sunny_macos_ui 0.12.3-dev.0 copy "sunny_macos_ui: ^0.12.3-dev.0" to clipboard
sunny_macos_ui: ^0.12.3-dev.0 copied to clipboard


Flutter widgets and themes implementing the current macOS design language.

0.12.3-dev.0 #

  • FIX: Sidebar and ResizablePane more closely track native MacOS behavior (#178).
  • FIX: fix bug where cursor would not change caret location on mouse click (#159).
  • FEAT: bumping version.
  • FEAT: added padding property to IconButton (#185).
  • FEAT: 0.9.0 - native context menus! (#162).
  • FEAT: 0.8.1.
  • FEAT: add radio buttons to example.

[0.12.2+2] #

  • Added padding property to MacosIconButton and MacosIconButtonTheme.

[0.12.2+1] #

  • Adds missing merge methods to MacosThemeData and widget ThemeData classes, making it possible to use them properly with any number of user-provided custom properties.

[0.12.2] #

  • Fixes MacosThemeData to properly apply user-defined pushButtonTheme, helpButtonTheme, and tooltipTheme properties.

[0.12.1] #

  • Sidebar and ResizablePane more precisely track cursor location
  • Sidebar can now be closed by dragging below its minWidth
  • Sidebar can now be configured to snap into place when dragged near its startWidth

[0.12.0+1] #

  • Reverts bundling the native_context_menu plugin per #179

[0.12.0] #

  • New Widget: MacosPopupButton

[0.10.2] #

  • Updates to MacosIconButton and MacosBackButton:
    • Added a hover effect when mouse moves over the buttons (#168)
    • Added hoverColor property.
    • Default shape is now BoxShape.rectangle with border radius, as it seems to be the most used in macOS design.

[0.10.1] #

  • Added support for transparent sidebar. Please note that changes to MainFlutterWindow.swift are required for this to work. (#175)

[0.10.0+1] #

  • Update native_context_menu dependency

[0.10.0] #

  • New widget - MacosIcon! MacosIcon is identical to regular icons, with the exception that it respects a MacosTheme. Also includes corresponding theme classes
  • MacosThemeData now sets a global, configurable iconTheme for MacosIcons

[0.9.3] #

  • Update to PushButton:
    • Added isSecondary property

[0.9.2] #

  • Nearly all MouseRegions have been updated to use SystemMouseCursors.basic in order to more closely adhere to Apple norms
  • mouseCursor properties have been added to most buttons

[0.9.1] #

  • Added top-level theming for MacosIconButton
    • Introduces the MacosIconButtonTheme InheritedTheme and the MacosIconButtonThemeData theme class
  • Updates MacosThemeData and MacosIconButton to use the new MacosIconButtonThemeData
  • Removes an unnecessary setting of VisualDensity from MacosThemeData.dark()

[0.9.0] #

[0.8.2] #

  • Updates to MacosListTile:
    • Added leadingWhitespace property
    • Added onClick callback
    • Added onLongPress callback
    • Added mouseCursor property

[0.8.1] #

  • Fix the outer border of MacosSheet not having a border radius

[0.8.0] #

  • New Widget: MacoSheet
  • New Widget: MacosListTile

[0.7.3] #

  • Fixed bug where cursor would not change caret location on mouse click

[0.7.2] #

  • Upgraded various copyWith functions
  • Added == and hashCode to various classes

[0.7.1] #

  • Add generics support to MacosRadioButton - Thank you Sacha Arbonel!

[0.7.0+2] #

  • Add note in docs that a Builder is required for manual sidebar toggling to work.

[0.7.0+1] #

  • Fix docs for PushButtonThemeData
  • Update dart_code_metrics dependency

[0.7.0] #

  • Adds: MacosWindow
  • Improved MacosScaffold

[0.6.2] #

  • Chore: Remove box shadows from MacosIconButton

[0.6.1] #

  • Fix builder property in MacosApp never being used (#148)

[0.6.0] #

  • Improved MacosAlertDialog design
  • Added showMacosAlertDialog to display a MacosAlertDialog with standard macOS animations and behaviour.

[0.5.2] #

  • Fixes maximum height issue with MacosAlertDialog

[0.5.1] #

  • Adds suppress widget parameter to MacosAlertDialog

[0.5.0] #

  • Adds MacosAlertDialog

[0.4.2] #

  • Add bottom Item to Sidebar

[0.4.1] #

  • Update MacosColors
  • Fix Label alignment

[0.4.0] #

  • Adds the SidebarItem widget
  • Fixes an alignment issue with MacosTextField

[0.3.0] #

  • Add MacosPrefix to widgets/classes with names that overlap with the material/cupertino libraries:
    • TextField -> MacosTextField
    • Scaffold -> MacosTextField
    • IconButton -> MacosIconButton
    • BackButton -> MacosBackButton
    • Scrollbar -> MacosScrollbar
    • Checkbox -> MacosCheckbox
    • RadioButton -> MacosRadioButton
    • Tooltip -> MacosTooltip
    • Typography -> MacosTypography
    • Switch -> MacosSwitch

[0.2.4] #

  • Fix textfield prefix icon alignment

[0.2.3] #

  • Add canvasColor to MacosThemeData. Scaffold now uses this as its default background color.

[0.2.2] #

  • Add new MacosColor and MacosColors classes
  • Rename colors.dart to macos_dynamic_color

[0.2.1] #

  • IconButton updates:
    • The color property is now backgroundColor
    • The widget now takes a Widget icon rather than IconData iconData for better control over widget properties
    • Deprecate and remove internal foregroundColor value

[0.2.0] #

  • New widget: BackButton, IconButton
  • Add VisualDensity to MacosThemeData
  • Ensure localizations get returned in MacosApp

[0.1.4] #

  • Add startWidth properties to ResizablePane and Sidebar
  • Implement Scrollbar
  • Implement MacosScrollBehavior

[0.1.3] #

  • Fix TextField on Flutter v2.2.0

[0.1.2] #

  • Updated the theme api
    • Properties in MacosThemeData and in Typography can't be null
    • Renamed DynamicColorX to MacosDynamicColor
    • Added the method lerp on all theme datas.

[0.1.1] #

  • Implemented Label (#61)
  • Capacity Indicator now works as expected (#49)
  • Clear button is now aligned to text (#82)

[0.1.0] #

  • release

[0.0.13] #

  • Documentation for ScaffoldScope

[0.0.12] #

  • Implement Tooltip
  • Add mouse cursors to help button, push button and TextField

[0.0.11] #

  • Implement TextField

[0.0.10] #

  • Revamp Scaffold #26

[0.0.9+1] #

  • CapacityIndicator colors can now be set on its constructor
  • Accessibility support for most of the widgets
  • Diagnostics Properties (dev tools) for most of the widgets

[0.0.9] #

  • Implemented HelpButton
  • Fixed #49

[0.0.7] #

  • Implemented Checkbox
  • Implemented RadioButton

[0.0.6] #

  • Update Typography with correct letter spacing and font weights
  • Add brightnessOf and maybeBrightnessOf functions to MacosTheme

[0.0.5] #

  • Adds the PushButton widget along with PushButtonTheme and PushButtonThemeData
  • Removes the height property from Typography's TextStyles
  • Updates Typography.headline's weight and letter spacing

[0.0.4] #

  • Major theme refactor that more closely resembles flutter/material and flutter/cupertino
    • The Style class is now MacosThemeData
    • MacosTheme is now a StatelessWidget that returns a private _InheritedMacosTheme. The static MacosTheme.of(context) is now defined here.
    • MacosApp now takes a theme and darkTheme rather than style and darkStyle. Additionally, there are minor changes to the way MacosApp is built that more closely resemble how MaterialApp is built.

[0.0.3] #

  • Implemented Checkbox
  • Implemented ProgressCircle and ProgressBar
  • Implemented the Switch widget

[0.0.2] #

  • Scaffold widget
  • Fix Typography so that text color is shown appropriately based on Brightness

[0.0.1] #

  • Project creation
    • MacosApp widget
    • Basic Typography
    • Basic theming via MacosTheme and Style
pub points


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Flutter widgets and themes implementing the current macOS design language.

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