super_material 0.0.3 copy "super_material: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
super_material: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard

Allows easy switching between multiple designs at runtime. Material and cupertino are currently supported.

super_material provides component wrappers and useful interfaces to convert existing flutter applications into applications that can switch the design at runtime.

This means your app can display different designs from a single code base.

drawing drawing

Supported components #

Widgets #

The package supports basic widgets like MaterialApp, Scaffold, AppBar, ElevatedButton, TextField, ListTile.

Functions #

Also functions are supported: e.g. showDialog

Provided interfaces: #

Standard #

  • super_material: Provides the super material component wrappers. Able to change design at runtime.
  • material_only: Same as super_material, but enforces material design. (Unofficial)
  • cupertino_only: Same as super_material, but enforces cupertino design. (Unofficial)

Overlay #

  • super_material_overlay: Provides the super material components, but with same name as the real material components. Able to change design at runtime.
  • material_only_overlay: Same as super_material_overlay, but enforces material design. (Unofficial)
  • cupertino_only_overlay: Same as super_material_overlay, but enforces cupertino design. (Unofficial)

Unofficial: Not provided as official interface. Located at 'package:super_material/src/api/'

Getting started #

  • Add package to your application
  • Modify runApp and your main app class, to enable the (runtime) design switch feature.
  • Replace material imports with super_material imports
  • Replace components/functions (Non-overlay only)

Usage #

Standard interface #

import 'package:super_material/super_material.dart';

void main() {
  runSuperMaterialApp(ExampleApp.getApp, const SuperController());

class ExampleApp extends SuperApp {
  ExampleApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  static ExampleApp getApp() => ExampleApp();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) => SuperMaterialApp(
    theme: SuperMaterialThemeData(),
    home: const MainPage(),

Overlay interface #

import 'package:super_material/super_material_overlay.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(ExampleApp.getApp, const SuperController());

class ExampleApp extends SuperApp {
  ExampleApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  static ExampleApp getApp() => ExampleApp();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) => MaterialApp(
    theme: ThemeData(),
    home: const MainPage(),

!!! Important note !!! #

Use devMode during app development. This ensures that the hot reload feature works. Otherwise hot reload will restart your app all the time.

class ExampleApp extends SuperApp {
  ExampleApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key, devMode: true);


Design #

With SuperInstance.restartApp, the design gets switched. This leads to a complete new build trigger of the whole app widget.

Switch action

title: const Text('Switch to material'),
subtitle: const Text('Tap to switch ...'),
onTap: () => SuperInstance.restartApp(SuperMaterialMode.material),
title: const Text('Switch to cupertino'),
subtitle: const Text('Tap to switch ...'),
onTap: () =>

Default design

The SuperController can take a parameter to specify the default design.

void main() {
  runApp(ExampleApp.getApp, const SuperController(SuperMaterialMode.cupertino));

Additional information #

Currently just a few widgets and functions are implemented. Please request needed widgets/parameters/function by creating an issue on GitHub.

Or feel free to extend the components by yourself and create a pull request.

Extending the package #

  • Adjust the code_generation/configuration.dart file
  • Run code_generation/main.dart script
  • Implement component at implementation/... folder

Detailed information on how to extending the package coming soon ...

Tasks and future goals #

  • Add more widgets, functions and their parameters
  • Add more designs (Including a desktop like design)
  • More focus on usability
  • More focus on performance


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Allows easy switching between multiple designs at runtime. Material and cupertino are currently supported.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)




Packages that depend on super_material