-in tooltip shape is removed.

[18.3.35-beta] - 10/01/2020 #


  • Tile layer
  • Zooming and panning in both layers
  • Custom widget for tooltips
  • Legend for bubbles
  • Improvement in interaction animations and web platform hovering

Breaking changes

  • The showLegend property has been removed and the same behavior can be achieved by setting the legendSource property to MapElement.none.
  • The toggledShapeColor has been changed to toggledItemColor in SfMapsThemeData and MapLegendSettings.
  • The toggledShapeStrokeColor has been changed to toggledItemStrokeColor in SfMapsThemeData and MapLegendSettings.
  • The toggledShapeStrokeWidth has been changed to toggledItemStrokeWidth in SfMapsThemeData and MapLegendSettings.
  • The toggledShapeOpacity has been changed to toggledItemOpacity in MapLegendSettings.

[18.2.59-beta] - 09/23/2020 #

No changes.

[18.2.57-beta] - 09/08/2020 #

No changes.

[18.2.56-beta] - 09/01/2020 #

No changes.

[18.2.55-beta] - 08/25/2020 #

No changes.

[18.2.54-beta] - 08/18/2020 #

No changes.

[18.2.48-beta] - 08/04/2020 #

No changes.

[18.2.47-beta] - 07/28/2020 #

No changes.

[18.2.46-beta] - 07/21/2020 #

No changes.

[18.2.45-beta] - 07/14/2020 #

No changes.

[18.2.44-beta] - 07/07/2020 #

Initial release.


Includes the maps widget with these features:

  • Data labels
  • Markers
  • Bubbles
  • Shape selection
  • Legend
  • Colors
  • Tooltip



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A Flutter Maps library for creating beautiful, interactive, and customizable maps from shape files or WMTS services to visualize the geographical area.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


flutter, http, syncfusion_flutter_core, vector_math


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