sucrose 0.0.3 sucrose: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard
A Bridge Payment Gateway for Xendit and any other payment gateway.
Sucrose #
A Bridge Payment Gateway for Xendit and any other payment gateway, but for now only Xendit available. Soon we'll add another payment gateway.
Installation #
flutter pub add sucrose
Getting Started #
Init Xendit
import 'package:sucrose/sucrose.dart';
final sucrose = Sucrose.initXendit(xenditApiKey:"YOUR_API_KEY");
Create QR Payment Request
final response = await sucrose.xendit.createQrPaymentRequest(
// Here you can input some value.
amount: 10000,
currency: XenditQRCurrency.IDR,
paymentMethod: XenditQRPaymentMethod(
reusability: XenditReusablePaymentMethod.ONE_TIME_USE,
qrCode: XenditQrCodeProps(
channelCode: XenditQRChannelCode.DANA,
description: "",
metadata: XenditMetadata(
metadata: {
"test": "test",
Create Invoice
final response = await sucrose.xendit.createInvoice(
externalId: "ref 13123213",
amount: 10000,
description: "your description goes here",
payerEmail: "",
items: [
name: "item 1",
price: 10000,
quantity: 1,
category: "meow",
url: "",
Feedback #
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at