super_paging 0.2.0 copy "super_paging: ^0.2.0" to clipboard
super_paging: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard

Add pagination or load more or infinite scrolling functionality to your flutter list view with ease.

Super Paging #

Open Source Love License Dart CI Version

Simplify Flutter pagination with Super Paging — A super package providing efficient data management, in-memory caching, configurable widgets and built-in error handling for a seamless pagination experience.

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An animated image of the SuperPaging

Features #

  • In-memory Caching: Intelligently caches frequently accessed data, minimizing network requests and significantly improving performance.
  • Configurable Widgets: Customize the look and feel of your pagination with a variety of built-in widgets, like PagingListView and BidirectionalPagingListView.
  • Error Handling: Gracefully handles potential errors during data loading and retrieval, ensuring a smooth user experience even in unexpected situations.
  • Flexible Configuration: Tailor Pager's behavior to your specific needs by adjusting parameters like initial keys, page sizes, and caching strategies.
  • Extensive Documentation: Clear and comprehensive documentation, making it easy for developers of all levels to understand and implement effectively.

Installation #

Add the following to your pubspec.yaml and replace [version] with the latest version:

  super_paging: ^[version]
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Usage #

To get started, import the package:

import 'package:super_paging/super_paging.dart';
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Create a PagingSource:

class RickAndMortySource extends PagingSource<int, Character> {
  final RickAndMortyApi api;

  RickAndMortySource({required this.api});

  Future<LoadResult<int, Character>> load(PagingConfig<int> config, int key) async {
    try {
      final characters = await api.getCharacters(page: key);
      return key + 1, items: characters);
    } catch (e) {
      return LoadResult.error(e);
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Create a Pager Instance:

final pager = Pager(
  initialKey: 1,
  config: const PagingConfig(pageSize: 20, initialLoadSize: 60),
  pagingSourceFactory: () => RickAndMortySource(api: RickAndMortyApi()),
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Integrate with UI:

  pager: pager,
  itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
    final item = pager.items.elementAt(index);
    return ListTile(
      title: Text(,
      subtitle: Text(item.species),
      trailing: Text('# ${}'),
      leading: CircleAvatar(backgroundImage: NetworkImage(item.image)),
  emptyBuilder: (BuildContext context) {
    return const Center(
      child: Text('No characters found'),
  errorBuilder: (BuildContext context, Object? error) {
    return Center(child: Text('$error'));
  loadingBuilder: (BuildContext context) {
    return const Center(
      child: CircularProgressIndicator.adaptive(),
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Handle Refresh and Retry:

// Refresh the data
await pager.refresh();

// Retry failed loads
await pager.retry();
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Dispose Resources:

void dispose() {
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Customization #

Pager #

  // Defines the initial key to use for the first load.
  // By default, the initial key is null.
  initialKey: null,

  // Configuration for pagination behavior.
  config: PagingConfig(
    // Defines the number of items to load in a single page.
    pageSize: 20,
    // Defines the number of items to load in the first page.
    // By default, the initial load size is 3 times the page size.
    initialLoadSize: 60,
    // Defines how far from the edge of loaded content an access
    // must be to trigger further loading.
    // By default, the pager will start loading when the user scrolls
    // within 3 items of the end of the loaded content.
    // If set to null, the pager will not start loading more content until
    // they are specifically requested by the user.
    prefetchIndex: 3,
    // @Experimental
    // Defines the maximum number of items to keep in memory before
    // pages should be dropped.
    // If set to null (Default), pages will never be dropped.
    maxSize: null,
  // Defines the initial state to use for the first load.
  // By default, [PagingState.initial()] state is used.
  initialState: PagingState.initial(),

  // Defines the source from which to load the paginated data.
  pagingSourceFactory: () => MyPagingSource(),
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PagingListView #

PagingListView<int, String>(
  // Defines the pager to use for loading data.
  pager: myPager,

  // Defines the builder that is called to build items in the ListView.
  // The builder is called once for each item in the list.
  itemBuilder: (context, index) {
    final item = myPager.valueList.elementAt(index);
    return ListTile(
      title: Text(item),

  // Defines the builder that is called to build the empty state of the list.
  emptyBuilder: (context) {
    return const Center(
      child: Text('No items found'),

  // Defines the builder that is called to build the error state of the list.
  // [error] is the error that caused the state to be built.
  errorBuilder: (context, error) {
    return Center(child: Text('Error: $error'));

  // Defines the builder that is called to build the loading state of the list.
  loadingBuilder: (context) {
    return const Center(
      child: CircularProgressIndicator.adaptive(),

  // Defines the builder that is called to build the prepend state of the list.
  // [state] is the current state of the pager and [pager] is the pager instance.
  // Optional. If not provided, the list will show the default prepend loading state.
  prependStateBuilder: (context, state, pager) {
    // Return a widget based on the state. For example, a button to load the previous page.
    // Use the [pager] instance to call [pager.load()] or [pager.retry] based on the state.

  // Defines the builder that is called to build the append state of the list.
  // [state] is the current state of the pager and [pager] is the pager instance.
  // Optional. If not provided, the list will show the default append loading state.
  appendStateBuilder: (context, state, pager) {
    // Return a widget based on the state. For example, a button to load the next page.
    // Use the [pager] instance to call [pager.load()] or [pager.retry] based on the state.
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License #

MIT License




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2024.09.11 - 2025.03.26

Add pagination or load more or infinite scrolling functionality to your flutter list view with ease.

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#pagination #infinite-scroll #load-more #paging3 #endless-scroll


API reference


MIT (license)


cancellation_token, collection, flutter, freezed_annotation, logging


Packages that depend on super_paging