sudoku 0.1.2 copy "sudoku: ^0.1.2" to clipboard
sudoku: ^0.1.2 copied to clipboard

Dart 1 only

A Sudoku solver for Dart

Sudoku Solver #

Port of Solving Every Sudoku Puzzle by Peter Norvig in Dart.

View above solutions side-by-side in Python, Dart, C#, Ruby, CoffeeScript.

Example #

From Command line:

./bin/sudoku.dart .....6....59.....82....8....45........3........6..3.54...325..6..................

As a Library:

import '../lib/sudoku.dart';



Board: .....6....59.....82....8....45........3........6..3.54...325..6..................

4 8 7 |2 5 6 |3 1 9 
6 5 9 |7 3 1 |4 2 8 
2 3 1 |4 9 8 |6 7 5 
9 4 5 |6 1 2 |7 8 3 
7 1 3 |5 8 4 |9 6 2 
8 2 6 |9 7 3 |1 5 4 
1 7 4 |3 2 5 |8 9 6 
3 9 2 |8 6 7 |5 4 1 
5 6 8 |1 4 9 |2 3 7 

solved: true, in 69ms

Installing via Pub #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  sudoku: 0.1.1

Benchmarks #

Results from running these stand-alone benchmarks on a new 2013 high-end 27" iMac on OSX after a clean re-start. Results are shown in Microseconds (�s):

Side-by-side Results Summary #

C# / .NET1.15x1x1.22x
C# / Mono3.29x2.84x3.44x

Dart #

localhost:benchmarks mythz$ dart --version
Dart VM version: (Mon Jun  3 13:17:06 2013) on "macos_ia32"

localhost:benchmarks mythz$ dart sudoku.dart 
grid1(RunTime): 3824.091778202677 us.
grid2(RunTime): 8171.428571428572 us.
top95(RunTime): 1160500.0 us.

C# / .NET 4.0 (in Paralells Windows 8 VM) #

C:\Users\mythz\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\Sudoku\Sudoku\bin\Release>Sudoku.exe
grid1(RunTime): 4402.1978021978 us.
grid2(RunTime): 7816.40625 us.
top95(RunTime): 1415500 us.

Python #

localhost:benchmarks mythz$ python --version
Python 2.7.2

localhost:benchmarks mythz$ python 
grid1(RunTime): 4581 us.
grid2(RunTime): 8302 us.
top95(RunTime): 1576500 us.

C# / Mono #

localhost:benchmarks mythz$ mono --version
Mono JIT compiler version 2.10.12 (mono-2-10/c9b270d Thu Mar  7 21:38:12 EST 2013)
Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Novell, Inc, Xamarin, Inc and Contributors.
    TLS:           normal
    SIGSEGV:       normal
    Notification:  kqueue
    Architecture:  x86
    Disabled:      none
    Misc:          softdebug 
    LLVM:          yes(2.9svn-mono)
    GC:            Included Boehm (with typed GC)

localhost:benchmarks mythz$ dmcs -optimize sudoku.cs 
localhost:benchmarks mythz$ mono --gc=sgen sudoku.exe 
grid1(RunTime): 12597.4842767296 us.
grid2(RunTime): 22164.8351648352 us.
top95(RunTime): 3991000 us.

CoffeeScript #

localhost:benchmarks mythz$ coffee -v
CoffeeScript version 1.6.3
localhost:benchmarks mythz$ node -v

localhost:benchmarks mythz$ coffee 
grid1(RunTime): 6893.470790378007 us.
grid2(RunTime): 120058.82352941176 us.
top95(RunTime): 4199000 us.

Ruby #

localhost:benchmarks mythz$ /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.0.0-p0/bin/ruby --version
ruby 2.0.0p0 (2013-02-24 revision 39474) [x86_64-darwin12.4.0]

localhost:benchmarks mythz$ /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.0.0-p0/bin/ruby sudoku.rb 
grid1(RunTime): 7189.8172043010745 us.
grid2(RunTime): 51023.675 us.
top95(RunTime): 132935387.99999997 us.

Benchmark Notes

Unlike many benchmarks these stand-alone ports weren't written with performance in mind. i.e They were designed to show a readable and expressive example of Peter Norvig's original Python solution available in each language. These benchmarks then only show the performace of each languages contained 'readable style'.

I added the benchmark harness used in each port, which was originally based on Dart's benchmark_harness that is currently being used to measure Dart's performance. i.e. There's a 100ms warmup, before running the specific benchmark for 2000ms, then returning the avg time for each iteration in Microseconds (�s). Whilst I aimed to keep the implementation of each benchmark harness as close as possible, if there is a more accurate / high-precision (stand-alone) method available please send in a pull-request and I'll update the results.

The 'Hard1' board benchmarks #

Peter Norvig's hard1 sample board was run in isolation since in most cases each took a lot longer than the 2s run rate being sampled above. In addition to the performace results varying significantly, most found different correct solutions to the same board (i.e. only Python / C# returned same board). The results however are deterministic, i.e. each run results in the same board being returned within the same time-frame.

Dart #

localhost:benchmarks mythz$ dart sudoku.dart 

hard1: .....6....59.....82....8....45........3........6..3.54...325..6..................
4 8 7 |2 5 6 |3 1 9 
6 5 9 |7 3 1 |4 2 8 
2 3 1 |4 9 8 |6 7 5 
9 4 5 |6 1 2 |7 8 3 
7 1 3 |5 8 4 |9 6 2 
8 2 6 |9 7 3 |1 5 4 
1 7 4 |3 2 5 |8 9 6 
3 9 2 |8 6 7 |5 4 1 
5 6 8 |1 4 9 |2 3 7 

solved: true, in 67ms

C# / .NET (in Paralells Windows 8 VM) #

C:\Users\mythz\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\Sudoku\Sudoku\bin\Release>Sudoku.exe
hard1: .....6....59.....82....8....45........3........6..3.54...325..6..................
4 3 8 |7 9 6 |2 1 5
6 5 9 |1 3 2 |4 7 8
2 7 1 |4 5 8 |6 9 3
8 4 5 |2 1 9 |3 6 7
7 1 3 |5 6 4 |8 2 9
9 2 6 |8 7 3 |1 5 4
1 9 4 |3 2 5 |7 8 6
3 6 2 |9 8 7 |5 4 1
5 8 7 |6 4 1 |9 3 2

solved: True, in 50079ms

Python #

localhost:benchmarks mythz$ python 

hard1: .....6....59.....82....8....45........3........6..3.54...325..6..................
4 3 8 |7 9 6 |2 1 5 
6 5 9 |1 3 2 |4 7 8 
2 7 1 |4 5 8 |6 9 3 
8 4 5 |2 1 9 |3 6 7 
7 1 3 |5 6 4 |8 2 9 
9 2 6 |8 7 3 |1 5 4 
1 9 4 |3 2 5 |7 8 6 
3 6 2 |9 8 7 |5 4 1 
5 8 7 |6 4 1 |9 3 2 

solved: True, in 80425.67 ms

C# / Mono #

localhost:benchmarks mythz$ dmcs -optimize sudoku.cs 
localhost:benchmarks mythz$ mono --gc=sgen sudoku.exe 
hard1: .....6....59.....82....8....45........3........6..3.54...325..6..................
4 3 8 |7 9 6 |2 1 5 
6 5 9 |1 3 2 |4 7 8 
2 7 1 |4 5 8 |6 9 3 
8 4 5 |2 1 9 |3 6 7 
7 1 3 |5 6 4 |8 2 9 
9 2 6 |8 7 3 |1 5 4 
1 9 4 |3 2 5 |7 8 6 
3 6 2 |9 8 7 |5 4 1 
5 8 7 |6 4 1 |9 3 2 

solved: True, in 149839ms

Ruby #

localhost:benchmarks mythz$ /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.0.0-p0/bin/ruby sudoku.rb 

hard1: .....6....59.....82....8....45........3........6..3.54...325..6..................
4 6 2 |8 7 9 |1 3 5 
3 5 7 |4 1 2 |9 6 8 
8 9 1 |5 3 6 |4 2 7 
7 1 4 |2 5 8 |3 9 6 
9 3 5 |1 6 7 |2 8 4 
6 2 8 |9 4 3 |5 7 1 
2 4 6 |3 8 1 |7 5 9 
1 7 9 |6 2 5 |8 4 3 
5 8 3 |7 9 4 |6 1 2 
solved: true, in 247882.09100000001ms

CoffeeScript #

Ran for over 1hr, but never finished. 

Contributors #

Contributions for more languages or to make the existing ports more idiomatic are welcome.

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A Sudoku solver for Dart

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